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Film advertisement created by TRY, Norway for Talkmore, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Film advertisement created by Droga5, United States for Johnsonville, within the category: Food.


Great developers and creatives can be very hard to reach with job ads, as most of them are perfectly happy where they are. So to get to them, we needed to get under the radar. A few days before Christmas we delivered the «trojan beer» to our main competitors: A crate of specially designed beers camouflaged as a friendly christmas gift. But after a day in the fridge, temperature sensitive ink made the label turn into a job ad.


Digital advertisement created by VCCP, Spain for Spanish Association of Adolescents and Young Adults With Cancer, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


We are sure that you've wondered what would happen to your favorite movie characters if their paths would cross by chance. Well, we know the answer to that question. "There is one big world where all our favorite characters live." - is a series of Graphic videos created by ABK for Silk TV. Film advertisement created by ABK Communication, Georgia for Silknet, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Film advertisement created by DDB, Australia for Australian Red Cross, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Directors: Alejo Rosemberg, Julian Castro / Nah! Film advertisement created by Leo Burnett, Argentina for Car One, within the category: Automotive.


Repicturing Homeless is a project from Getty Images, who partnered up with fiftyfifty, a street magazine sold by homeless people. The premise of the project is to shift the negative public perception of the homeless, and to help raise funds for this community in a meaningful way. The public perception always sees homeless people as poor, desperate, and beyond help. This time, we want to send out a different message, by challenging people’s prejudiced beliefs, and putting homeless people’s hope and possibilities under the spotlight. To that end, we created this most conventional and most non-conventional stock photo collection, modeled by homeless people. We analysed the download data on Getty Images, and portrayed the homeless street vendors at fiftyfifty as different roles of common people in these most requested life and work situations, such as businessman, designer, cook, tourist, etc. The photos were then integrated into the Getty Images database, and all profits from the downloads go directly to fiftyfity to purchase apartments and house the homeless. More photographers and NGOs around the world are encouraged to join the project, and help us turn it into a global movement. Find out more about the project and join at: Digital advertisement created by Havas, Germany for Getty Images, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by McCann, Italy for Honda, within the category: Automotive.


At Christmas poverty is especially hard to bear. Donate to The Salvation Army, so you will help low-income families with children. Finnish campaign site: Film advertisement created by Make it Simple, Finland for Salvation Army, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


People with physical disabilities are eager to perform daily activities and earn an income like any of us. To show that there is a way to do that, Uber will implement a new service with their self-driving fleet. Digital advertisement created by Miami Ad School, Canada for Uber, within the category: Transport.


Film advertisement created by BBDO, Australia for Transport Accident Commission, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by BSSP, United States for 2K, within the category: Sports.


As the only fast food chain that flame grills their burgers, Burger King knows a thing or two about fire. To celebrate the fire, we took it away. Frankly, it’s just not the same. Film advertisement created by The Creative Circus, United States for Burger King, within the category: Food.


Direct advertisement created by Friendship, Belgium for Looza, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.


Experiential advertisement created by Mazarine, France for Perrier, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.


Film advertisement created by Rogue Planet, United States for Men In Black: International, within the category: Movies.


Film advertisement created by MK, Norway for Mitsubishi, within the category: Automotive.


This simple, voiceless campaign is titled “BOX –> OBX.” “OBX” is the Outer Banks’ signature oval destination sticker, as well as the first three characters on all Outer Banks license plates. “BOX,” of course, is what you might be in if you commute on smoggy 8-lane thruways or taxi through grid-locked city streets, if your eyes stay glued to a data-entry screen or you work late nights in a featureless complex. This campaign is like a traditional product demo (minus the shouting spokesperson), where you see the benefit happen in front of your eyes. Instead of the cleanser that removes grass and wine stains, or the knife so sharp it can cut a shoe, in our case, it’s the barrier islands that can cure the common city.” Film advertisement created by BooneOakley, United States for Outer Banks Visitors Bureau, within the category: Hospitality, Tourism.

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