

Film advertisement created by Wieden + Kennedy, Japan for Audi, within the category: Automotive.


The Power of Dreams Theater vol.02 is a story of a family and their car. The main character is Emma, a girl living in San Francisco, USA, and her Civic that has been together with her since birth. It is a heartwarming story filled with the beauty within people's minds and the wonderful relationship between people and cars. Film advertisement created by Hakuhodo, Japan for Honda, within the category: Automotive.


Italian clothing company Diesel and Geometry Global Japan recently took on the challenge of localizing the apparel company’s global “Make Love Not Walls” campaign for that market. In this new spot, Geometry produced a Japanese interpretation to visualize invisible “walls” that need to be torn down vs. physical worlds. Film advertisement created by Geometry Global, Japan for Diesel, within the category: Fashion.


Ambient advertisement created by Dentsu, Japan for Sadako, within the category: Media.


Film advertisement created by Ogilvy, Japan for IFAW, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Ambient advertisement created by JWT, Japan for Ishii Clinic, within the category: Health.


Ambient advertisement created by JWT, Japan for Avex, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Film advertisement created by Drill, Japan for DoCoMo, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Ambient advertisement created by Ogilvy, Japan for Konica Minolta, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Direct advertisement created by Ogilvy, Japan for Yaocho Bar Group, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.


46% of Japanese men doesn’t sit down when urinate at their home toilet. The leaping out urine might generate smells. The Japanese housewives are angry about it. Even if the housewives clean the toilet thoroughly in the morning, the toilet might be filled with an odor of urine after returned home. "TOILET QUICKLE Deodorant Coat Sheet" was developed for such a problem of housewives. When you clean with this product which has Deodorant Coated, the odor of urine will not generate for 24-hours, even if urine leap out. This film explains the product which helps their life to using the format of "weather report" familiar to Japanese housewives. They created diagrams such as "urine alarm", "a map of urine" and "smell radar", like weather map and explained "TOILET QUICKLE Deodorant Coat Sheet "effect. This film pass the information which clean the cloudy heart on the Japanese housewives. Film advertisement created by BBDO, Japan for Kao, within the category: House, Garden.


HITOTOKI is a Japanese stationery Brand, specializing in items that are used for handmade craft. In a world where everything is so hectic and efficient, we wanted to bring the value of handmade to life. We created HITOTOKI CLOCK, the “world’s most handmade” 24-hour movie clock. There are 1,440 minutes in a day, and we created different combinations of small items to express each and every minute. We actually filmed these in a single, 24-hour cut. At our official website, we released a real-time version of the clock. We created a new kind of branded content that is actually useful in daily life. Film advertisement created by Dentsu, Japan for Hitotoki, within the category: House, Garden.


MTI Ltd., the company behind the a women’s health mobile service, “Luna Luna” alongside “Dotest” the ovulation test sold by Rohto Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd have come together to create a support project for couples called the “Hand in Hand Project”. In order to bury the gap of traditional marriage roles during fertility treatment, an instruction manual called, “THE MOST LOVING INSTRUCTION MANUAL” has been made to give to the husband (it is a prototype). The tendency for women to get married later in life has given Japan one of the highest rates of advanced age maternities in the world. Around 470,000 women are currently involved in some kind of fertility treatment, which is called “Nin-Katsu” in Japanese. Child care journalist, and mental health counselor Mr. Toshimasa Ota supervised the creation of an instruction manual that connects the differences of the heart and body’s rhythm that occur every month in a woman. To explain the woman’s voice clearly, booklets explaining necessary knowledge of what to expect during a woman’s monthly menstrual cycle are broken into four categories: Warning, Specifications, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting, and finally a letter written by the wife to her husband. Furthermore, the hormonal changes that occur causing fluctuating changes in a woman’s physical and mental condition each month are explained in a sensible way. The wife’s body temperature and emotional changes that occur each month are explained by using the woman’s data to create a jigsaw puzzle that when arranged show the fluctuations visually with changing colors, also a CD with an original song created using the wife’s personal data is included. Digital advertisement created by Drill, Japan for Hand in Hand Project, within the category: Health.


Digital advertisement created by Dentsu, Japan for Honda, within the category: Automotive.


Japan is a deeply-forested nation with about two-thirds of its land covered with trees. 40% of Japanese forests are artificially planted for industrial purposes and the business requires a process called “thinning”. However, the fall in market price driven by inexpensive imported wood as well as the declining number of forestry workers are limiting the thinning capacity, which is now gravely destroying the forest environment. Moreover, this issue has not attracted enough attention as it should for its importance. LIFULL, the leader of real estate information service in Japan, stepped up to address this wood-thinning challenge to create a better environment for the forestry industry and for the Earth. A sustainable full-course dinner of EATREE PLATES made of thinned wood ingredient. Invention of a new way to use wood material through one of the most familiar experiences for people – eating. We developed a full-course dinner course: 1. Worked with a forestry company to dry and grind the wood material and transformed it into a food ingredient. 2. Developed a full-course recipe with a Michelin-starred chef. 3. Launched a pop-up restaurant in the middle of a thinned-wood forest. The news was covered widely by national and overseas media. The special full-course dinner is now offered at LIFULL Table, a restaurant located in Tokyo which has become so popular with booking filled for a month ahead. The restaurant offers opportunities for more people to learn and think about this wood-thinning problem. Experiential advertisement created by LIFULL, Japan for LIFULL, within the category: Agency Self-Promo.


-Challenge to Create New Flower Gift- By Using The World's First Memory and Scent Matching Technology. One Flowershop Brand Hopes to Revitalize The Slumping Flower Market. Experiential advertisement created by Dentsu, Japan for Les mille feuilles de liberte, within the category: Professional Services.


URL: http://panasonic.net/eclipselive “Filming the sun, using the sun.” The annular solar eclipse crossed Japanese archipelago for the first time in hundreds of years.This remarkable event was live broadcasted, using only the solar energy, from the closet place to the sun, the summit of Mt. Fuji, the symbol of Japan. All of the power used for the live broadcasting was generated from Panasonic's solar energy system. Ambient advertisement created by Dentsu, Japan for Panasonic, within the category: Industrial, Agriculture.


LIFULL is one of the largest housing and real estate companies in Japan and offering unique services to the society. Bamboo, being used for building materials, processed materials, and ornamental plants, is indispensable to Japanese life. Bamboo have been loved by Japanese people for its coolness and tastefulness, used for everyday life. However, as the environment surroundings of bamboo today, the decline in demand, the aging of producers and the lack of successors, etc. have led to an increase in “abandoned bamboo forests” across Japan. The bamboo forests area continues to expand, and now it is about 160,000 hectares, compared with 1986, which was 14.7 hectares. This project discovers and focuses on new and previously unheard-of ingredients and attempts to contribute to the conservation of Earth through consumption. At this time, focusing on “bamboo”, which is becoming an issue with the increase of “abandoned bamboo forest” across the country. There were 8 kinds of Japanese sweets made up of abandoned bamboo powder for the event, produced by Mr.Riku Yakushijin, an up-and-coming Chef drawing attention from the world, and Ms.Shiwon Sakamoto, a Japanese sweets creator.


Ambient advertisement created by Dentsu, Japan for Epson, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Film advertisement created by Dentsu, Japan for Netflix, within the category: Media.

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