United States


Following the initial contest portion of the Pure Life campaign, in which children submitted drawings for a chance to be printed on the brand’s labels, two of those labels were chosen for Aardman Nathan Love to feature in their animations. The studio aimed to preserve the kids’ original drawing styles while incorporating their own unique CG and 2D animation. Film advertisement created by 360i, United States for Nestle, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.


Film advertisement created by Copacino+Fujikado, United States for Seattle Mariners, within the category: Sports.


Film advertisement created by Copacino+Fujikado, United States for Seattle Mariners, within the category: Sports.


Film advertisement created by Copacino+Fujikado, United States for Seattle Mariners, within the category: Sports.


Film advertisement created by Copacino+Fujikado, United States for Seattle Mariners, within the category: Sports.


The Challenge: Help film lovers swap endless searching for instant satisfaction with a scene-stealing idea for MUBI. Idea: Ads that are as fast as finding a great film on Mubi. Online pre-roll videos show the plot of a great film from Mubi in the first 5 seconds, one word at a time, before the viewer has a chance to skip. The remaining 10 seconds of the ad lets the user know that Mubi is the only place where film lovers can find a great flick without wasting any time. The idea also extended to film lovers on foot or on the road with billboards and walkway posters. Digital advertisement created by Miami Ad School, United States for Mubi, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.


Working parents spend less than 36 minutes of quality time each day with their children due to the demands of everyday life. We decided to help parents connect more with their families through a toy car called Family Sync which utilizes BMW Connected Drive, an integrated navigation system that directs drivers to their destination, precisely on time. Family sync activates the moment a parent chooses “HOME” as a destination on their Connected Drive. The windshield of the toy car then displays a countdown to the arrival time along with a real-time map of the car’s location. An additional feature includes the ability for children to send voice messages as well. This won Gold - 2017 One Show Young Ones and Bronze (Third Prize) - 2017 New York Festival International Advertising Award Integrated advertisement created by School of Visual Arts, United States for BMW, within the category: Automotive.


The time it takes for emergency operators to get help to people who need it can be the difference between death and life. To get help where it’s needed faster, we paired 911 emergency services with Instagram live video by adding a button to the Instagram app. This will enable emergency operators to get the critical info they need to assess the situation more quickly and get help to people in time to make a difference. Digital advertisement created by Miami Ad School, United States for Instagram, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by SS+K, United States for NCAA, within the category: Sports.


Peer 2 Peer mobile transactions will reach a predicted $86 billion in the U.S. alone by 2018. And if you have ever read a Venmo feed, you know people spend their money on some pretty dumb shit. Venmo has partnered up with the Jimmy V Foundation for Cancer Research, allowing users to opt into our Venmo for V program that will donate their change. Donating is now just as easy as spending. Digital advertisement created by Miami Ad School, United States for Venmo, within the categories: Finance, Public Interest, NGO.



Pearson created Sia, an aid that will give teachers the extra help they need to maintain a high quality of education while providing students with a personal helper that will preserve the ever important personal communication between students and educators. Film advertisement created by Miami Ad School, United States for Pearson, within the category: Education.


Film advertisement created by la comunidad, United States for Victoria, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.


Near the main stage of the festival, a kinetic flooring will be installed to use the kinetic energy generated by steps and jumps and transform it into real electrical power. Experiential advertisement created by Miami Ad School, United States for Desperados, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.


Film advertisement created by la comunidad, United States for Corona Beer, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.


Film advertisement created by la comunidad, United States for Corona Beer, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.


Film advertisement created by Miami Ad School, United States for Water For People, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by Digital Pulp, United States for Bausch+Lomb, within the category: Health.


In a time when hatred outweighs unity, how do you strip the headwrap of its bad rap? Twitter has served as a platform for those who oppose muslims, as well as those who support them, so PartnersGlobal decided to stop the hate speech by injecting themselves at the heart of it, in hopes of moving the conversation from hate to encouragement. We created a video of muslim women showing that, under their headwraps, they are just people. Anytime someone tweets the hashtags #WrapGrab, #MuslimBan, #LoveBeforeFlags or #antimuslim, they will be given the option to include this video with their tweet. Those who are pro-muslim will be given another tool to spread their message of love and tolerance. Those who are anti-muslim will be able to put names and faces to the people who they vilify and see that under their headwraps these women are no different from their mothers, daughters, sisters and wives. Film advertisement created by Miami Ad School, United States for PartnersGlobal, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


A typical person's foot strikes the ground approximately 1,600 times when walking or running a mile. Each foot strike requires a cushioning system to compress and rebound but, after about 200 miles the cushioning system in most shoes has started to lose its resiliency and the body begins to absorb more of the impact. So, Nike created Stridekick, a product that will let you know, “hey, it is time for new shoes." Film advertisement created by Miami Ad School, United States for Nike, within the category: Fashion.

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