

Digital advertisement created by Lowe, Turkey for Turkish Red Crescent, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


When it is about winning, there is nothing more important, gamers know that. Tactics, technique, reflex and world-wide victories won by milliseconds… With that global insight, advertising agency RED and GREY created a campaign for Monster Notebook, and captured the varied and amusing reactions of gamers within the main creative idea: “Gaming is cool. Even when you are not.” In the commercial, we see gamers and their entertaining moments of losing themselves while winning. Film advertisement created by RED and GREY, Turkey for Monster Notebook, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Film advertisement created by Ogilvy, Turkey for KFC, within the category: Food.


Ambient advertisement created by Havas, Turkey for Faber-Castell, within the category: House, Garden.


Film advertisement created by BLAB, Turkey for SEK, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.


What would make you smile in a life where you wake up exactly at the same time, drive through the same roads, arrive at the same place and do the same things every day over and over again? A good sleep? Not enough. The morning coffee? To some extent. The company car? How so? Like this. Your alarm goes off. You wake up. It’s still dark outside. You have to go to work. You get up from bed. You look out from the window and ta-da! There it is. The company car. It’s waiting for you, “let’s roll together!” it says. At that moment, “El Bimbo” starts to play in your head. The campaign for the fleet leasing company, Hedef Filo consists of four TVCs. It shows us the misery of waking up early and going to work, the stress of a job interview, the tiredness from working all day, and the tension that arises from being stranded on the road while going to a very important meeting. And in these stressful moments, seeing the company car on a platform revolving in all its beauty with “El Bimbo” playing in the head, it lightens the mood. Film advertisement created by BLAB, Turkey for Hedef Filo, within the category: Automotive.


Digital advertisement created by McCann, Turkey for Coca-Cola, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.


Film advertisement created by McCann, Turkey for Rock'n Coke, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.


Outdoor advertisement created by Grey, Turkey for Amnesty International, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Imagine Amadeus Mozart asking you to come up with the most creative way to tell his story to the people. What would you do? We created the world’s first playable and listenable font for Peter Shaffer’s famous play “Amadeus” to the Turkish audience. We put this font at the heart of our communication campaign to introduce Peter Shaffer’s famous play “Amadeus” to the Turkish audience. First, we created staff and put the Amadeus line in the middle of the four lines used as a guide to design the font. Then, we placed letters instead of notes. We designed 14 different numbers and letters of the alphabet that match the notes and octaves on the staff. We created a font family of 574 characters for the alphabet consisting of 32 letters and 9 numbers. Putting the Amadeus font at the center of our campaign, our messages and headlines uniquely merged with Mozart’s music. While people read each word, they were also able to listen to the matched note. Even the lost letters that Amadeus wrote 250 years ago turned into a unique piece with his notes. A pianist played Amadeus’s letters. Integrated advertisement created by Happy People Project, Turkey for Amadeus, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.


After fascinating everyone for centuries, pearl is now on your dining tables with Karaca Fine Pearl. Film advertisement created by VMLY&R, Turkey for Karaca, within the categories: House, Garden, Retail Services.


fizy is Turkey’s biggest music app with 22 Million users. The identity of such a rich platform consisting of tons of genres of music couldn't be a static one. A new design approach that would convey the language of music was needed. We created a Musical Font by using the Variable Fonts technology in a disruptive way. First, a new fizy base font is designed. 6 different axes are constructed within one font. Then, the font’s typographic features are connected to different frequency levels of sound. Digital advertisement created by TBWA, Turkey for Fizy, within the category: Media.


Digital advertisement created by TBWA, Turkey for Turkcell, within the categories: Electronics, Technology, Public Interest, NGO.


We filmed a movie embedded with easter eggs ranging from live websites to social media accounts, from search results to active QR codes and blog entries. each easter egg leading to a free ticket from Pegasus. Co-launched with a coinciding digital campaign our movie became the main portal of communication. Creating an endless quest for the eager mind thus delivering our message continuously. Integrated advertisement created by Rafineri, Turkey for Pegasus Airlines, within the category: Transport.


Gender-based violence is one of the biggest issues in Turkey for years. According to research, 440 women were killed in 2018, and one out of every 5 women remains a victim of domestic violence. However, only a specific group of NGOs who work against femicide raise their voices for this tragic reality. This year, on 8th of March - International Women's Day, Turkish Alzheimer Association and TBWA Istanbul, collaborated for a disruptive campaign on violence against women and attracted a great deal of attention to the problem. In the one-minute long internet film, real Alzheimer patients are interviewed and they make a call for everyone to remember the victims of femicide. Film advertisement created by TBWA, Turkey for Turkish Alzheimer Association, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by Happy People Project, Turkey for Ford, within the category: Automotive.


Film advertisement created by DDB, Turkey for Lipton, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.


Maths are everywhere... Film advertisement created by JWT, Turkey for TEB, within the category: Finance.


Unboxing videos are one of the most popular content types on YouTube. We used specific device targeting feature of YouTube ads in a way that’s never done before. We shot 18 different pre-roll videos with 18 different phone models (7 Apple models, 11 Samsung models) to play the most popular unboxing videos on YouTube. People saw their own phone model coming out of an iPhone X box or a Samsung Galaxy Note 8 box as a surprise. Our host then informed people about the new loan we created for people who want to buy smartphones and led them to apply for “Credit X” Digital advertisement created by FCB, Turkey for DenizBank, within the category: Finance.


Film advertisement created by Punch, Turkey for Garanti, within the category: Finance.

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