

Would you walk 6A’s route to get to school? This bus-wrap for Save the Children Denmark demonstrates how far millions of children have to walk to get to school: 6A's entire route from Rødovrehallen to Buddinge Station of over 20 km. Outdoor advertisement created by Robert/Boisen & Like-minded, Denmark for Save the Children, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Industrial chickens are kept artificially awake by big lamps. We wanted to give the public the same treatment, so we lit up our billboard with 20 lamps, instead of the usual 2. Outdoor advertisement created by Mindshare, Denmark for Animal Protection Denmark, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


We go off the grid, physical as well as mentally in this short film revolving around the special state of mind that goes into trail running. Edson Sabajo of Patta Running Team (NL) elaborates on the aspect of leaving the inner city grid behind and seeking out the extra dimension to running in the wild. Together with TrackMafia founder Cory Wharton-Malcolm (UK) he goes in to details regarding the benefits of seeking out what it means to run without limitations. Digital advertisement created by Lead, Denmark for Mercedes, within the category: Automotive.


With set off in Invita's new pay off “Dedicated to your dream” off we set out to visualize the dream of a kitchen. In this film, it is all about a man’s dream of a kitchen, and his passion for cocking. In his dreamworld he turns into a conductor or a warlock controlling the fire and heat, while preparing a meal. Film advertisement created by envision, Denmark for Invita, within the category: House, Garden.


Grandma Hackers is an experiment featuring 6 real-life grandmas trying to hack their grandchildren in order to demonstrate how easy it is to get hacked if you’re not protected.


In June 2018 the Danish parliament announced that from august 1st it will be illegal for people to wear Islamic veils in public. A law that is not only discriminating towards the less than 200 women in Denmark who wears Islamic veils. But is also in conflict with the Danish constitution. Only a few days after the announcement, the news media Ekstra Bladet created a Facebook event, called ‘The longest masquerade in Denmark’. Starting on August 1st and till the law has been reversed. The masquerade works as a tool for people to freely wear whatever they want to wear, as the law states that if you’re on your way to a costume party, you’re allowed to wear head garments. A loophole the lawmakers failed to see for themselves, and the loophole Ekstra Bladet used to expose their agenda. Digital advertisement created by Hjaltelin Stahl, Denmark for Ekstra Bladet, within the category: Media.


With set off in Invita's new pay off we set out to visualize the dream of a kitchen. The focal point of the woman´s dream is the aesthetics and details of the modern kitchen. We tried to let her dreamworld portray the minimalistic and Scandinavian look of Invitas kitchen series. Film advertisement created by envision, Denmark for Invita, within the category: House, Garden.


Wikipedia is banned in Turkey. 80 million Turks are without access to free knowledge as the Turkish government controls the internet. But we found a way to give them Wikipedia back. Through an FM radio pirate station. Ambient advertisement created by Danish School of Media and Journalism, Denmark for Wikipedia, within the category: Education.


When you search for a place to visit on Google, you make quick judgement calls based on the images you see. Unfortunately Google’s search results are flooded with inferior mobile photography, causing small, local businesses to suffer. Unlike big brands, small businesses don’t have the resources to brand themselves with great photography. So Canon inspired and rallied their fans to help with the power of their great Canon photography. Digital advertisement created by Uncle Grey, Denmark for Canon, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


It's a film for Søren Solkær's upcoming Surface exhibition.




In the small country of Denmark, 122,000 children grow up with a parent who drinks too much. It's an uncomfortable world to navigate in, and an everyday filled with shame, tears, anger and broken promises. That’s why you don’t have to be an alcoholic to have an alcohol problem. To showcase this insight, Alcohol and Society made a film with a simple idea: an AA-meeting for children. Film advertisement created by Hjaltelin Stahl, Denmark for Alcohol & Society, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by Brandhouse, Denmark for Interflora, within the category: Professional Services.


When was the last time you saw oily skin in a fitness advert? This branded content piece aims to challenge the traditional, polished advertising of the fitness industry. ‘Fuel your passion’ is a visually driven story depicting the journey of a young traveller from preparation to his trip to the amazing Faroe Islands. It is a raw and honest depiction of a member of gen z.


Digital advertisement created by Danish School of Media and Journalism, Denmark for PornHub, within the category: Media.


Transporter is created from an uncompromising approach to durability. How much can the doors really carry? Watch when we test them, in a whole new way. Film advertisement created by DDB, Denmark for Volkswagen, within the category: Automotive.


With its large loadspace, there is not that Transport does not accommodate. Watch when we load it in a completely new way. Film advertisement created by DDB, Denmark for Volkswagen, within the category: Automotive.


The cabin in Transporter is exceptionally well insulated. But it can more than just protect against wind and weather and ensure a good indoor climate. Film advertisement created by DDB, Denmark for Volkswagen, within the category: Automotive.


The sliding door of the Transporter, never gives up. Watch when we open and close them in a whole new way. Film advertisement created by DDB, Denmark for Volkswagen, within the category: Automotive.


The fact that the Transporter is solid and robust is no secret. But what does it really stand up to? Watch when we challenge the Transporter, in a completely new way. Film advertisement created by DDB, Denmark for Volkswagen, within the category: Automotive.

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