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Film advertisement created by Sens, France for Helpling, within the category: Professional Services.


Film advertisement created by Alma, United States for Sprint, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Film advertisement created by DDB, Malaysia for Digi, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Today a majority of people in society commit some form of sin. In other words, they have lost their fear of retribution and punishment for sin. This has resulted in a breakdown of society. Our challenge, to make people fear the consequences of wrongdoing as per the teachings of Buddhism. This idea was based on the following words of the Buddha as recorded by the Dhammapada scripture. ‘If with an impure mind a person speaks or acts, suffering follows him like the wheel that follows the foot of the ox.’A simple but highly effective visual medium; a wheel of an oxcart was attached to several vehicles in the city of Colombo. The action took place during Vesak – the festival that commemorates the birth, enlightenment and death of the Gautama Buddha. The outcome was phenomenal. All major TV stations covered the event; as a consequence the whole country was aware of the operation. Additionally, a dedicated Facebook page generated a storm of comments. The event was also reported on several other media, both mainstream and non-traditional, resulting in a vocal dialogue among the general public of Sri Lanka. Ambient advertisement created by Saatchi & Saatchi, Sri Lanka for Buddhists Cultural Center, within the category: Other.


Film advertisement created by BBDO, Poland for Mercedes, within the category: Automotive.


Ambient advertisement created by JWT, Brazil for Cinepolis, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.


Audio advertisement created by Godfather, United States for Zycazin, within the category: Pharmaceutical.


Digital advertisement created by Y&R, Ecuador for Ron San Miguel, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.


During one week, 29 August -- 3 September, in a specially built glass box in the waiting hall of Stockholm Central Station, passers-by can watch as clothes are hung on a washing line, only to be soiled. Log onto Ariel's Facebook page -- -- and you can win clothes by controlling a specially programmed industrial robot loaded with ketchup, drinking chocolate and lingonberry jam in real time. With designer garments as your targets, your challenge is to hit them as they swish in front of the robot at Stockholm Central Station. It´s easy: aim, stain and win. The stained garment will be sent in the post after being washed on-site with regular Ariel Actilift. Digital advertisement created by Saatchi & Saatchi, Sweden for Ariel, within the category: House, Garden.


Film advertisement created by BBDO, Ukraine for Gonzo, within the category: Food.


Film advertisement created by Leo Burnett, Australia for Bundaberg, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.


Film advertisement created by M&C Saatchi, Italy for De'Longhi, within the categories: Electronics, Technology, House, Garden.


The North Pacific is home to one of the most catastrophic man-made disasters in history. A collection of plastic waste, five time the size of the UK, brought together by ocean currents. Few people know it exists. So, together with Surfer's Against Sewage, we put it on the map. Introducing the world's newest and most dangerous country : Wasteland. Film advertisement created by M&C Saatchi, United Kingdom for Surfers Against Sewage, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by Euro RSCG, Australia for Vanish, within the category: House, Garden.


10th anniversary celebrating & empowering women through 10 statements. Monki is owned by H&M and is a global fashion brand for women. #Monkifesto is a value-driven campaign empowering women all over the planet. This is a bold and important campaign containing 10 statements delivered by 10 brilliant and edgy women – Kiran Gandhi, Karley Sciortino, Rita Popova and many more. It's OK to masturbate (we all do it). It should be ok to be gay or transgender. It´s NORMAL (painful and messy) to have your period. It´s OK to be a drama queen. The campaign boosts Monki's target audience to believe in themselves and to go their own way. Our deliverables contain communication concept, creative direction in collaboration with Monki and photo and film production. We took the content; the ambassadors and the statements and made them the actual visual language for the campaign. Creating all the set design and typography by hand on banners, flags, and signs. Digital advertisement created by Snask, Sweden for Monki, within the category: Fashion.


Avec Les Petits Plaisirs Soja de St Hubert, bien sûr que oui !
Depuis toujours, St Hubert s’engage à proposer des produits qui allient plaisir et nutrition, et ce n’est pas aujourd’hui que les choses vont changer.
Grâce à une gamme de délicieux desserts alliant les bienfaits du soja à la gourmandise du chocolat noir extra ou de vrais morceaux de fruits, St Hubert compte bien surprendre vos papilles.
Une surprise aussi bien gustative que publicitaire grâce à la nouvelle campagne décalée imaginée par l’agence CLM BBDO.
En effet, pourquoi faudrait-il être obligatoirement sérieux quand il s’agit de soja ?
A ça, le réalisateur Julian Pugsley répond par deux comédies dans lesquelles tout le monde, humains et animaux, se retrouve surpris par autant de gourmandise dans un dessert au soja.
La campagne est diffusée en France du 19 octobre au 19 novembre.

Les Petits Plaisirs Soja® St Hubert, avouez que c’est bon !


Production Company: Digital advertisement created by Ogilvy, Saudi Arabia for Hempel, within the category: House, Garden.


Content advertisement created by Valenstein & Fatt, United Kingdom for Volvo, within the category: Automotive.

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