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The first Social Robot in the world that uses artificial intelligence for recycling. Is a prototype that can recognize and separate all waste autonomously. It is a robot that facilitates the correct recycling process. It can evaluate waste images in microseconds, and give feedback to a database which shares data with the rest of the network robots. So it creates a waste disposal system with a scalable network. IRBin a smart friend for a sustainable world. Experiential advertisement created by Wunderman, Peru for Tottus, within the categories: Public Interest, NGO, Retail Services.


Integrated advertisement created by Wunderman Thompson, Brazil for Google, within the categories: Electronics, Technology, Public Interest, NGO.


#AgentsofCarnot #Part3


To celebrate the opening of the Star Tours attraction, Darth Vader, accompanied by two Stormtroopers, visits the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim California.


Film advertisement created by Iris, United Kingdom for Pizza Hut, within the category: Food.


Digital advertisement created by Mustache, United States for Netherlands Board of Tourism & Conventions, within the category: Transport.


Producer Mike Wigart Film advertisement created by 72andSunny, United States for Call of Duty, within the category: Gaming.



Film advertisement created by AFTERSHARE.TV, Spain for Ministry of Health, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.



URL: http://www.onehourpersecond.com


Outdoor advertisement created by Bold, Saudi Arabia for Alwaleed Philanthropies, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


When a standard poster just won’t do to grab the attention of college students, and convince them to get a flu shot. This interactive display was installed over four hours, with 148 tissue boxes, directing students to get a flu shot. What began with hesitation from students to take a tissue, turned into a fun, interactive, and memorable experiential exhibit, and drove traffic to Student Health Services.


If nothing changes, one day the entire Amazônia will fit into this bottle: bemvindoaamazonia.org


Digital advertisement created by Heat, United States for EA Games, within the category: Gaming.


With the state of the nation being as it is, experiential agency Bankrobber wanted to support the Black Lives Matter movement with a call-to-action. The team created remixes of two songs from another time that draw sad, yet real parallels to the current day. https://bankrobber-projects.myshopify.com/ In order to execute this project, the Bankrobber team called upon Sajjad Musa, a Brooklyn-based visual artist who is largely focused on social commentary, to design the cover art. The prints are being sold and 100% of the profits are being donated to The National Bail Fund. Digital advertisement created by Bankrobber, United States for Bankrobber, within the categories: Agency Self-Promo, Public Interest, NGO.

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