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Film advertisement created by Jandl, Slovakia for Samdex, within the category: Retail Services.


Film advertisement created by Wunderman, Peru for CMD, within the category: Media.


Bad office air lowers the ability to think with 10%. To prove this point Swedish air filter company Ultramare wanted to sponsor the office in the biggest need of an extra 10% thinking ability – the White House. The campaign has tried tweeting @realdonaldtrump in different ways. In a letter, in a Youtube preroll, in AdWords, on mobile billboards, on sandwich boards, in an open letter, in a film, on flyers, on Twitter and on the campaign website Film advertisement created by Milk, Sweden for Ultramare, within the category: Industrial, Agriculture.


The outdoors is great, getting dirty is good. But while you’re out there getting dirty, local councils are getting taxpayer money really dirty. With 75% of UK councils declaring a climate crisis, the campaign looks to encourage and empower the outdoor community to use their individual voices to ask those very same UK councils to take decisive action and ‘divest the dirt’- by reinvesting their pension pots away from fossil fuels. Instead choosing to invest in more sustainable, environmentally sound options will protect the great outdoors, the places we all love to get dirty – the good kind. Film advertisement created by Cut Media, United Kingdom for Protect Our Winters UK, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by Fuel, Portugal for AMCV, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Outdoor advertisement created by Kolle Rebbe, Germany for Misereor, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Digital advertisement created by BBDO, United States for Gillette, within the category: Health.


Ambient advertisement created by Publicis, Portugal for Renault, within the category: Automotive.


Digital advertisement created by 180 Amsterdam, Netherlands for Moyee Coffee, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.


Film advertisement created by Saatchi & Saatchi, Romania for United Way, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Summer has and always will be everyone's favourite time of the year. Our TVC for Premia Eriti Rammus embraced childhood joy with a kind reminiscence for oh-so-mellow tastes and memories of everlasting yet sweet summers. A magical yet modern Astrid Lindgren's inspired fairy tale was set in the perfect location, an apple orchard and accompanied by a day full of laughter, sunshine, friendship, love and of course Premia Eriti Rammus ice-cream. Last but not least the atmospheric storytelling and those teeny-tiny moments between parents and kids in the TVC were accompanied by one of the most famous Estonian movie themes called "Päikeseratas." Premia Eriti Rammus campaign also included digital and outdoor ads. Film advertisement created by Division, Estonia for Premia, within the category: Food.


Film advertisement created by 11:21, Brazil for Grã Filé, within the category: Food.


Film advertisement created by Y&R, United States for Ball Park, within the category: Food.


Problem The excessive speeding on the highway leading to the beaches in Lima is still the main cause of car accidents. The number of fatal casualties has increased by 17% just in the last year. Movistar decided to fight speed with more speed. Idea Taking advantage of the fact that Movistar offers the fastest Internet connection in the country, we decided to fight speed with more speed and created Speed Control: An app that gives you back in Megas, the speed you didn’t use on the highway. Digital advertisement created by DDB, Peru for Movistar, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Digital advertisement created by Leo Burnett, Hungary for Leo Burnett, within the category: Agency Self-Promo.


Content advertisement created by RPA, United States for Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Digital advertisement created by Marcel, France for Fred, within the category: Personal Accessories.


Outdoor advertisement created by Danza, Brazil for Coliseu Figth Club, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.


Film advertisement created by Ogilvy, Argentina for OLX, within the category: Professional Services.

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