South Africa
Film advertisement created by Ogilvy, South Africa for Lucozade, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.
Integrated advertisement created by FCB, South Africa for NetFlorist, within the categories: House, Garden, Retail Services.
South Africa is one of the highest consumers of alcohol in the world. The problem is complex and doesn't discriminate. It is widespread across our very diverse society, regardless of race, gender or economic standing. To raise awareness of what our client,, calls a 'silent crisis' we focussed on the way in which adults influence underage drinking in both subtle and overt ways.
Film advertisement created by Saatchi & Saatchi, South Africa for Armstrong, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.
Film advertisement created by Volcano, South Africa for Act II Popcorn, within the category: Confectionery, Snacks.
Film advertisement created by Ogilvy, South Africa for Castle Lite, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.
Asked to try normalise the gambling industry in South Africa in an attempt to make casinos more socially acceptable, we created this TV ad as part of our Mavericks of Chance campaign. Film advertisement created by Halo, South Africa for Montecasino, within the category: Gaming.
Audio advertisement created by Halo, South Africa for Virgin Atlantic, within the category: Transport.
Digital advertisement created by Retroactive, South Africa for Biogen, within the category: Pharmaceutical.
World of Birds, a bird and monkey sanctuary in Hout Bay, South Africa, relies completely on donations and money collected from entry fees to feed their animals. The objective was to get more people to visit World of Birds during the winter months - a traditionally quiet time for them. So, we came up with an idea that taps into the emotional side as to why people should visit the park - and what better way than to tell the truth: Without food, life fades. We brought this idea to life by creating posters and sidewalk art out of birdseed. The seed would eventually fall off the posters or be pecked up by birds from the sidewalk - showing just how life disappears when food supplies diminish. Ambient advertisement created by Fishgate, South Africa for World of Birds, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.
RocoMamas is putting the power of choice and flavour back into the hands of the people, by letting them vote for the next Leader in Taste of the Free World, in the first ever #ElectionBurger campaign. Integrated advertisement created by Retroviral, South Africa for RocoMamas, within the categories: Food, Hospitality, Tourism.
Every year in South Africa thousands of criminals escape conviction due to people disturbing crime scene evidence. The DNA Project set out to educate the public never to interfere with a crime scene. We created a 6x8m canvas out of small white stones. Onto this we spray painted the giant mugshot of a criminal. As people walked over the installation the criminal's identity became more and more unrecognisable. Ambient advertisement created by FoxP2, South Africa for DNA Project, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Film advertisement created by Retroviral, South Africa for Russell Hobbs, within the category: House, Garden.
Experiential advertisement created by FCB, South Africa for Cancer Association of South Africa, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Film advertisement created by FCB, South Africa for Vodacom, within the category: Electronics, Technology.
At the forefront of this new identity is a custom-designed symbol of liberation and unity: a flag inspired by all 54 African countries. This new flag represents the diversity of Africa’s LGBTQ+ME community – a rainbow flag that says you are accepted, you are welcome, and you are safe as it celebrates both communities and individuals without borders. Design advertisement created by Joe Public, South Africa for Johannesburg Pride, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Film advertisement created by King James, South Africa for Santam, within the category: Finance.
Film advertisement created by Hello World, South Africa for Beechies, within the category: Confectionery, Snacks.
Ambient advertisement created by King James, South Africa for, within the category: Transport.
Film advertisement created by FCB, South Africa for NetFlorist, within the category: Professional Services.