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The Sand Ad
This new Volkswagen brand activation was created to take part during the 60 most busy days during summer on the coastal área of Argentina, the cities of Pinamar and Carilo. These are the two most popular and crowded beaches in Argentina, where Amarok’s target market gathers there to spent their summer holidays. These are two cities with very high standards and have the peculiarity of having sand built streets. This is the best terrain to launch a new brand building action for a 4x4 Pickup. We thought on creating a new media by developing this simple but creative idea of carving the Amarok Pickup wheels with the brand’s identity logo. The pickup will start circulating on the beaches and Streets from very early in the morning covering more tan 40 kilometers per day. Using a very pure and simple material to print the Amarok logo, became a new media and most important; it became a totally sustainable Brand experience, on the lowest budget reaching more than 800,000 using just two wheels. Ambient advertisement created by Geometry, Argentina for Volkswagen, within the category: Automotive.