

Road rage and traffic stress is a mayor issue in Denmark when it comes to car accidents. Flirt Coach Louise Scheele Elling and Europcar presents a feel-good video with tips for anger management when driving and having a great, happy road trip. Film advertisement created by Miffen, Denmark for Europcar, within the category: Automotive.


Even the toughest and the most bad-tempered persons can’t fight the happiness that comes with eating the sweets from Nørregade. Film advertisement created by Lowe, Denmark for Nørregade, within the category: Confectionery, Snacks.


What happens when you park the new, not yet launched, Opel Adam in central Copenhagen on a dark evening - and make it come to life? We tried and ended up giving unsuspecting bar guests and people passing by something they hadn't seen coming. Ambient advertisement created by Grey, Denmark for Opel, within the category: Automotive.


Living in the happiest country on earth it’s hard to comprehend the situation in Aleppo, Syria. But on New Year’s Eve Danes gets a taste of the chaos taking place in the middle east. Without even thinking about it. Fireworks from Aleppo is an acoustic recreation of a Danish New Year’s Eve using actual sounds of the bombardment of Aleppo, Syria. This was broadcasted across Denmark in the days following New Year’s Eve. Audio advertisement created by Uncle Grey, Denmark for Amnesty International, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Ambient advertisement created by Robert/Boisen & Like-minded, Denmark for Anthon Berg, within the category: Food.


With Duct Tape Digital you can restore all your smartphone’s functions. By simply disabling the damaged areas on the screen, and move the important functions to the areas that still work. Digital advertisement created by DMJX, Denmark for Scotch, within the category: House, Garden.


Digital advertisement created by Grey, Denmark for Waoo, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


We live in uncertain times - people do not seem to trust each other anymore. Or at least that’s how it feels when you open global media these days. But trust doesn’t seem to be the problem if you ask the Danes: Denmark has built a very successful society based on trust. In a new film the biggest Danish political party Socialdemokratiet, the architects of the welfare model, want to test if the Danes are still as trustful as they used to be. Click CC to see English subtitles. Experiential advertisement created by Another, Denmark for Socialdemokratiet, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Hair is essential to how we express our self. We love that feeling of clean, textured, natural hair, that instantly makes us feel more confident. We consider our hair as the reflection of inner strength. It’s not an ornament but a way to express our self.


Film advertisement created by Kadaver, Denmark for Kilroy, within the category: Professional Services.


Digital advertisement created by Playground Production, Denmark for, within the category: Media.


Find out just how much energy you get from a sunny holiday. Film advertisement created by Robert/Boisen & Like-minded, Denmark for SPIES Travels, within the category: Transport.


Film advertisement created by Saatchi & Saatchi, Denmark for Teamwork Family, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Digital advertisement created by ADtomic, Denmark for Oreo, within the category: Confectionery, Snacks.


Do you believe there is hope for the future? The world can be beautiful and open, if we want it. These children from around the world came together and discovered they are more alike than they ever imagined. In the film Dear mom and dad, we document what happens when 48 children from 12 different countries meet at a CISV camp funded by Momondo and run by CISV. We asked the children to write to their parents how they see the world in the beginning and the end of the camp. We are proud and honored to have been able to document the beautiful feelings and thoughts shared by the children. They don't come from the same culture, speak the same language or wear the same clothes, but none of that matters: jokes are shared, hearts are opened and friendships across borders are made. Momondo supports CISV International, a global non-profit organization dedicated to educating and inspiring action for peace. By educating the next generation, and through building intercultural friendships based on cooperation and understanding, CISV aims to help children and youth to develop the skills they need to become informed, responsible and active global citizens, able to make a positive difference in their communities and the world. Our collaboration with CISV and the Dear mom and dad campaign are part of Let’s Open Our World; an invitation to cross boundaries, embrace our differences and open our world. Find out more about Let's Open Our World, our collaboration with CISV, and download free school kits at Film advertisement created by &Co, Denmark for Momondo, within the category: Professional Services.


Streaming high definition videos on your phone generates approximately four times more emissions into the atmosphere than necessary. The down-to-earth solution? You know it as standard definition. We call it Earth Definition. A greener, much needed alternative to HD that lets you stream responsibly. Digital advertisement created by Accenture Interactive, Denmark for, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Campaign film made for NGO Mino Denmark: In 1960’s a man of middle eastern origin comes to Denmark, working for a blacksmith and later brings his family. The negative attitude and racism the family constantly meets creates ripples that are felt to this day.


Digital advertisement created by ADtomic, Denmark for ADtomic, within the category: Agency Self-Promo.


Film advertisement created by Heyday, Denmark for Super Dæk Service, within the category: Professional Services.


Companies that rely on donations fight a tough battle with the numerous distractions that are found on our phones and on the internet, so it’s imperative that the journey from wanting to donate to actually donating is as short as possible. In a time where we’re always chasing the next new, it’s refreshing to know that sometimes the best solution can be old tech. Digital advertisement created by Hjaltelin Stahl, Denmark for Unicef, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.

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