

Check out the site too: http://www.rolighetsteorin.se/en/ Ambient advertisement created by DDB, Sweden for Volkswagen, within the category: Automotive.


2019 Clio Juror: Agnes Uggla Film advertisement created by Forsman & Bodenfors, Sweden for Visit Sweden, within the category: Hospitality, Tourism.


Digital advertisement created by Shout, Sweden for Liseberg, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.


Digital advertisement created by JMW, Sweden for Absolut, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.


The film from children’s rights organization BRIS illustrates a girl’s last day in school before Christmas break, how she sees other people’s joy and fellowship and feel left out. Throughout the ad she carries around a little robot. In the end of the film the robot comforts her and gives her company. The robot is a symbol for the new chat bot service Brisbot that deals with the same kinds of questions as a regular helpline. Brisbot is available directly in the mobile phone on messaging platforms - Kik and Facebook Messenger. It gives professional counseling, answers and advice for children directly in the chat. One of the most common and difficult problems that kids face today is a sense of hopelessness or loneliness. Many children that contact BRIS during the holidays talk about how they feel that everyone else is having a cozy time with relatives and friends, but that they feel left out and don’t have anyone to talk to. Film advertisement created by Garbergs, Sweden for BRIS, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Today many men use their bodies as a canvas. It’s a way to express yourself and show who you are. This can’t be disturbed by all-over body hair or rashes after shaving. Thanks to NIVEA Men the new art of body shaving is fun, hassle-free and without skin irritation. The campaign is based on the fact that 74% of Swedish men regularly or occasionally remove body hair. 42% of Swedish men (age 18-55) have a tattoo. That makes Swedes the most tattooed people in the world. Film advertisement created by FCB, Sweden for Nivea, within the category: Health.


Today many men use their bodies as a canvas. It’s a way to express yourself and show who you are. This can’t be disturbed by all-over body hair or rashes after shaving. Thanks to NIVEA Men the new art of body shaving is fun, hassle-free and without skin irritation. The campaign is based on the fact that 74% of Swedish men regularly or occasionally remove body hair. 42% of Swedish men (age 18-55) have a tattoo. That makes Swedes the most tattooed people in the world. Film advertisement created by FCB, Sweden for Nivea, within the category: Health.


After the creative stage of a website project, digital agencies struggle to find developers who can do the web designs justice. We feel you, agency CEO.


10th anniversary celebrating & empowering women through 10 statements. Monki is owned by H&M and is a global fashion brand for women. #Monkifesto is a value-driven campaign empowering women all over the planet. This is a bold and important campaign containing 10 statements delivered by 10 brilliant and edgy women – Kiran Gandhi, Karley Sciortino, Rita Popova and many more. It's OK to masturbate (we all do it). It should be ok to be gay or transgender. It´s NORMAL (painful and messy) to have your period. It´s OK to be a drama queen. The campaign boosts Monki's target audience to believe in themselves and to go their own way. Our deliverables contain communication concept, creative direction in collaboration with Monki and photo and film production. We took the content; the ambassadors and the statements and made them the actual visual language for the campaign. Creating all the set design and typography by hand on banners, flags, and signs. Digital advertisement created by Snask, Sweden for Monki, within the category: Fashion.


Unique from all other sports books, Betser is introducing ‘Balls and Brains’, which rewards the player’s courage and skills. The product is built on something every player will recognize: Balls – trusting your gut feeling betting on a long shot; and Brains – a more calculated bet minimizing risk. In the campaign we gathered the biggest balls and brains personalities throughout history to let them convince each other on how to bet – with your balls or your brain. Film advertisement created by Jack Russel, Sweden for Betser, within the category: Gambling.


Ambient advertisement created by JMW, Sweden for Microsoft, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


A celebration to women in IT, the future is too important to be left to men. Film advertisement created by Klirr, Sweden for KTH Royal Institue of Technology, within the category: Education.


The video features 15 musicians from the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra that have been spread across the Sweden in five different locations to play Mozart's famous chamber piece "Eine kleine Nachtmusik", live via Telia fiber connection. Digital advertisement created by DDB, Sweden for Telia, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Ambient advertisement created by Round & Round, Sweden for Bigalcohol.Exposed, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


The film shows visitors to Stockholm, live casted, as they pose for the camera on different scenic locations across the Swedish capital city. It includes families from the middle east, asia, teenage punks, skaters, climbers, people in wheelchairs and a priest, among others. Digital advertisement created by Volontaire, Sweden for Visit Stockholm, within the category: Hospitality, Tourism.


URL: http://prosciuttogiallo.it/ A case study of a direct marketing campaign featuring a couple of hundred slices of finest prosciutto, meat ink and an Italian butcher with a harido to die for. Literally. Digital advertisement created by Saatchi & Saatchi, Sweden for Elmsta 3000 Horror Fest, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.


Fake news, fast news and filter bubbles are big challenges within todays media landscape. They all create a narrower, twisted view of our world and have led researches to warn against growing prejudice in our societies. The solution, they say, is unbiased and well-researched journalism. In order to create awareness of the growing prejudice in our society and the polarisation that it inevitably leads to, Stampen Media launched a social experiment in Gothenburg, Sweden called Visible Thoughts. During the experiment, people off the street were invited to sit down on a chair placed in the middle of a shop-window, exposed both to passers-by and people following the event online. People were then able to label the person in the shop-window by answering a set of questions - knowing nothing about them bar their appearance. The answers were projected in real time in the shop window and online. The goal of the campaign was to start conversations around prejudice and to encourage people to want to get to know one another, outside of their own bubble. If we can make people realize that we all carry prejudice, we can also increase tolerance for what is considered different. Experiential advertisement created by Stendahls, Sweden for Stampen Media, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Roland Svensson's head measures 275 mm. The new Volvo FMX has 300 mm of ground clearance. See what a few centimetres more space can do. Film advertisement created by Forsman & Bodenfors, Sweden for Volvo, within the category: Automotive.


Film advertisement created by Svensson, Sweden for Elon, within the category: Retail Services.


Outdoor advertisement created by Bulldozer, Sweden for Bramhults, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.

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