

Digital advertisement created by DDB, Argentina for KY Gel, within the category: Health.


Pablo Poncini is the CEO of TBWA Buenos Aires. He's married to Gabriela, and they have two daughters, Renata and Sofia, and a boy, Luca. Luca is 13 years old and he was born with Down syndrome. A well known advertising figure in Argentina, Pablo was asked to work on a campaign about the inclusion of people with disabilities. After trying to write simple ads, he decided to go further and tell a more complete and personal story of his relationship with Luca. The two of them embarked on a road trip, in a classic car, on the road made famous by the Argentinian Mille Miglia car rally. Digital advertisement created by TBWA, Argentina for International Day of Persons with Disabilities, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


If you ever wonder why plane food sucks, Turirsmocity provides you the answer The agency Dhélet VMLY&R showed us the scientific fact about what happens to our taste buds at 10,000 feet above the ground. Turismocity is a well known online travel agency in Argentina. In this commercial we see different people travelling while enjoying food in their seats. A man eating a giant sandwich, another one smelling a black coffee, a kid opening a bag of chips, a woman drinking juice, among others. All the food shown in the commercial is shot in a super tempting way, even a cracker. How is it possible for them to enjoy airplane food? The answer is simple: They are not on an airplane, but on a bus at 0 feet high. With this campaign, Turismocity launched their bus tickets offers for the first time and gave all Argentines the opportunity to have a delicious trip. Film advertisement created by VMLY&R, Argentina for Turismocity, within the categories: Hospitality, Tourism, Professional Services.


Film advertisement created by Havas, Argentina for Forbes, within the category: Media.


FOX Networks Group Latin America viewed the International Women’s Day as an opportunity to communicate that the brand believes in the power of sorority. So much that, throughout March 8th, the brand is praising shows with powerful female characters. All shows, specially shows of competitor channels and streaming services. Using both TV and social media, FOX is recognizing amazing women from shows like HBO’s Game of Thrones, Netflix’s Jessica Jones and Amazon Prime Video’s The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. It’s sisterhood - women supporting women - at its core.


In today’s world, we share everything on social media, but in Latin America we share everything in a round of Mate.


This new Volkswagen brand activation was created to take part during the 60 most busy days during summer on the coastal área of Argentina, the cities of Pinamar and Carilo. These are the two most popular and crowded beaches in Argentina, where Amarok’s target market gathers there to spent their summer holidays. These are two cities with very high standards and have the peculiarity of having sand built streets. This is the best terrain to launch a new brand building action for a 4x4 Pickup. We thought on creating a new media by developing this simple but creative idea of carving the Amarok Pickup wheels with the brand’s identity logo. The pickup will start circulating on the beaches and Streets from very early in the morning covering more tan 40 kilometers per day. Using a very pure and simple material to print the Amarok logo, became a new media and most important; it became a totally sustainable Brand experience, on the lowest budget reaching more than 800,000 using just two wheels. Ambient advertisement created by Geometry, Argentina for Volkswagen, within the category: Automotive.


In recent years, Latin American movement, especially LGBTQ and feminists, began to denounce that the Spanish language was sexist. The grammatical rule of these language, unlike other languages ​​in the world, indicates that words in the plural are always masculine, leaving out the other genres involved in mixed groups of individuals. These movements began to promote the use of gender neutral Spanish, generating a broad debate in the whole society. In this context, FOX Premium would launch the new series "Pose", composed of more than 120 transgender actors and actresses. In this way, when subtitling the series, the brand decided to do so in the Spanish that included them all. We worked side by side with LGBTQ and feminist associations that promoted neutral language in order to change that grammatical rule of Spanish, analyzing the groups characters scene by scene. In groups of male characters, they were "todos"; in groups of female characters, they were "todas"; but in groups of mixed individuals (women and men, cisgender and / or transgender), they were "todes”. The idea positioned FOX Premium as the first television and streaming brand to support neutral language, generating wide acceptance among its target and minorities and great visibility in the big Spanish-language newspapers and news. This decision ignited the debate on gender diversity throughout Latin America, naming "Pose" as the first series to dare to change the rules of Spanish. Integrated advertisement created by Astillero, Argentina for FX Networks, within the category: Media.


Bimbo Integrated is an idea born from the need of the brand to continue building on its platform "feed a better world". That's why we integrate, for the first time in history, all varieties of Bimbo bread in a single pack. A pack with a single purpose. To educate about tolerance and diversity. Together with integrated education professionals, we present Bimbo Integrated in various educational institutions through an educational plan designed with bread in the center and complement it by launching it in networks through influential chefs and integrating recipes. Direct advertisement created by Ogilvy, Argentina for Bimbo Bakeries, within the category: Food.


We partnered with Álex de la Iglesia to create a short film. And destroy it. Background: We believe in the true value of experiences. That's why we decided to give our Platinum clients a truly unrepeatable one. Idea: We got together with the film director and screenwriter Álex de la Iglesia to create a short film that was screened for the first and last time in an exclusive premiere for Platinum clientes only. Right after its projection, Álex destroyed it. Now, it lives in the memory of those who watched it, and in the imagination of those who wanted to, but weren't Platinum members. The clients that couldn't attend the premiere, had the possibility to follow the whole event via streaming at logging in with their Platinum cards numbers. Experiential advertisement created by Ogilvy, Argentina for American Express, within the category: Finance.


Experiential advertisement created by McCann, Argentina for Sodimac, within the category: Retail Services.


Film advertisement created by la comunidad, Argentina for Verizon, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Film advertisement created by David, Argentina for Burger King, within the category: Food.


Stand for Rights is an iconic slogan for more than 50 years but it was time to update those values and do it in a way that left a mark on what the brand represents. Creating an exclusive collection with different patterns in its sole. Outdoor advertisement created by Miami Ad School, Argentina for Dr. Martens, within the category: Fashion.


Film advertisement created by Kanter Lovertising, Argentina for Gobierno de Santa Fe, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Cyberbullying is increasingly a major problem for our society, this film was created for the Young Lions Argentina 2017 festival and the goal was to create in 48 hours and just with an iPhone a piece that would raise awareness about the cause of cyberbullying to parents and relatives. It was silver at the contest. Film advertisement created by Miami Ad School, Argentina for Unicef, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by la comunidad, Argentina for Billboard, within the category: Media.


Film advertisement created by la comunidad, Argentina for Billboard, within the category: Media.


Film advertisement created by la comunidad, Argentina for Billboard, within the category: Media.

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