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Digital advertisement created by Publicis, Brazil for Publicis, within the category: Agency Self-Promo.


Ten-time Big Mountain Rider of the Year winner Jeremy Jones revolutionized backcountry snowboarding with DEEPER, his 2010 ode to splitboarding and human-powered adventure. His 2012 sequel, FURTHER, took him to the planet's most remote mountain ranges and earned him a nod as a 2013 National Geographic Adventurer of the Year, and his environmental advocacy work with Protect Our Winters won him recognition as one of President Barack Obama's 2013 Champions of Change.


British Airways launched a long-term campaign in the US telling India Ex-Pats in the US “It's time to Visit Mum!”. The campaign features real people and kicked-off today with an emotional video featuring a mom in India talking about how much she misses her son in America. During the video, she cooks her sons favorite meal for BA to fly to him in New York, but ends up being surprised when instead BA brings her son to her (after not being home for 15 years). Film advertisement created by Ogilvy, United States for British Airways, within the category: Transport.


Pendant la période du confinement, CLM lance L'oeil Un regard qui vise à vous transmettre des instantanés pour considérer l’actualité sous un nouveau prisme. Un regard sur les gens : parce qu’on a tous une façon différente de vivre cette période mettons-nous à la place des gens de leurs problématiques et de leurs nouvelles aspirations Un regard sur les industries : parce que chaque métier est différent, comment chacun réagit face à la crise sanitaire ? L’oeil de : parce que l’on a tous un avis personnel sur cette crise, 5 questions posées à une personne, du métier ou pas, pour nous éclairer.


Digital advertisement created by Casanova Pendrill, United States for Oasis Art Center, within the category: Education.


Film advertisement created by la comunidad, Argentina for Alma Mora, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.


‘Monologueando’ is a social campaign in which we built bridges between the online and offline worlds. This was done within the strategic framework that we have defined since our inception as Fandomaking: in which we design frameworks for action with the goal that fans of a brand help us create the project itself. A philosophy and a way of work that we sum up with one phrase: “We don’t want to sell the bike to anyone, what we seek is their help to build it.” Based on the naming of the brand itself, this project began with a simple question: would it be possible to write a book between many people? For example, with 150 different authors? In order to answer it, we started a campaign on Twitter (the perfect platform for monologues) in which, through hashtag #monologueando, fans of the brand have share with us their particular view of the world: their ideas, their thoughts, their creativity and everything that makes them different from everyone else. Among the thousands of proposals received, 150 were selected to be typeset in colourful quotes. A use of colour and art direction that has become one of the brand’s hallmarks. With these 150 quotes, we designed a book, published in June 2016, and created an online platform for its viewing, through which users can also download a digital edition of the book using the ‘Pay with a tweet ‘ method. Converting tweets from fans to pages of a physical book was nothing more than a logical consequence of a much simpler approach: listen carefully to what the fans of the brand want to tell us. This is an idea that we decided to take a step further, designing the labels of a special edition of Monólogo with three of the selected tweets, bringing the voice of the fans to the bottles themselves. Digital advertisement created by THIS is UMAMI, Spain for Monólogo, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.


Outdoor advertisement created by DOM360, United States for Toyota, within the category: Automotive.


Nick teaches you how to be a true 'legend’ in this anti drink-driving ad for NZTA. He drives the message home (so to speak) by reminding you of the things you'd miss out on if you drink and drive. Told through a loving montage of reckless memories, it talks to the true provincial lad - the motorbiking, mud wrestling, banger racing lad who lives a life full of lols. Film advertisement created by BBDO, New Zealand for New Zealand Transport Agency, within the category: Transport.


Walmart’s free 2-day shipping (with no membership) means college students can afford to have more fun. Naturally, hilarity ensues. Film advertisement created by Saatchi & Saatchi, United States for Walmart, within the category: Retail Services.


Film advertisement created by Walker, Switzerland for Interflora, within the category: Professional Services.


I Still Remain” is a film that inspects and explores the inner workings, insights and inspirations of a man driven and informed by two fights with cancer. Written by Braulio Fonseca, directed by Jason Lindsey, and edited by Sai Selvarajan, “I Still Remain,” blends poetic introspection with cinematic observation to reveal a moving portrait of how serious illness carries intense emotional impact, and the transformative power in healing the mind, body and spirit. Lindsay was inspired to help Fonseca tell his story: how the psychological element was vital in living more fully, even while threatened by the ravages of illness. The director was determined to bring Fonseca’s evocative, lyrical language to the screen. As he explains, “Braulio’s writing mines an emotional journey we do not often see in the fight with cancer. We wanted to craft the message with an aesthetic that would translate the depths of his healing process to hopefully reach those looking for hope and restoration.” Honoring the story with immersive and rhythmic visuals, Lindsay captures both intimate and expansive moments that reveal Fonseca’s resurgence. From the purifying blank page of icy blue water to the worn decay of photographed graffitied walls, and the calloused skin of time’s toll. An admirer of Sai Selvarajan’s body of work, Lindsay approached the editor to shape a story that would blend voice and visuals, poetry and purpose. For Selvarajan, the challenge was met with passionate determination to uncover the universal and the personal, in a message aimed to inspire and connect. “We wanted to capture the interior space of a cancer survivor and create a unique marriage of art and why,” comments Selvarajan. “Cancer, unfortunately, is something that most people have a personal experience with directly or indirectly. I was honored to be able to collaborate with Jason on this film, and I hope people are encouraged by Braulio’s story.”


America loves guns and burgers. While both passions need fire to come to life, shooting often ends up taking lives and leaving permanent regrets behind. With on-going debates of gun control among the violence and accidents that just keep happening, we decided to turn shooting craze into a fuel that fires up flame-grilling passion in many people. Film advertisement created by Miami Ad School, United States for Burger King, within the category: Food.


Content advertisement created by McCann, United States for Xbox, within the category: Gaming.


To make the population of Luxembourg aware of the importance of smoke detectors, we have created a campaign featuring a fireman suspended from the ceiling to embody the smoke detector. “Looking after you: the smoke detector.” Indeed, in case of smoke, the detector is the shortest route between the homes and the emergency services. Film advertisement created by Comed, Luxembourg for Ministry of the Interior, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by McCann, United Kingdom for Breezometer, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Challenge Lenovo launched its VR-headset Explorer. Its promo in Ukraine was complicated due to literary 0 of local content and lack of global applications, mostly presented by casual shooters. Insight Ukrainians travel to Europe in seek for amazing places. But sometimes beauty is just in front of your nose. For those, who still think of Kyiv as a city of churches we bought its modernity vibes just to their point of view. Literally. Idea Kyiv from dusk till dawn — first infotainment VR-app about ukrainian capital. In the project we have showed the other side of Kyiv — its modern culture. Execution We selected 6 trendy locations and developed a VR-tour “Kyiv from dawn till dusk” around them. It every location user gets an interactive game. In these physical locations we placed posters with chatbot codes, that starts a dialogue about the project and gives some product info about Lenovo Explorer. The project was also promoted in social media and landing page. All the communication led to the application download for full-VR experience. Integrated advertisement created by NGN.AGENCY, Ukraine for Lenovo, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Film advertisement created by Bench, Canada for Bench Accounting, within the category: Professional Services.


Film advertisement created by Common Ads, Georgia for Ragnar Pilsner, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.


Film advertisement created by POL, Norway for Posten, within the category: Professional Services.

Showing 48 out of 80