

The campaign consists of three 30 second spots, which lead up to a four minute online film. The film can be seen here: www.the-decision.ch Film advertisement created by Leo Burnett, Switzerland for Federal Office of Public Health Switzerland, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Find out how people in Zurich used their eyes to win a Samsung Galaxy S4 of their own. Its inbuilt Smart Pause function means the S4 knows when someone is looking at it. The longer a participant stares at the screen, the bigger the discount is. But watch out! The game ends the moment eye contact ends. An S4 was handed out for free after 60 minutes. Ambient advertisement created by Heimat, Switzerland for Swisscom, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Film advertisement created by Saatchi & Saatchi, Switzerland for Otrivin, within the category: Pharmaceutical.


Vangardist, a leading German/English language men’s monthly invited its readers to take a hands-on approach to ending the social stigma surrounding HIV. To coincide with one of the biggest HIV events in the world - Life Ball - which takes place every year in Vangardist’s home town of Vienna, all 3,000 copies of its Spring issue were printed with ink infused with HIV+ blood donated by three individuals living with the HIV virus. Whilst the magazine has been produced according to the most stringent controls and using processes developed according to guidelines established by Harvard and Innsbruck University, ensuring that the handling of a physical copy of the magazines carries no risk of infection, and is 100% safe; the debate and discussion around the magazine and the issue it highlights has already been significant. Direct advertisement created by Saatchi & Saatchi, Switzerland for Vangardist, within the category: Media.


Ambient advertisement created by FCB, Switzerland for Neuroth, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Guerilla campaign on international women's day, aiming at exposing the taboo around menstruations. Painting were modified to include menstruations and hang around the city. A social media campaign gave the local stunt a wider scope. Experiential advertisement created by Baston, Switzerland for Lunes, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


The international campaign: Upgrade Your Taste developed by Mad. Avenue is all about improvement, about giving yourself the very best the category has to offer. Orangina is a well-balanced drink composed out of superior ingredients. That comes an iconic bottle with a unique ritual. Orangina offers not only refreshment, but a very rich multi-sensorial sensation. Enjoy every single sip. Integrated advertisement created by Mad. Avenue, Switzerland for Orangina, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.


The right pose, the right make-up, the right filter: Instagram influencers know lots of tricks to create the "perfect" selfie. Often, the results are far from reality – and lead followers to strive for unrealistic beauty standards. This "Makeup Tutorial" by Swiss mountain resort Davos Klosters has a different message: Nature is the best influencer. And the most natural make-up is no make-up. This is why Davos Klosters invites the viewers for a run in the mountains. Because instead of expensive beauty products, sweat and fresh air do the best job at making you look natural – and feel amazing. Digital advertisement created by Bandara, Switzerland for Davos Klosters, within the category: Hospitality, Tourism.


Film advertisement created by Walker, Switzerland for Comparis, within the category: Finance.


Covid-19 prevented sports fans around the world from attending their favourite teams’ matches, and in March 2020 the Swiss government banned fans from going to sports events in response to the pandemic. Consequently, more than 4,000 fans of Zurich’s ZSC Lions ice hockey team held season tickets for games they could no longer see live. As is the case for many sports clubs, season-ticket sales form an integral part of the ZSC Lions’ funding. The “Essence of Lions” giftpack inspired fans to renew their tickets for the next season. And although the small bottles were intended as a collectible memento, that didn’t stop the club inventing a host of fantastical uses for the water they contained, from baptising baby ZSC Lions fans to reviving dead house plants, cleansing rooms of evil spirits, and polishing trophies. Direct advertisement created by Serviceplan, Switzerland for ZSC Lions, within the category: Sports.


Film advertisement created by KSP, Switzerland for Maxon, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


EHL decided to extend its entire campus. We created an interactive school model combined with enticing digital experience. Printed in 3D, its comes to life with an integrated video mapping interface. Digital advertisement created by Havas, Switzerland for EHL, within the category: Education.


Biovision in Switzerland is a movement focused on protecting biodiversity. Their latest advertising campaign is focused on the concept of every species being good at something. The blobfish is a survival artist, the aye aye has excellent hearing and the star-mosed mole has highly-developed tactile sensors. But the habitats of these unique animals are in danger! Important areas of refuge in Africa for rare plant and animal species are threatened by overexploitation, such as the Kakamega Forest, the last major rainforest in Kenya. Biovision protects biodiversity through projects for people and nature: Everyone is Good at Something. Film advertisement created by Walker, Switzerland for Biovision, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by Havas, Switzerland for TGV Lyria, within the category: Transport.


Digital advertisement created by FCB, Switzerland for Refugees Welcome, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by Leo Burnett, Switzerland for German Stuttering Association, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


The campaign consists of three 30 second spots, which lead up to a four minute online film. The film can be seen here: www.the-decision.ch Film advertisement created by Leo Burnett, Switzerland for Federal Office of Public Health Switzerland, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


The world is ruled by codes. How to talk, laugh, dress or be, and even about how to code. But if you want to create opportunities, you need to challenge all of these. The code says leave banking to bankers. We challenge that. Our bank was founded by outsiders: engineers thinking out of the bank, not here to protect a legacy, but to solve issues the others couldn’t see. The code says bankers need suits.We challenge that. We wear what suits us best. What suits us is to think, manage, dare and invest; and it turns out ties reduce the blood flow to your brain. The code says do what everyone has done before.We challenge that. We work hard to be different, otherwise you’ll be indifferent. The code says only pros can invest. We challenge that. We free you of the heavy fees, teach you the tricks of the business. We simplify buying, selling and make you sharp, so you can focus on opportunities. The code says online banks are shaky. We challenge that. We offer rock-solid Swiss stability, so you can rock with your money. The code says banks don’t care. We challenge that. We love numbers, but we don’t treat anyone like one. We become strong by making our clients stronger, and that’s why: We challenge the code. Film advertisement created by cavalcade, Switzerland for Swissquote, within the category: Finance.


Digital advertisement created by Wirz, Switzerland for IKEA, within the category: House, Garden.


Ambient advertisement created by Streuplan, Switzerland for SOS Children's Villages, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.

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