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LiveLab is the commercial arm of Griffith Film School and this was made by a team comprising final year graduates, 2nd and 1st year undergraduates in the Bachelor of Film and Screen Media degree. A young girl saves an old and lonely man’s Christmas when she surprises him with kindness.


Film advertisement created by Publicis, France for Orange, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Encouraging people to become an organ donor comes with challenges. Being reminded of death, ‘tempting fate’ or just wanting to avoid the conversation can create significant barriers. Many report being in favor of organ donation, but fail to register. Approximately 86,000 people across Europe are waiting for a life-saving transplant, of which 16 will die today while they wait. We took on this issue with urgency and poignancy in “Speed Donating”. Speed Donating’s comedic set up and the heightened reality of the ending is what makes it unique and thought provoking. Whilst the speed daters criticize one other, the transplant patient provides authenticity and a powerful change in tone. The patient’s emotional message directed to the audience emphasizes their life-threatening need for a match. It compels the audience to become a donor, which takes just minutes – less time than it takes to speed date.


Jellyfish is a new conceptual tropical island in Yerevan, Armenia. Integrated advertisement created by Zuck Independent Agency, Armenia for Jellyfish Yerevan, within the category: Hospitality, Tourism.


Advertising professionals create amazing non-profit campaigns to make others happy. So we decided to create a non-profit campaign to make advertising people happy. And yes. It’s a satire.


Car Accidents are the third cause of death in Iran. Unfortunately, there is no medicine or method to cut this number. The only way to decrease victims of this matter, is to drive safely and follow the driving rules of the place we are currently driving in. Main culprit of driving accident is drivers’ distraction. On the modern era which are living in, mobile phones are inseparable parts of our life. We designed this CSR (Co-operate Social Responsibility) campaign in order to quit using mobile phone when we are driving and to meet this matter, we use kids and their innocence to tell their parents or loved-ones not using their phones in the middle of driving, For they sake. Film advertisement created by Sisarv Marcom Agency, Iran for Arian Motor Pouya, within the categories: Automotive, Public Interest, NGO.


Production Co: Table of Content


Film advertisement created by VCCP, United States for L'Oreal, within the category: Health.


Ride in a CB 1300 recorded in 3D holophonic sound technology. Close your eyes and it's like being there. Really cool experience. ONLY WITH HEADPHONES.


Digital advertisement created by McCann, United Kingdom for Xbox, within the category: Gaming.


Ambient advertisement created by Bold Creative Boutique, Saudi Arabia for EMS, within the category: Professional Services.



Film advertisement created by Mortierbrigade, Belgium for Responsible Young Drivers, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.

Showing 13 out of 30