Beards must be gone, and the trimmers must be sold. It was not easy to ask men to shave in an ordinary situation. So, why not to turn beards to a gift? That is exactly is what we did. The most creative way to sell our products on Valentine’s Day was to give another meaning to it, use beard for a romantic purpose and go ahead with a win-win formula for Braun. Direct advertisement created by Grey, Turkey for Braun, within the category: Electronics, Technology.
Digital advertisement created by Havas, Turkey for Intel, within the category: Electronics, Technology.
Unboxing videos are one of the most popular content types on YouTube. We used specific device targeting feature of YouTube ads in a way that’s never done before. We shot 18 different pre-roll videos with 18 different phone models (7 Apple models, 11 Samsung models) to play the most popular unboxing videos on YouTube. People saw their own phone model coming out of an iPhone X box or a Samsung Galaxy Note 8 box as a surprise. Our host then informed people about the new loan we created for people who want to buy smartphones and led them to apply for “Credit X” Digital advertisement created by FCB, Turkey for DenizBank, within the category: Finance.
Outdoor advertisement created by Grey, Turkey for Amnesty International, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Digital advertisement created by Plasenta, Turkey for Doğadan, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.
Digital advertisement created by ArnoBrasco, Turkey for Biskrem, within the category: Food.
Digital advertisement created by McCann, Turkey for Coca-Cola, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.
Film advertisement created by BÜRO, Turkey for Nef, within the category: Professional Services.
Direct advertisement created by Ogilvy, Turkey for Columbia, within the category: Fashion.
Digital advertisement created by Punch, Turkey for Nescafe, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.
Maths are everywhere... Film advertisement created by JWT, Turkey for TEB, within the category: Finance.
Gender-based violence is one of the biggest issues in Turkey for years. According to research, 440 women were killed in 2018, and one out of every 5 women remains a victim of domestic violence. However, only a specific group of NGOs who work against femicide raise their voices for this tragic reality. This year, on 8th of March - International Women's Day, Turkish Alzheimer Association and TBWA Istanbul, collaborated for a disruptive campaign on violence against women and attracted a great deal of attention to the problem. In the one-minute long internet film, real Alzheimer patients are interviewed and they make a call for everyone to remember the victims of femicide. Film advertisement created by TBWA, Turkey for Turkish Alzheimer Association, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
This place was avoided by everyone, so much so that even the Google car didn't come here. After 40,000 liters of paint was used to turn more than the 400 homes into a real-life cascading rainbow, all the streets were scanned with a 360° camera, and crafted into an online Virtual Tour of the entire Colorful Hill. This exclusive VR interactive experience (similar to the Google Street View), allowed everyone to see the transformation effects from the inside. Everyone was able to walk around the colorful streets and click on the links to watch online videos and read exclusive stories about the impact of the transformation. One of the world's largest ambient exhibitions of color in open air became an Instagram hotspot and was named a must-visit site in media all over the world. Experiential advertisement created by ROAD381, Turkey for Dulux, within the category: House, Garden.
Digital advertisement created by Rabarba, Turkey for Anadolu Sigorta, within the category: Finance.
Film advertisement created by Grey, Turkey for Unicef, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
We address the feelings of those who feel like Star Wars! Samsung Turkey needed new ideas on the concept and communication processes of the special bundle, including Galaxy Note 8, Gear S3, exclusive figures and all other products, which was tailor-made for “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” movie. We chose the story of a father and daughter, both Star Wars fans, to meet this need of Samsung. We undertook all launching procedures from the package design and TVC to digital media trailers. In our trailer, we see the story of a girl, who starts to hear sounds from the Star Wars world and go beyond the limits of her imagination, and discovers the real force while trying to figure out where the sound really comes from. Film advertisement created by Roy+Teddy, Turkey for Samsung, within the category: Electronics, Technology.
Integrated advertisement created by Havas, Turkey for Nestle, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.
Film advertisement created by BBDO, Turkey for Smart, within the category: Automotive.
Film advertisement created by Ogilvy, Turkey for KFC, within the category: Food.