Costa Rica


Audio advertisement created by Havas, Costa Rica for BAC Credomatic, within the category: Finance.


Film advertisement created by DDB, Costa Rica for Primabela, within the category: Pharmaceutical.


Historically Costa Rica has had an image of “green country”, other countries have applauded the initiatives from this little place in Central America. Sadly, costarican politicians were not doing their work to keep on that commitment. One example was Bill 20.985, regarding the ban of single use plastic focused on straws, bags and bottles. It was presented to Congress more than 10 years ago, without any progress at all. We launched Strawmitments, a social movement that invited people to fabricate a commitment ring from their last plastic straw, as a symbol to show the commitment they have with the planet. Together with an online petition to approve Bill 20.985, citizens showed the kind of commitment the government has been lacking for decades about the issue. Integrated advertisement created by Orson, Costa Rica for Marviva, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Digital advertisement created by McCann, Costa Rica for Gollo, within the category: Retail Services.


Ambient advertisement created by Leo Burnett, Costa Rica for Claro, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Ambient advertisement created by Ogilvy, Costa Rica for Claro, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


For the first time in the history of Costa Rica, its National Amputee Soccer Team qualified to the Amputee’s World Cup. Unfortunately, they didn’t have the economic resources to assist. One way to raise funds is to sell things that you have left over. That's why we put on sale the soccer shoes that our players don't use because of their condition. Digital advertisement created by Havas, Costa Rica for Costa Rican National Amputee Soccer Team, within the category: Sports.


Digital advertisement created by McCann, Costa Rica for Gollo, within the category: Retail Services.


Ambient advertisement created by Lowe, Costa Rica for Fox Sports, within the category: Media.


Ambient advertisement created by DDB, Costa Rica for Walmart, within the category: Retail Services.


Digital advertisement created by Leo Burnett, Costa Rica for Mi Sangre es tu Vida, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Digital advertisement created by Lowe, Costa Rica for Earth Hour, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by Ogilvy, Costa Rica for Instituto Nacional de Seguros, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Avon is trying to be a brand with a purpose, by supporting and creating campaigns for women rights. In Costa Rica, most violence against women occurs during and after the national tournament soccer matches. Alcohol consumption and anger fuel an already male chauvinist society, as the number of aggression reports skyrockets at those times. During the most followed game of the season ("The Classic", Saprissa-Alajuela) we aired the commercial several times. It had a huge impact which was immediately shown in social media, where people used the hashtag #NiUnaMenos (#NotOneLess) to praise the brand for its courage. #NiUnaMenos is an already established movement which demands the end of violence against women. Film advertisement created by Havas, Costa Rica for Avon, within the category: Beauty.


Digital advertisement created by Repúblika Independiente, Costa Rica for Pani, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Digital advertisement created by McCann, Costa Rica for Gollo, within the category: Retail Services.


Film advertisement created by Arena, Costa Rica for Cadena Mayor, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Ambient advertisement created by Lowe, Costa Rica for Kolbi, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Celebrate International Friend's Day with a digital action that gets people talking. Using the feature of tagging on Instagram stories, we invited people to fill an empty fries box with their friends, share it and hope to win a bucket of our fries to share with them. Results: 8.000 fries boxes were filled and shared. 110.000 friends tagged as fries. Our Instagram account grew 10% in fans in just a couple of hours. We reached 2.2 million Instagram accounts (out of 3.8mm in the country) without showing a single fry. Digital advertisement created by Orson, Costa Rica for McDonald's, within the category: Food.


Digital advertisement created by Orson, Costa Rica for Paranormal Activity, within the category: Media.

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