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Film advertisement created by Ogilvy, South Africa for Volkswagen, within the category: Automotive.


Film advertisement created by WPP, India for Kingfisher, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.


URL: Women are their own worsts beauty critics. In fact, only 4% of women around the world consider themselves beautiful. Dove is committed to building positive self-esteem and inspiring all women and girls to reach their potential. That's why we decided to conduct a compelling social experiment that proves to women something very important: You are more beautiful than you think. Digital advertisement created by Ogilvy, Brazil for Dove, within the category: Health.


Outdoor advertisement created by Saatchi & Saatchi, Netherlands for Samsung, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Film advertisement created by Saatchi & Saatchi, Switzerland for Otrivin, within the category: Pharmaceutical.


Direct advertisement created by thjnk, Germany for Amnesty International, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by H-57, Italy for Quercus Books, within the category: Media.


Film advertisement created by McCann, India for Britannia, within the category: Food.


As one of the most recognizable names in the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series, Dale Earnhardt Jr. knows the risks of being distracted while driving. Throughout April (distracted driving month) he’s lending his expertise in a new TV spot by Team Sprint - Leo Burnett and Digitas - to educate drivers about the Sprint Drive First app which helps drivers avoid the distraction of texting while driving. The hilarious 30-second spot features Earnhardt using the Sprint Drive First mobile application, which can block and send automatic replies to text messages while you drive. The overarching message of the campaign is that driving isn’t the problem, and texting isn’t the problem; “and” is the problem – as in texting “and” driving. The applications allows us all to live without the “and.” Film advertisement created by Leo Burnett, United States for Sprint, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Direct advertisement created by BBDO, Belgium for BBDO, within the category: Agency Self-Promo.


Film advertisement created by KBS+, United States for BMW, within the category: Automotive.


Forty students from the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance took a classical approach to the flashmob as they flashwaltzed Tchaikovsky's Waltz of the Flowers at the new Sarah Wetsman Davidson Hospital Tower in Jerusalem. Doctors, patients and passers-by joined in the fun. The surprise concert was part of Good Deeds Day, an annual event that originated in Israel in 2007 and now takes place in over 50 countries worldwide. On this day volunteers reach out to the less fortunate and the vulnerable. The Academy students enjoyed the day so much that they have decided to schedule regular concerts at the hospital. Hadassah Medical Organization treats over one million patients annually, without regard to race, religion or national origin.


Direct advertisement created by Eureka, Spain for Eureka, within the category: Agency Self-Promo.


Film advertisement created by Hello World, South Africa for Beechies, within the category: Confectionery, Snacks.


Every year, the 16 Days Against Violence campaign is held worldwide. We were approached by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine with an offer to develop a concept of an online and offline exhibition. Dedicated to these 16 days campaign. The topic of domestic violence is extremely relevant for Ukraine. 150,000 cases of domestic violence are reported to the Ukraine police every year. More cases stay unspoken of. There is too much violence around us. People have learned to ignore it, so we choose not to show violence itself. We needed another perspective. Our main characters we made to be ordinary try well and can be found almost in any home. They are tools of violence. Behind each of them is a real story of abuse from the police protocol. This is how the idea of THE THING IS an exhibition was born. The exhibition THE THING IS was opened in one of the central squares of Kyiv, Ukraine. You could scan a QR code and go to the exhibition website to hear the horrifying stories of violent survivors. The ceremony was attended by the First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenskaya and Vice Prime Minister Olha Stefanishyna. Millions of Ukrainians found out about the exhibition from social media or TV news and interned it. The Thing Is posters were sent to all regions of Ukraine. The police put them up in the squares of all major cities. Yes, we all want domestic violence to stop. Results: 10,000 visitors to the exhibition in Kyiv 146,000 visitors to the exhibition website on the first day Mini-expositions were presented in 27 cities More than 70 mentions in national medias Integrated advertisement created by Vintage web production, Ukraine for Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


To celebrate the new arrival of the nation’s favourite small car, Ford teamed up with royal milliner Rosie Olivia to create a 3D crown for the new Fiesta.


Mira service dog owners are often denied access to public places because of their dogs. However, a Mira dog is an essential tool for their autonomy, just like a walker, a prosthesis or a cane. Integrated advertisement created by Publicis, Canada for Mira, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by DDB, France for Hennessy, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.


Film advertisement created by Sid Lee, France for SKYN Condoms, within the category: Health.


When you use Nivea’s Invisible for Black & White deodorant, your black and white clothing stays black and white. To prove this, we designed an exclusive black & white dress, handmade and co-designed with fashion designer Tony Cohen. Kim Feenstra, one of Holland’s top models, showed the dress at the kick-off event. Film advertisement created by FCB, Netherlands for Nivea, within the category: Health.

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