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What would Santa look like if his legend was being created by some groovy bunch of creatives today?


BMF Melbourne is proud to announce the return of a famous Australian advertising icon: SOLO Man. Remembered with fond affection but absent from our screens for over 20 years, the new campaign is a light-­‐hearted take on SOLO’s history and shows how the Australian legend began. The campaign heroes the first SOLO Man and his discovery of a magical lemon tree that created the original thirst crusher. Film advertisement created by BMF, Australia for Solo, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.


Film advertisement created by McCann, United States for Xbox, within the category: Gaming.


Cooking Blindly is a 130-page sensory guide that aims to stimulate the five senses: touch, with relief illustrations of the dishes and printing in Braille; smell, since it will be possible to feel the aromas of the spices mentioned in the recipes; vision, since the publication has a design that allows people with low vision to read the content; and hearing, both with buttons that emit sounds from the instruments to be used in the preparation and with the audiobook version. The taste is due to the delivery of the book, the recipes contained therein. The publication also has an official website (www.cozinhaascegas.com.br). Launched in the year that celebrate 100 years of Nestlé in Brazil, the publication was designed in line with Maggi's philosophy that cooking is something that everyone can and should participate in. The initiative also reflects the Dorina Foundation's 75-year commitment: a more inclusive society for people with different levels of visual impairment. Integrated advertisement created by Publicis, Brazil for Maggi, within the categories: Food, Public Interest, NGO.


An engaging interactive Facebook post powered by Newsfeed SmartApps (https://www.newsfeedsmartapps.com) patent pending technology, where where users had to look around a 360-environment of an INFINITI QX60's interiors to find hidden tokens by tapping them. For every hidden token they discover, the user learns something new about the car! This highly successful digital activation was executed for INFINITI Middle East in collaboration with TBWA\RAAD.


Film advertisement created by gnet, United States for Xbox, within the category: Gaming.


There are many bizarre wedding traditions around the globe, but there is one that beats them all. On Day of the Girl Child, Save the Children Denmark and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark launched what seems like an entertaining Facebook-video that highlights bizarre wedding traditions from around the world, ending with the worst of them all: child brides. The film is a link in creating awareness about the world’s first summit with the singular aim of ending child marriages. Film advertisement created by Robert/Boisen & Like-minded, Denmark for Save the Children, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


As he prepares for his latest mission, Double O sets foot in Carnot Technologies HQ. He is in for a surprise. The era of Smart is here and Q has invented a gizmo so breathtaking that every car owner would kill to have it. Watch the first chapter to know more.


Berlin based radio station 94,3 has the best mix. Like Berlin itself. Film advertisement created by Glow, Germany for 94, within the category: Media.


Getting children vaccinated is a pressing issue facing the children of South Africa today. Nedbank, together with Joe Public United and the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund, has been running #vaxthenation, a campaign that highlights this issue by combining two of Nelson Mandela’s iconic speeches, rewritten from the perspective of the future of South Africa – the children. On the 2nd of December 2018 the children that were featured on the television commercial stood up on stage at the Global Citizen Festival and delivered the #vaxthenation message to the world. Film advertisement created by Joe Public, South Africa for Nedbank, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Junior Art Directors; Hanne Sandland Nilsen, Rebecca Sakshaug Hoseth Ambient advertisement created by Frank, Norway for National Geographic, within the category: Media.


Production Company: Troublemakers.tv Film advertisement created by DDB, China for Amazon, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


URL: http://digitalstreaker.com A group of us got tired of seeing the same old brands dominate the Super Bowl year in and year out…so we've decided to challenge the status quo, and give all those little brands out there a chance to get their shot at fame and fortune too.

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