Film advertisement created by Fuel, Portugal for Worten, within the category: Electronics, Technology.
Promotional movie of the new PuraLa Hotel. A journey through videodance that crosses all the environments and spaces of the universe of Wool, culminating in the Hotel. From Serra da Estrela, through wool factory production finishing in the Hotel, watch a visually bold and creative work that aims to engage the viewer in the environment and magic of the Hotel.
Audio advertisement created by Publicis, Portugal for Vick, within the category: Pharmaceutical.
Film advertisement created by JWT, Portugal for Vodafone, within the category: Electronics, Technology.
easyJet started flying to Ibiza from Portugal for the first time. Being this an island known for its parties, we wanted to reassure our passengers that what happens in Ibiza, stays in Ibiza. How? Creating a t-shirt which material reflects the camera's flash, preventing any photographic record. Direct advertisement created by Uzina, Portugal for EasyJet, within the category: Transport.
See the work at http://www.soundsfromtorture.com In a call for help for the cause “Stop Torture”, Amnesty International Portugal built a musical instrument from several instruments used in torture methods. The goal is to help the victims of torture and abuse to be heard, amplifying these sounds so everyone would listen. At soundsfromtorture.com, it’s possible to test the instrument and sign the petition. Studio: Todos.pt Digital advertisement created by Leo Burnett, Portugal for Amnesty International, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Film advertisement created by FullSIX, Portugal for McDonald's, within the category: Food.
Leo Burnett Lisbon created the “The exhibition that shouldn’t exist” campaign for Control Arms - a worldwide coalition fighting to approve the Arms Trade Treaty later this month. The exhibition is a collection of paintings designed to look like abstract artworks in a first sight. But then, when people read their placards, they realize they’re actually in front of gunshots stories. Through a QR code on each placard, people can see the ballistics test that simulated the related story on the painting. “The Exhibition that shouldn’t exist” portrays the reality of the irresponsible arms trade around the world, turning visible a violent truth that many don’t see. The paintings will be displayed in the Electricity Museum in Lisbon and then sent to Control Arms in NY. They will show them in their opening press briefing, held at the UN Secretariat. The exhibition also has an online version, where people can have the same experience with the paintings and their videos. Film advertisement created by Leo Burnett, Portugal for ControlArms.org, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
To launch the new Galaxy S10, we've created the first panoramic view of the Portuguese coastline. Digital advertisement created by Uzina, Portugal for Samsung, within the category: Electronics, Technology.
Direct advertisement created by FCB, Portugal for APAV, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Ambient advertisement created by BAR, Portugal for INSPIRIT, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Ambient advertisement created by Publicis, Portugal for Renault, within the category: Automotive.
Film advertisement created by Leo Burnett, Portugal for IndieLisboa, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.
Film advertisement created by Havas, Portugal for NOS, within the category: Electronics, Technology.
This is the official campaign for Eurobest Festival's 2012 edition, made up of four spots. The campaign plays with the almost obsessive way creatives see and live their work and how sometimes, a team starts looking and behaving like a couple. That’s the proof that noone lives their work as intensely as ad people and that’s why Eurobest exists: to reward all that dedication. Film advertisement created by WeAre, Portugal for Eurobest, within the category: Professional Services.
Digital advertisement created by Fuel, Portugal for Queer Lisboa, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.
This year for our agency Christmas card, we decided to give our clients something different. We gave them a series of ugly Christmas Sweaters with ideas they didn’t approve during the year. A way of showing that at Nylon we believe that every ideas should fulfill their dream of becoming a story worth telling. Film advertisement created by Nylon, Portugal for Nylon, within the category: Agency Self-Promo.
Ambient advertisement created by Havas, Portugal for APAV, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Queer Lisboa is one of the most important LGBTQ+ film festival in Europe, held in Lisbon (Portugal) since 1996. For its 2021 Edition, Queer Lisboa launched “Coffin”, a new film created by Coming Soon Lisboa to celebrate 25 years of queer stories. Even the scary ones. Film advertisement created by Coming Soon, Portugal for Queer Lisboa, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.