United States


As students get ready to go back to campus for the first time in over a year, experts believe there will be an uptick in sexual assault in what is considered to be a perfect storm of those experiencing campus life for the first time and older students wanting to make up for lost time. To combat this, It's On Us, the nation’s largest nonprofit program dedicated to college sexual assault prevention and survivor support, and independent creative agency Mekanism, have created a Back to School campaign to build awareness of bystander intervention education tactics. Film advertisement created by Mekanism, United States for It's On Us, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by BSSP, United States for Rao's Homemade, within the category: Food.


Film advertisement created by BarrettSF, United States for Made in a Free World, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Women Veterans may face unique challenges when transitioning from the military to civilian life, but there are tools to help them cope with whatever they’re going through. Discover how women Veterans have learned to thrive by taking care of their mental health. Integrated advertisement created by Reingold, United States for The U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by Weber Shandwick, United States for The American Academy of Periodontology, within the category: Health.


A nonpartisan coalition of leaders from business, government, and entertainment including Governor Jay Inslee, WA, Mayor Francis Suarez, FL, Mayor Vi Lyles, NC, as well as faith leaders, the Property Brother’s Jonathan and Drew Scott, actor Rainn Wilson, HP, and a host of other prominent US companies and institutions, are blanketing MSNBC, CNN and FOX to express to the broader public their commitment to tackling climate change in a new 60-second TV spot airing in beltway markets starting July 13. Digital advertisement created by Deutsch, United States for America Is All In, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by AbbaSez, United States for Frontier Airlines, within the category: Transport.


This Halloween, the US has been disturbed by multiple creepy clown sightings. In this commercial for Atomic Candy, we follow a creepy clown testing his Halloween costume, and his “Trick Or Treat” game, on an unsuspecting victim. Digital advertisement created by Innocean, United States for Atomic Candy, within the category: Confectionery, Snacks.


Film advertisement created by Alma, United States for State Farm, within the category: Finance.


Integrated advertisement created by MediaMonks, United States for Oreo, within the category: Confectionery, Snacks.


Digital advertisement created by Camp + King, United States for YouTube, within the category: Professional Services.


Senior Integrated Business Affairs Manager: Zoe Grubbe Film advertisement created by BBDO, United States for King's Hawaiian, within the category: Food.


Black & Abroad, a multi-platform travel & lifestyle company dedicated to redefining world experiences for the modern Black traveler, hijacks the racialized and derogatory phrase “Go back to Africa” (#GoBackToAfrica) for a pan-African tourism campaign. By blacking out hate-fueled Twitter posts and reframing them against words and images showing the beauty and diversity of all African countries, the brand is putting a positive and uplifting spin on a negative and disparaging narrative. www.gobacktoafrica.com/ Digital advertisement created by FCB, United States for Black & Abroad, within the category: Hospitality, Tourism.


The Rainbow Flag, the universal icon of freedom and pride for millions of LGBTQ people, has been met with great fanfare. But not everyone is celebrating. 40% of homeless teens who come out are thrown out. Which is why, we, with Out Not Down, created The Thrown Out Flag. Made with discarded fabric in traditional rainbow colors, the flag represents these teens who’ve also been thrown out. The campaign targeted LGBTQ youth living on the street with outdoor posters, bus kiosks and billboards in Times Square. Along with social postings and online films that demonstrated the flag being flown at community centers and clinics. In just a few months, the campaign challenged prejudice, combated social injustice and created solidarity around a more truthful symbol of hope. Integrated advertisement created by Saatchi & Saatchi, United States for Out Not Down, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Digital advertisement created by Humanaut, United States for Halfpops, within the category: Confectionery, Snacks.


Film advertisement created by Goodby Silverstein & Partners, United States for Bay Area Council, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by SS+K, United States for U.S. Chamber of Commerce, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Paper and packing are everywhere in our lives. In fact, they are so a part of our lives that they often go unnoticed, even when they are essential to life’s most meaningful moments. For the Paper and Packaging Board, Cramer-Krasselt had to find a way to make paper and packaging the obvious hero of every story. We did that by turning them into actual heroic characters. These characters give paper and packaging personality and allows them to be the real protagonists in every story of the How Life Unfolds work. Digital advertisement created by Cramer-Krasselt, United States for Paper and Packaging Board, within the category: Industrial, Agriculture.


Ambient advertisement created by RGA, United States for Ad Council, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.

Showing 44 out of 197