

How do you further ignite the passion of Bangladeshis towards their beloved teams of Brazil and Argentina during the football world cup? We designed an interactive football game using Kinect which gave young Bangladeshis to get into the shoes of their heroes and bring glory to their beloved teams. Ambient advertisement created by Ice9 Interactive, Bangladesh for Robi, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


As per Airtel's global partnership with Manchester United Football Club, Airtel Bangladesh launched a campaign promoting Value Added Services and customized Simpack for hardcore Man Utd fans in the country. The brief - for those who can't stop thinking about Man Utd, Airtel is providing the ultimate services to stay connected to their favorite club all the time.


Every year in Bangladesh, 6000 children are born with cleft lips or cleft palates. Meril Lip care & SmileTrain USA stand beside to bring back their smile through raising awareness & offering a very small operation for free. Film advertisement created by MediaCom, Bangladesh for Meril, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Ambient advertisement created by Grey, Bangladesh for HMBR, within the category: House, Garden.


JurisTech is a Malaysian FinTech company. We make enterprise solutions for banks such as loan origination and debt collection software. One of the challenges we face is that our employees have a lot of difficulty explaining what we do to their friends and loved ones without having them fall asleep mid-explanation. So we decided to explain what we do by using physical representation of our software (flying robots from the future with laser scanners and stuff).


In the saturated telco scene of Bangladesh, customers seek three major things from their operators – price, network and offers. Price is the key recommendation driver and Banglalink has been catering price benefits for their customers. This thematic is a continuation of the story, where we previously claimed Banglalink as the “Champion of giving more”. Now, this TVC showed the customers’ point of view, where they get happier after receiving Banglalink offers that gives them more of everything than anyone else in the market. We created three specific dance moves that symbolizes “With Banglalink”, “getting more” and “happiness” to communicate the brand proposition consecutively. We took Shakib Khan and Nusrat Faria as our protagonists who have a huge fan following in Bangladesh. Using them as protagonists have helped us to generate huge response and positive word of mouth. These dance moves went viral in tiktok and other social media platforms as thousands of people replicated the dance move there. Integrated advertisement created by JWT, Bangladesh for Banglalink, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


What’s the best wedding gift a parent can give? BRAC, the world’s largest NGO, celebrates 16 Days of Activism - and one of its targets is raising awareness about domestic violence. A Bengali wedding is a joyous occasion, rich in culture and festivities - but what follows isn’t always happily ever after. Seven out of ten women face violence at the hands of their husbands, at least once. What can make matters worse is not having one’s family’s support in such times. A common tradition in South Asian weddings is to see the ceremony as a “send off” for the bride, now considered part of a whole new family. The biggest gift that a parent can give their daughters on their wedding day is thus, simply reassurance - knowing there’s always a home to come back to, a safe space to share one’s life. Another goal of BRAC’s campaign is also redefining masculinity. With media rampantly depicting toxic masculinity, or pointing fingers at it, it is refreshing to have positive aspirational portrayals of male figures - like a father lovingly looking out for his daughter. A little compassion and support goes a long way in changing lives. Sometimes, it’s the best possible gift we can give to our loved ones. Film advertisement created by medium rare, Bangladesh for BRAC, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Dhaka, one of the largest mega cities in the world houses approx. 18 million people. The economic development has been tremendous in the last one decade. This attracted influx of population to migrate and live in the capital, leaving their home town behind. This led to a population unaware of pedestrian traffic rules and regulations. One being, Zebra crossing. Apex, one of the largest footwear company in Bangladesh, known by almost everyone, took it to street with countries very first Street Fashion Show on Zebra crossing promoting road safety and usage. Experiential advertisement created by Grey, Bangladesh for Apex Footwear Limited, within the category: Fashion.


Film advertisement created by JWT, Bangladesh for G-Gas, within the category: Industrial, Agriculture.


Bangladesh got its freedom 49 years ago on 16th December 1971. Those who fought for our independence are almost towards their ending lines due to age. As most youngsters of our country find solace in the solution of fleeing the country rather than making it their own. We wanted to remind them of the fact that those who looked after the country as sentries for so long won't be here forever and it is their duty to take the country forward as we bid farewell to a generation of fighters and caregivers. Film advertisement created by Wunderman Thompson, Bangladesh for Nestle, within the category: Confectionery, Snacks.


