

We are at a funeral. The person who has died was very good at his job, but did not pass his professional skills forward. The priest is very disappointed about this. He thinks it's a huge waste of talent, skills, experience and knowledge. Film advertisement created by Le Bureau, Sweden for WorldSkills, within the category: Education.


We are at a funeral. The person who has died was very good at his job, but did not pass his professional skills forward. The priest is very disappointed about this. He thinks it's a huge waste of talent, skills, experience and knowledge. Film advertisement created by Le Bureau, Sweden for WorldSkills, within the category: Education.


Digital advertisement created by Stendahls, Sweden for Harman Kardon, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Outdoor advertisement created by Acne, Sweden for Non Violence Project, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency is responsible for issues concerning civil protection and public safety. With this campaign they want people to become more careful when it comes to sharing sensitive information on the Internet. We raised the question: “Why do we share information on the Internet, that we would never share elsewhere." Film advertisement created by Le Bureau, Sweden for Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency is responsible for issues concerning civil protection and public safety. With this campaign they want people to become more careful when it comes to sharing sensitive information on the Internet. We raised the question: “Why do we share information on the Internet, that we would never share elsewhere." Film advertisement created by Le Bureau, Sweden for Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by Åkestam Holst, Sweden for Arla, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.


Film advertisement created by Åkestam Holst, Sweden for Arla, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.


Film advertisement created by Åkestam Holst, Sweden for Arla, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.


Here’s a short film about love, time and concrete we at Strays, an ad agency in Stockholm, did for Formbetong to launch their first holistic communication concept - Alla tiders betong. Which roughly translates to ”A Concrete Story." Formbetong has been around for a long time and has has grown into Sweden's leading construction company in the concrete industry, but it is only now that they take a holistic approach to their marketing and communication. With the new concept the brand wants to dramatize the central part of the company's business - that generations to come will be able to benefit from the buildings that Formbetong is building today. We were thrilled with the idea that each concrete building has several lives, since concrete is incredibly durable, and is rediscovered by every new generation. And since Formbetong cherished the idea that the concept should first and foremost be about people and not concrete the 5-minute short film depicts young love throughout several decades. The concrete's presence consists only of the concrete roof on which every decade takes place on. Film advertisement created by Strays, Sweden for Frombetong, within the category: Professional Services.


Digital advertisement created by Stendahls, Sweden for Länsförsäkringar, within the category: Finance.


Say hello to Octomonk – The perfect study app for school kids Young people are bombarded with impulses from all directions, all the time, making it really hard to focus when they study. This was something Gothenburg Symphony – the National Orchestra of Sweden – wanted to change, so they created Octomonk, a fun and playful app that helps children to study better with classical music (and some high jinks). Digital advertisement created by Stendahls, Sweden for Gothenburg Symphony, within the category: Education.


For Audio Pro’s 40 year in the business they wanted to do a film to celebrates that. So director Mats Udd and production company Slutet är Nära came up with a film that wouldn't show any product, or new features. Just a pure and simple film about sounds. Small and large sounds. Sounds that make you laugh, or cry, sounds that you may have forgotten, or sounds that were a big part of your childhood. Sounds that make you come back to special events or make you remember friends from the past. Speaker Brands usually pay homage to new technology and new products, but the more rarely they praise the sound itself. We wanted to change that. So before the 40th anniversary we wanted to make a film without a product that is only interested in one thing: The sound. A film that honoring the sounds.


Digital advertisement created by Acne, Sweden for Max Burgers, within the category: Food.


Ambient advertisement created by Åkestam Holst, Sweden for Norrlands Guld, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.


Film advertisement created by Acne, Sweden for Telenor, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Billboards Beyond Borders broke new ground by using a loophole in Google Maps to create a new type of impactful advertising, by replacing existing messages on big billboards in countries where freedom of speech is under threat, with messages from journalist that had been censored or silenced. By rethinking digital advertising and repurposing Google Maps, we made a global statement on a zero media budget, and opened up new possibilities for marketing in a world where the line between physical and digital is increasingly blurred. Our billboards gave people all over the world the possibility to walk around in a world more free than the one we live in. Digital advertisement created by Åkestam Holst, Sweden for Reporters Without Borders, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


An #ImPerfect initiative against fake online facades The Swedish insurance company Länsförsäkringar started a successful movement towards fake online facades that are causing low self-esteem and anxiety among teenagers. How? By turning influencers into human billboards – with a message against their own perfectionism. Social media is damaging the mental health of Swedish teenagers due to constant comparisons with influencers and unattainable ideals. Länsförsäkringar, who in various ways are helping young people to grow and believe in themselves, wanted to shine a light on this and help teens see beyond all fake online facades. But teens wouldn’t listen to an insurance company… The problem became the solution Länsförsäkringar hijackaed superficial venues – several major Swedish fashion events – and joined forces with the people causing the problem: influencers on front row. They became the solution, wearing the #ImPerfect t-shirt they turned into human billboards with a contradictory message against their own perfectionism. Teenagers closest online relation was used to change social feeds, making flaws and individuality the new ideal. A new subject in schools The human billboards disrupted teen’s social feeds overnight. Within days all major national media covered the story. Major celebrities/influencers such as actors, rock stars and designers joined the movement. Länsförsäkringar also launched the ImPerfect web series, introducing a new subject in schools: Social Media Behaviour. The initiative got 40 million organic reach (4 times Sweden’s population) and 65 % recognition (100% above business target). And the topic continues to be on the agenda for a healthier Sweden. Film advertisement created by Stendahls, Sweden for Länsförsäkringar, within the category: Finance.


Save the children releases a picture book that should never have existed. Today, every sixth child lives in a conflict zone, an increase by 75% since the 90's. A fact that the Save the Children Sweden wanted to make decision makers and the general public aware of. So, we made a picture book for the children of war. Not for them to read or use, but for us to understand their world. At first glance the book looked like any other picture book, but we filled the pages with objects that children in conflict zones has to face on a daily basis. Our key insight and the harsh reality is this: people have become too good at turning the blind eye. Showing photos and films where children are suffering just isn't enough anymore. That’s why we focused on creating pictures in people’s head by comparing our kid’s lives with the reality in conflict zones. Film advertisement created by Uncle Unicorn, Sweden for Save the Children Sweden, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


We meet a family watching a thrilling movie that suddenly is interrupted by a commercial brake. The magic is gone and like so many others this family choses to leave their cosy sofa to do other things. This is when Ikea takes the opportunity to do some advertising. Prices appear on chosen items who now stands out well when the family is gone. Except for the family dog who doesn't have a clue. Film advertisement created by Åkestam Holst, Sweden for IKEA, within the category: House, Garden.

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