Costa Rica
With recklessness tutorials of motorcyclists Instituto Nacional de Seguros makes aware about driving with caution. If you drive through the streets of Costa Rica it is possible that some of these scenarios sound familiar: motorcycles passing by double yellow line, bordering between buses, skipping traffic lights, disrespecting the speed limit and even driving on the sidewalk. The most alarming thing is that motorcyclists, making up only 18% of the total vehicle fleet, account for 44% of deaths in traffic accidents. According to the Road Safety Council, the great majority of accidents are caused by the imprudence of drivers. For this reason Instituto Nacional de Seguros, in its most recent road safety campaign, exposes through 4 tutorials the consequences of driving recklessly, and asks drivers to “be really smart", driving with care. Each tutorial is different: "How to overtake on a turn?", "How to overtake in traffic?", "How to run a red light?" and "How to exceed the speed limit?". These tutorials are told by former motorcyclists who were real victims of motorcycle accidents and lost some of their limbs. These people agreed to be part of the INS awareness campaign and recreate the attitudes of reckless motorcyclists in order to eradicate the irresponsible culture when driving a motorcycle. These tutorials tell, step by step and in an ironic way, how to do these imprudent things, which were chosen as representative of the different types of "smart ass" that motorcycle drivers have in Costa Rica. The contents feed on the attitude of many drivers who believe that "being the smartest" or "the best at the wheel" are immune to road accidents, and forget that motorcyclists are the most exposed to suffering serious accidents. The videos aim to talk to all motorcycle riders in the country and also to those who are thinking of buying one. It is a reality that in the country motorcycles are an intelligent option for mobility, however it is imperative that there is a change in driving behavior and a strong culture of prevention so that the number of accidents is reduced. Film advertisement created by Ogilvy, Costa Rica for Instituto Nacional de Seguros, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Ambient advertisement created by Leo Burnett, Costa Rica for Claro, within the category: Electronics, Technology.
For the first time in the history of Costa Rica, its National Amputee Soccer Team qualified to the Amputee’s World Cup. Unfortunately, they didn’t have the economic resources to assist. One way to raise funds is to sell things that you have left over. That's why we put on sale the soccer shoes that our players don't use because of their condition. Digital advertisement created by Havas, Costa Rica for Costa Rican National Amputee Soccer Team, within the category: Sports.
In nearly 200 years of democracy, Costa Rica has never been through such controversial presidential elections. Fake news, memes, lies and even fights between the presidential candidates were all part of the campaigns and debates. It was even predicted that more than 40% of Costa Ricans would not vote. While everyone was fighting and dividing Costa Rica, Burger King decided it was time to unite. At the worst moment of the political campaign, only 10 days before the elections, Burger King invited the presidential candidates to "A lunch for peace and democracy". If they came in peace and encourage people to vote, no matter who they vote for, Burger King would give away Whoppers to the voters on election day. By popular demand, the presidential candidates came to "A lunch for peace and democracy in Burger King". An event where they could relax and forget about politics at least for a while. A peaceful, democratic meal where the candidates and the all the media shared Burger King's promo: "Free Whoppers for voters on election day".
Audio advertisement created by Jotabequ, Costa Rica for Hyundai, within the category: Automotive.
Digital advertisement created by Leo Burnett, Costa Rica for Mi Sangre es tu Vida, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Digital advertisement created by BBDO, Costa Rica for Spoon, within the category: Food.
Film advertisement created by Ogilvy, Costa Rica for Instituto Nacional de Seguros, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Film advertisement created by Leo Burnett, Costa Rica for Volcán Advertising Festival, within the category: Professional Services.
Direct advertisement created by BBDO, Costa Rica for Territorio de Zaguates, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Digital advertisement created by McCann, Costa Rica for Gollo, within the category: Retail Services.
Ambient advertisement created by Ogilvy, Costa Rica for Claro, within the category: Electronics, Technology.
Ambient advertisement created by DDB, Costa Rica for Walmart, within the category: Retail Services.
Ambient advertisement created by Flevent, Costa Rica for Durex, within the category: Health.
42% of the fires in Costa Rica are caused by electrical system failures, Bticino the most important manufacturer of electrical solutions decided to take a plunge and find a solution for this problem . We used a national influencer who asked for help to fix an electrical problem at her home, We gathered all the data they posted and created the first data base of informal electricians, giving us the chance to reach them and invite them to the First National Convention of Electricians. Digital advertisement created by Anagram, Costa Rica for Bticino, within the category: Industrial, Agriculture.
Audio advertisement created by Ideas MCW, Costa Rica for Staedtler, within the category: House, Garden.
Historically Costa Rica has had an image of “green country”, other countries have applauded the initiatives from this little place in Central America. Sadly, costarican politicians were not doing their work to keep on that commitment. One example was Bill 20.985, regarding the ban of single use plastic focused on straws, bags and bottles. It was presented to Congress more than 10 years ago, without any progress at all. We launched Strawmitments, a social movement that invited people to fabricate a commitment ring from their last plastic straw, as a symbol to show the commitment they have with the planet. Together with an online petition to approve Bill 20.985, citizens showed the kind of commitment the government has been lacking for decades about the issue. Integrated advertisement created by Orson, Costa Rica for Marviva, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Overview In 2020, after months of inactivity, soccer returned to only two countries, Denmark and Costa Rica. However, the matches happened behind closed doors. That is why Gatorade, the official sponsor of Deportivo Saprissa, looked for a way to unite people with their team. Idea Using the video calling platform ZOOM, fans connected with the soccer players, creating a virtual Gatorade stadium with giant screens in the stadium bleachers, becoming the first in the world to use this dynamic to attract the fans. Outdoor advertisement created by CreativeDrive Latam, Costa Rica for Gatorade, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.
Digital advertisement created by BBDO, Costa Rica for Territorio de Zaguates, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Ambient advertisement created by Lowe, Costa Rica for Kolbi, within the category: Electronics, Technology.