Film advertisement created by McCann, Chile for Nido, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.
4 chilean women die every day because of breast cancer, the easiest detectable cancer. The national institute of cancer turned this into a national cause with the help of the chilean women's team which realized a self- examination of cancer during the anthem. This is the kick off to a movement, where every time the national anthem plays and whit a simple gesture, chilean women can self-detect cancer on time and save their lives. Film advertisement created by DDB, Chile for Chilean National Cancer Institute, within the category: Health.
Film advertisement created by Ogilvy, Chile for Odis, within the category: Personal Accessories.
Housing deficit in Chile (including irreparable damaged houses, groups of families that live together and overcrowded urban centres and houses) affect 1,150,000 people who need a place to live. That means that today 6 in 100 chileans live in precarious conditions. This campaign looks forward to make visible an invisible issue in public agenda. Film advertisement created by Y&R, Chile for Fundación Vivienda, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
MRM//McCann in Chile has casted Bruce Willis Latin American stuntman to star a very engaging safety message created for Mutual de Seguridad CChC to be displayed in movie theaters. Film advertisement created by McCann, Chile for Mutual de Seguridad, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
The last call is the ability to record a message in life asking your family members to respect your decision to become an organ donor once you are no longer here. Experiential advertisement created by Raya, Chile for Corporación del trasplante, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Digital advertisement created by Y&R, Chile for El Ciudadano, within the category: Media.
DAf’s video for Diablo was created as part of the global launch of this new red blend from the Casillero del Diablo range. A stand-alone product, the visual language for Diablo needed to firmly situate the product outside Casillero del Diablo’s existing branding. To achieve this, the video invites younger wine consumers to a new world, in which rich sensory elements interplay with allusions of premium, underground experiences. Film advertisement created by DAf, Chile for Casillero del Diablo, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.
Ambient advertisement created by Oqo, Chile for LG, within the category: Electronics, Technology.
Peugeot always promotes the movement, so we show people another way to continue enjoying a Peugeot, with this ad recorded just with a video game experience. Film advertisement created by Havas, Chile for Peugeot, within the category: Automotive.
Direct advertisement created by Y&R, Chile for El Ciudadano, within the category: Media.
Ambient advertisement created by JJBarceló, Chile for Colun Light, within the category: Food.
We Launched Portable Gas creating Gasco Getaways. We selected the 4 best recipes from each extreme zone and made a gastronomic gastronomy with chef Mikel Zulueta. We take typical dishes in places where we have never tried, and we have managed to unite the country with the taste of its land. Experiential advertisement created by Global Interactive, Chile for Gasco, within the category: Industrial, Agriculture.
Ambient advertisement created by Y&R, Chile for Polla Chilena, within the category: Gaming.
Film advertisement created by Ogilvy, Chile for Odis, within the category: Personal Accessories.
Loto Recargado is a new product that gives you another chance of winning a big prize and to be the millionaire you want to be. That’s why we wanted to show a journey connected to young people where we don’t show extravagant luxuries, but instead, we show an enriching experience, culturally and socially speaking. Because with the new Loto Recargado, you have another chance to change your life. Film advertisement created by Y&R, Chile for Polla Chilena de Beneficencia, within the category: Gaming.
Audio advertisement created by JWT, Chile for Red Cross, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Integrated advertisement created by Raya, Chile for Amaranta School, within the category: Education.
Direct advertisement created by Shackleton, Chile for National Office of Emergency Chile, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
The advertising has been responsible for creating stereotypes; stereotypes that are guilty for all the beauty canons and success and happiness standards. Just in Latin America, 73% of the pictures in the image banks do not represent real people. Through this project, our goal is to help change that perception of the world, using our website and promoting a more Real World advertising. Film advertisement created by Y&R, Chile for Getty Images, within the category: Professional Services.