Outdoor advertisement created by Grey, Bangladesh for Ministry of Religious Affairs Bangladesh, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Bangladesh is the only country to have shed blood for the rights to language. In 21st February 1952, several University Students sacrificed their lives in protesting against the then ruling Government decision of imposing Urdu as the only state language of Bangladesh (Then East Pakistan). Recognizing such a noble act by the language martyrs, UNICEF, in 1999, decided to declare 21st February as the International Mother Language Day. Bangladeshis today recognize the song ‘Amar Bhai er Rokte Rangano Ekushe February” (My Brother’s Blood Spattered on 21st February) as the most influential musical piece remembering the sacrifice made by the martyrs. On International Mother Language day – 21st February, Grameenphone, through a unique Digital content, paid a tribute to Late Altaf Mahmud – the composer of this very song. We believe that the student’s combined voice, and languages will shed a whole new light on the iconic song. Content advertisement created by Grey, Bangladesh for Grameenphone, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Robi Axiata, one of the leading telecom operators in Bangladesh wanted to do a social experiment to find and highlight stories of enlightened people in the holy month of Ramadan. The idea was to have two planted actors attack transgender guests at a busy restaurant during the peak hour of iftar meal and see how the other guests react to the situation. The video sparked a national conversation on the rights of transgender people in this largely conservative muslim-majority country. Experiential advertisement created by X, Bangladesh for Robi, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Words hurt, even if it’s just online. Cyberbully is a grave matter all over the world, even so in Bangladesh where 47% of the nation’s growing online culture has faced some form of cyberbullying. To address this issue, we’ve created an anti-cyberbullying campaign for Grameen Phone/Telenor, the largest mobile operator in Bangladesh. Grameen Phone’s massive customer base and presence as a trustworthy national brand makes them perfect for this campaign to be highly impactful. Often, online forms of violence are not considered consequential or problematic, leaving many anti-cyberbullying messages to be ineffective. Our campaign addresses this head on by drawing shocking parallels between cyberbullying and physical torture. The graphic depiction of online violence in such visceral fashion instantly draws attention to the issue while also establishing a coherent message – cyber violence is just as real as any other kind. Grameen Phone’s campaign is the first step to combating this issue. Further collaborations with Bangladesh’s national ITC division are underway to take this campaign forward and create a hotline to address cyberbullying. Film advertisement created by Mediumrare, Bangladesh for Telenor, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


For hundred of years, women of Ghuddirdanga, a remote village situated in Satkhira District- Bangladesh, had been fighting against the “Mohajons” (intermediaries) for the right price of their produced goods. Moreover, they were struggling to get the expected outcome compared to their efforts due to the lack of proper knowledge regarding modern farming methods. A local entrepreneur came forward to solve the problems of this women and started collecting dairy products from these women for his dairy shop at right price. To strengthen this initiative, Shwapno, the largest retail chain of Bangladesh, has undertaken a great project with the help of USAID where an expert trains these Ghuddirdanga's women how to farm, milk, preserve, transport and sell in a hygienic and appropriate method. Because of this project, the women now know the details of modern farming and their overall milk production been increased significantly. This collaboration does not end here, Shwapno has decided to distribute dairy products, made from the raw milk provided by Ghuddirdanga, through its numerous outlets under the “SHUDDHO” brand. Finally the incredible women of this locality rightfully received what they deserved and furthermore.


Film advertisement created by Asiatic, Bangladesh for skitto, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


According to recent reports, a divorce takes place every hour in Dhaka city. In the last decade, the divorce rate has increased by a massive 34% throughout the country, according to the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS). Some of the most common reasons stem from an inability to maintaining a conjugal life, drug addiction, extra marital affairs, incurable diseases, physical assault, dowry, premature marriage and infertility. Yet age old notions about divorce exist widely and very often women, especially, are stigmatised, even today. Somehow, the label of ‘divorcee’ is a social red flag, a mark one can’t remove. Breaking the taboo of divorce is essential, but so is giving hope and highlighting the importance of self love. It’s impossible to move forward, fight social stigmas or face scrutiny if we can’t at first love ourselves. Here, we celebrate self love on Valentines Day. The hardest and the most rewarding form of affection is what we show ourselves. GrameenPhone is the largest telecom company in Bangladesh and growing every day. It’s campaigns impact millions, creating a natural social responsibility. This particular campaign has struck a chord with many. It is important to remember that: life will often be unkind to us, so being kind to ourselves is the least one can do.


During 1971, Bangladeshis had been tortured and murdered by the Pakistani occupation forces and their local collaborators On 14 December, sensing an imminent defeat, they killed the front-line Bengali intellectuals with the intention of crippling a newborn nation intellectually. So, this year PRAN Drinking Water (Logo) have turned the “Tap” feature of Instagram Stories into a tool that symbolizes the scenario of 14th December 1971. And shows how brutally those front-line Bengali intellectuals and professionals were murdered by the enemy as they tapped on the trigger of their guns. Through PRAN Drinking Water’s Instagram profile, we have targeted the youth as they check Instagram stories very frequently on Instagram. Then, as the story progresses by the tap, they have uncovered the victim Despite all their vicious plans to destroy our nation intellectually, we have striven forward crossing all barriers as an independent and prosperous country.


Outdoor advertisement created by Grey, Bangladesh for AP Honey, within the category: Industrial, Agriculture.


Film advertisement created by Grey, Bangladesh for UCB, within the category: Finance.

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