

Outdoor advertisement created by The Electric Factory, Uruguay for Lifebuoy, within the categories: House, Garden, Pharmaceutical.


Film advertisement created by Notable, Uruguay for Urufarma, within the category: Pharmaceutical.


Digital advertisement created by DDB, Uruguay for Listerine, within the category: Health.


Digital advertisement created by Notable, Uruguay for Puma, within the category: Fashion.


Advertising Agency: Carmichael Lynch, USA Executive Creative Director: Marty Senn Business Manager: Vicki Oachs Production Company: 3rd St Mining Co Director: Ben and Dave Executive Producer: Jon LaChappelle Line. Producer: Ben and Dave Director of Photography: Ben and Dave Edit House: TBD Post Editor: Ben and Dave VFX House / Online Artist: CLIP / Brad Baker Telecine: CLIP / Brad Baker Audio Mix: CLIP / Brad Baker Film advertisement created by Carmichael Lynch, Uruguay for Denver Museum of Nature & Science, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.


Ambient advertisement created by Easton, Uruguay for Samsung, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


There are no earthquakes in Uruguay, but in the last year more people died in our country due to traffic accidents than in Chile’s earthquake of 2010. We can prevent this. Let’s respect traffic rules. Film advertisement created by Amen, Uruguay for Ministerio de Transporte y Obras Públicas de Uruguay, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Every year, more people die in our country due to traffic accidents than due to volcanic activity all around the world. Film advertisement created by Amen, Uruguay for Ministerio de Transporte y Obras Públicas de Uruguay, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Last year in our country, the same percentage of the population died in traffic accidents than in Japan’s tsunami of 2011. We can prevent this. Let’s respect traffic rules. Film advertisement created by Amen, Uruguay for Ministerio de Transporte y Obras Públicas de Uruguay, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by Shanghai Adhoc, Uruguay for Saxe, within the category: Health.


Web developer: Pinky! Digital advertisement created by Lowe, Uruguay for Amnesty International, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


While in our market it is common to send luxurious Christmas Gifts, the challenge was to stand out by creating an innovative and disruptive present to send to our clients, with a special message about how important is to stimulate the creative process while thinking about brands. By doing this, we wanted our clients to feel how pleasant -and profitable- can be to think out-of-office, and make a statement about our Ideas Laboratory´s working process. So, we create an original Holiday Greeting Message that transmits the essence of our Ideas Laboratory.Since our investigations showed that the best ideas were thought up in the shower, we wanted to be there. We found the best way to do it: by developing a special soap, with citric scents and exfoliating seeds that broaden and clean the mind that enhances creativity. Direct advertisement created by IDEASLAB, Uruguay for IDEASLAB, within the category: Agency Self-Promo.


Direct advertisement created by Publicis, Uruguay for Nike, within the category: Fashion.


Digital advertisement created by Notable, Uruguay for Motociclo Sports, within the category: Retail Services.


Viral video distributed on YouTube. Digital advertisement created by Amen, Uruguay for Erdinger, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.


Film advertisement created by Amen, Uruguay for UN Women, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Now that the 2014 World Cup is about to start in Brazil 2014 and the players' Twitter accounts become very important means of communication, we wanted to use this medium so Uruguayan fans can put pressure on a different field: the Twitter accounts of the captains of Costa Rica (Bryan Ruiz), England (Steven Gerrard) and Italy (Gianluigi Buffon). At http://marcapersonal.cableplus.com.uy fans can follow them closely and use the hashtag #PersonalMark to write them messages and put pressure on them and not let them breathe for one second on their social media account. CablePlusHD offers the best way to follow the World Cup closely with total coverage, and now also gives the fans the chance to play the match on Twitter. Digital advertisement created by McCann, Uruguay for CablePlusHD, within the category: Media.


Adidas presents “Adidas Empathy”, a special edition of football cleats whose objective is to break this taboo by highlighting the weight of being gay in men's football in order to raise awareness and support each player to be able to publicly manifest their sexual orientation with pride. Integrated advertisement created by Brother, Uruguay for Adidas, within the categories: Fashion, Public Interest, NGO, Retail Services.


Apprentice is a story of overcoming past fears in pursuit of future success. Film advertisement created by McCann, Uruguay for Nuevocentro Shopping, within the category: Retail Services.

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