

Digital advertisement created by McCann, Romania for Unicredit, within the category: Finance.


Film advertisement created by Propaganda, Romania for Mototol, within the category: House, Garden.


Digital advertisement created by Publicis, Romania for ACR, within the category: Automotive.


Who says virtual assistants can't fall in love? On Valentine's Day, Samsung Romania supports impossible love stories and tells the story of Bixby, its own virtual assistant, who falls in love with another virtual assistant belonging to a different operating system. This Valentine's, no love story is impossible. Make yours happen. Digital advertisement created by Cheil, Romania for Samsung, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Audio advertisement created by Mercury 360, Romania for Romanian Police, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.



Film advertisement created by Saatchi & Saatchi, Romania for Lexus, within the category: Automotive.


Direct advertisement created by McCann, Romania for Mega Image, within the category: Retail Services.


How a tv ad turned into a live conversation platform in the #letseattogether integrated campaign. Ambient advertisement created by McCann, Romania for Coca-Cola, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.


Without a law regulating headphone use in Romania, traffic accidents related to headphone use have tripled in the last 6 years. Radio 21, Romanian hit radio station, changed its content to promote a new behavior: use just one headphone so you can hear the traffic around you. Working with famous Romanian artist Claudia Pavel, the radio station launched the Go Mono Anthem, the first song that has different genres in each headphone: rock if you use the left headphone and acoustic if you listen to it in the right headphone. Audio advertisement created by McCann, Romania for Radio 21, within the category: Media.


Digital advertisement created by MSPS, Romania for Piraeus Bank, within the category: Finance.


Film advertisement created by Ogilvy, Romania for Anim'est, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.


Digital advertisement created by McCann, Romania for ROM, within the category: Confectionery, Snacks.


Audio advertisement created by Mercury 360, Romania for Romanian Police, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by Ogilvy, Romania for Anim'est, within the category: Media.


Christmas is about magic and larger-than-life stories. In this case a weird story serves as a white lie on christmas eve. A lumberjack who lives in the misty mountains takes center stage in a father’s phantasy. Alone with nature he grows his own kind of trees. In his tree nursery the trees are all slanted. Even his small hut is full of objects and furniture which is bent in the same way. Nevertheless his son hesitates to buy into the story his dad came up with. It rather seems to be a nice white lie to excuse his failure. Film advertisement created by Publicis, Romania for Carrefour, within the categories: Food, Retail Services.


Film advertisement created by Handsome, Romania for Scooterson, within the category: Automotive.


Studies show that every year, in Romania, 2/3 of underprivileged children interrupt school by the end of 8th grade, because they are put to work. Having the mission to help underprivileged children to continue their education, the non-profit international organization United Way asked Rusu+Bortun to create a PSA, in order to raise awareness about this problem. Coming from the insight that children who interrupt school have a much lower chance to recover and build a career, we came up with this idea idea: To interrupt school is to interrupt a career. Every child is a potential adult with a successful career. But children who drop out of school, even just for a while, will never fullfill their potential. To show the consequences of interrupting education, we took this idea into the future by applying it to adult careers. Film advertisement created by Rusu+Bortun, Romania for United Way, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


The existence of filter bubbles and echo chambers on social media platforms presents a wide variety of challenges to brands and people interested in reaching a wide audience across political allegiances and cultural divisions. The nature of the web is to reinforce what we already know and like. Algorithms are designed to show us content that aligns with our own predispositions, and people’s historical behavior online tends to prevent them from seeing or accessing material from opposing viewpoints and perspectives. This leads to customized internet experiences for everyone that rarely stray into the unexpected. Telekom Romania wanted to turn this tendency on its head. As a brand built on sharing content, it worked with Leo Burnett Bucharest to devise an attention-getting stunt that would open up young people’s eyes to communities and perspectives far from their ordinary inclinations. The brand launched Vloggers’ Swap. Vloggers’ Swap was built on a deep analysis of the data of different Vlog channels on Youtube. LB/Bucharest identified Vlog channels whose audiences did not overlap at all. These groups of young viewers had very little in common, and their viewing habits led them to inhabit very rigid filter bubbles. For one day, Telekom Romania initiated a “swap” of these Vlogs with their polar opposite vlogger, helping to introduce each specific audience to a perspective and vlogger far out of their normal comfort zone. This stunt drew massive interest in Romania, and helped Vlog channels to broaden their appeal to audiences they normally wouldn’t reach. Launched to coincide with Telekom Romania’s offer of unlimited video, this work serves up a fantastic example of how brands are helping people to build wider audiences in spite of the algorithms that would limit their reach and appeal. By helping millennials to broaden their viewing diet, Telekom Romania is cultivating a younger audience of viewers who cannot be restricted by the constraints of filter bubbles or echo chambers. As Telekom Romania has championed for years, “life is for sharing.” Digital advertisement created by Leo Burnett, Romania for Telekom Romania, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


A bridal campaign for the 2019 collection. Film advertisement created by, Romania for Otilia Brailoiu, within the category: Fashion.

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