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It's a film for Søren Solkær's upcoming Surface exhibition.


Integrated advertisement created by CP+B, Denmark for Carlsberg, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.


Men are more likely to listen to their children than to the Danish Cancer Society. That’s why we gave all of the airtime to the kids by inviting them to create their own Father’s Day ad to be placed by their fathers’ homes. Integrated advertisement created by Robert/Boisen & Like-minded, Denmark for Danish Cancer Society, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Do you believe there is hope for the future? The world can be beautiful and open, if we want it. These children from around the world came together and discovered they are more alike than they ever imagined. In the film Dear mom and dad, we document what happens when 48 children from 12 different countries meet at a CISV camp funded by Momondo and run by CISV. We asked the children to write to their parents how they see the world in the beginning and the end of the camp. We are proud and honored to have been able to document the beautiful feelings and thoughts shared by the children. They don't come from the same culture, speak the same language or wear the same clothes, but none of that matters: jokes are shared, hearts are opened and friendships across borders are made. Momondo supports CISV International, a global non-profit organization dedicated to educating and inspiring action for peace. By educating the next generation, and through building intercultural friendships based on cooperation and understanding, CISV aims to help children and youth to develop the skills they need to become informed, responsible and active global citizens, able to make a positive difference in their communities and the world. Our collaboration with CISV and the Dear mom and dad campaign are part of Let’s Open Our World; an invitation to cross boundaries, embrace our differences and open our world. Find out more about Let's Open Our World, our collaboration with CISV, and download free school kits at Film advertisement created by &Co, Denmark for Momondo, within the category: Professional Services.


Danish supermarket chain, føtex, takes off into the Christmas season with a heart-warming campaign that celebrates kids’ imagination and makes shopping at føtex a lot more Chritsmassy. Film advertisement created by Wibroe, Denmark for føtex, within the category: Retail Services.


Hair is essential to how we express our self. We love that feeling of clean, textured, natural hair, that instantly makes us feel more confident. We consider our hair as the reflection of inner strength. It’s not an ornament but a way to express our self.


A majority of us think the maximum one can trace their ancestry back to is two countries. In reality, we are much more diverse. A new DNA project by momondo reveals exactly how much: 67 people from all over the world took part in the project by taking a DNA test to find out more about their ancestry. The results prove that we are more connected to the rest of the world than we realise. Digital advertisement created by &Co, Denmark for Momondo, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


We decided to turn the campaign idea “good intentions don’t save lives” on its head and make people’s intentions count for once. Through a Facebook-app people create a post asking their friends for likes and donate 1 kroner to Doctors without Borders for each like they get. Each collection runs for 48 hours and only likes from your own Facebook-friends count. By setting a maximum amount you can make sure not to go bankrupt – or decide to donate more if your friends are too slow. At the end of each donation people can post a picture saying thank you to all the friends who helped them donate. The donation solution – which is actually now a permanent solution – is still running. So what are you waiting for? Sign up and turn your friends’ likes into donations! Digital advertisement created by Konstellation, Denmark for Doctors Without Borders, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Integrated advertisement created by envision, Denmark for Hummel, within the category: Fashion.


In the small country of Denmark, 122,000 children grow up with a parent who drinks too much. It's an uncomfortable world to navigate in, and an everyday filled with shame, tears, anger and broken promises. That’s why you don’t have to be an alcoholic to have an alcohol problem. To showcase this insight, Alcohol and Society made a film with a simple idea: an AA-meeting for children. Film advertisement created by Hjaltelin Stahl, Denmark for Alcohol & Society, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Outdoor advertisement created by Robert/Boisen & Like-minded, Denmark for Amnesty International, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


How far south can you travel by train, if the travel time must not be longer than that of a flight? Can you convert your petrol-driven car to an electric car? And how hard do you need to work if you want to be known as the Danish answer to Leonardo DiCaprio? Casting the spotlight on #WTFgørvimedklimaet (#WTFarewedoingwiththeclimate),The Danish energy and telecommunications group SE is engaging in the climate debate in a new campaign; In six short films, Danish comedian Magnus Millang and his brother Emil will examine just how disastrous the state of climate is in Denmark. Magnus Millang and the viewers are exposed to various dilemmas in terms of what is climate-friendly and what is not. Whether we drive an electric car, eat lots of beef or fly when we go on holiday, it all has an impact on our shared climate.


A twisted Christmas fairy tale. A Christmas present falls from the sky and sends a mailman out on an adventure to deliver the present. Unfortunately, no one was home. Film advertisement created by Hjaltelin Stahl, Denmark for PostNord, within the category: Professional Services.


Companies that rely on donations fight a tough battle with the numerous distractions that are found on our phones and on the internet, so it’s imperative that the journey from wanting to donate to actually donating is as short as possible. In a time where we’re always chasing the next new, it’s refreshing to know that sometimes the best solution can be old tech. Digital advertisement created by Hjaltelin Stahl, Denmark for Unicef, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


LEGO Happy Holiplay is a global digital social campaign that engages young and old all over the world in a new kind of play with the well known LEGO bricks. Campaign website: Digital advertisement created by Konstellation, Denmark for Lego, within the category: Gaming.


The global pandemic has changed the world - forever. And some regions are a long way from seeing the end of the threat. The fact is that we can only come out of the pandemic stronger through supporting each other, and by giving more than we take. Nordgreen is supporting the World Health Organization’s COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund powered by the WHO Foundation. Nordgreen has made a $15,000 USD donation that supports the COVID 19 Solidarity Response Fund, powered by the WHO Foundation in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic in corners of the world where help is desperately needed in the present moment. All the funds will come directly from Nordgreen's Giving Back Programme, and all funds received beyond that amount will be donated to the same mission in the period between June 3 - July 15. We live in times of immense contrast. Some countries are emerging from the COVID-19 crisis to a considerable extent, and are able to reflect upon the whole rollercoaster of turmoils and emotions experienced globally throughout the past year and a half. Yet, others are still in the midst of it, and are in desperate need of help in order to prevail. We hope that Never Stop Giving will fuel a desire to help those in need in parts of the world where the pandemic is still prevalent.


MAKE THE CITY SOUND BETTER is the determined name of the campaign for our latest headphone-release, the Capital, which we designed for the on-the-go urbanite. Striving to back up words with action and break new sonic territory, we teamed up with London-based sound artist Yuri Suzuki and his crew of innovative creatives in the efforts to engage in an ambitious, design- and sound project that very literally delivers on the campaign’s motivated promise: to make the city sound better. The Sound Taxi is equipped with microphones that record it's surrounding noise. As it made it’s way through the streets of London, a specially designed software program inside the vehicle converted the noise into unique music in real-time. Passersby heard the music via the 67 speakers built into the entire car body and the big Indian horns mounted on top of the taxi’s roof. Finally, the passengers of the sound taxi could tune-in to the converted sounds via headphones installed inside of the vehicle. The musical result was available on the campaign site together with photos from instagram. URL:


We go off the grid, physical as well as mentally in this short film revolving around the special state of mind that goes into trail running. Edson Sabajo of Patta Running Team (NL) elaborates on the aspect of leaving the inner city grid behind and seeking out the extra dimension to running in the wild. Together with TrackMafia founder Cory Wharton-Malcolm (UK) he goes in to details regarding the benefits of seeking out what it means to run without limitations. Digital advertisement created by Lead, Denmark for Mercedes, within the category: Automotive.


Film advertisement created by Brandhouse, Denmark for Interflora, within the category: Professional Services.

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