

”Close Your Eyes and Think of Christmas” has delighted the world of fashion and the world of advertising immediately after its premiere. The authors got off the traditional way of depicting the Christmas atmosphere and decided on minimal, cold, even frosty, style. They took advantage of nostalgic memories and chose the frozen forest as the symbol of climate prevailing in the spot. The X-mas commercial by Juno Calypso is full of big names. Naomi Campbell with her mother, Kristin Scott-Thomas, Matt Smith and M.I.A. are only few of them. The creators decided to dust off song from over 100 years ago. The sounds of rearranged ”Carol Of The Bell” provide the unusual, icy climate of the spot. Our artists, being responsible for master shooting and color correction, contributed to the final, perfect look.


How to avoid bad trip. By applying the principles of healthy living you will solve the puzzle and save the victims of four types of drugs. Digital advertisement created by FKS Fabryka Komunikacji Społecznej, Poland for The Ministry of Health Poland, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by Grey, Poland for Krajowa Izba Kominiarzy, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.



Film advertisement created by DDB, Poland for Tiger Energy Drink, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.


Audio advertisement created by Change, Poland for Proama, within the category: Finance.


According to surveys, Poles are one of the least smiling nations in the world. Together with Blend-a-Med we decided to make people smile more often. To achive our goal, we changed faces of famous Polish monuments. Smiles of stone statues attracted people's smiles. That's how Blend-a-Med proved that smile changes everything. Outdoor advertisement created by Isobar, Poland for Blend-a-med, within the category: Health.


New way to which our clients all the best for Christmas. Direct advertisement created by Interactive Solutions, Poland for Interactive Solutions, within the category: Agency Self-Promo.


TV ad promoting Wrocław- European Capital of Culture 2016 in collaboration with Telewizja Polska S.A. Sound: Michał Baczuń Mix: Jarosław Yaro Płocica Jazzda Music Mastering: Michał Mielnik


URL: http://max.lays.pl/en/ Digital advertisement created by BBDO, Poland for Lay's, within the category: Food.


Ambient advertisement created by K2, Poland for Żywiec Zdrój, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.


Urban sports are becoming an integral part of urban life. A dynamic and exciting release of energy for busy city residents. An intense lifestyle and a lack of an open spaces has forced people to look for alternative solutions. Sports enthusiasts are bringing old halls, abandoned squares and left-out spaces, back to life, giving them new meaning/purpose, often completely different from their original ones. Urban karting, golf, bowling or billiards have been used as spectacular and incredibly entertaining settings for the visual campaign for HMD Global, an exclusive distributor of Nokia smartphones. Go-kart racing or urban rooftop golf have become great canvas's for the films and photos of this campaign. They show how amazingly the Nokia phones work under dynamic conditions and how the functions of a Nokia phone can be used by town dwelling adrenaline junkies. Digital advertisement created by DDB, Poland for Nokia, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Film advertisement created by McCann, Poland for Lech, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.


A series of radio spots that hijack OTC medicine advertising to promote responsible dog adoptions. In Poland every other spot aired on the radio is a medicine ad. They are usually kept in the form of a testimonial, short dialogue or sound design. We have produced a series of three, each in a different style and aired them in most popular radio stations throughout spring and summer. Even actors who voiced our spots play in regular OTC commercials quite often. Audio advertisement created by Must Be Loud, Poland for Viva!, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Through today’s technology, frozen fish can actually be better quality than “fresh fish.” New processes in the fishing industry have allowed fish to be frozen straight from the boat within hours of being caught – preserving the taste, texture and nutritional benefits – compared to fish sold at “fresh markets,” which often has a week or more long journey to store shelves, and a long decaying process. However, many people don’t know or think about this, and have prejudice to include frozen fish in their diet. Ambient advertisement created by Y&R, Poland for Mila, within the category: Retail Services.


Direct advertisement created by Havas, Poland for Rip Curl, within the category: Fashion.


Women in Poland are hearing the word NO too often. In contrary, the YES brand wants them to hear YES more often. In their latest campaign I am a Woman featuring Aleksandra Żebrowska and Katarzyna Zillmann, among others, says YES and gives a tribute to all the women, their diversity, courage, independence, strength, emotions, and sensitivity. Only TVP public television in Poland, control of the right-wing Law and Justice (PiS) party said NO to the campaign created by 180heartbeats + JUNG v MATT agency. Film advertisement created by 180heartbeats + JUNG v MATT, Poland for Yes, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by DDB, Poland for Tiger Energy Drink, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.


Chloe's flagship product is the perfume line LOVE STORY. Therefore it’s not surprising that Valentine's Day was the most important event of the year for us. in order to get away from all the St. Valentine's clutter of other brands and products and take over the holiday for Chloe, we created an event like no other.GIFs - short looped frames, became the focus point of the event’s concept. They combine the most trending aspects of modern communication with the elusiveness of a romantic moment. And so the concept of the shortest love story, that anyone could share with the world, became a thing, thanks to Chloe brand. We set up 3 CHLOE stations on the most prestigious promenade in Warsaw downtown, where lovers could create their ‘shortest love story’, i.e. a GIF, which would then be screened on an 8 meter display nearby, right in the center of the city. EFFECTS The event was widely discussed in the media and on numerous lifestyle blogs.The reach in social media was nearly 1 million impressions, but the most important KPI achieved was a sales increase of 250%, compared to the previous year. Experiential advertisement created by Digital Kingdom, Poland for Chloe, within the category: Beauty.


Film advertisement created by DDB, Poland for Groomsh, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Digital advertisement created by DDB, Poland for LOT, within the category: Transport.

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