

Film advertisement created by Sid Lee, France for KFC, within the category: Food.


In August 2006, in Sri Lanka, 17 Action against Hunger humanitarians were murdered. Following that unpunished massacre, we had to put an end to our action in this country. With no prospect of an international investigation, Action against Hunger trusted TBWA\PARIS with the mission to accompany the publication of « The Truth About Muttur » report. Before the Human Rights Day on December 10th, Action against Hunger & TBWA\PARIS raised awareness on the violence against humanitarians: actions which in fine deprived population in need of vital help and resources. On the platform, a spectacular installation for a tragic story: an Action against Hunger humanitarian, shot in the head. Commuters follow the bullet going through a series of prints, shooting a bottle of water, a flour bag, an oil can, symbols of the essential help humanitarians bring to those in need. White letters on a black background, the sentence “Killing a humanitarian is like killing those he helped” concludes the drama. Commuters are then invited to support the protection of humanitarian help by signing directly on the last print: the first 4x3 billboard. Outdoor advertisement created by TBWA, France for Action Against Hunger, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by Leo Burnett, France for Sidaction, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by BETC, France for War On Screen, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.


Film advertisement created by TBWA, France for Burns and Smiles, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


European Executive Creative Director: Alasdhair MacGregor-Hastie President: Ewan Veitch Film advertisement created by TBWA, France for Nissan, within the category: Automotive.


Copywriters: Antonin Jacquot / M.R.L.Z. Ambient advertisement created by Publicis, France for Orange, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Film advertisement created by Publicis, France for Renault, within the category: Automotive.


Film advertisement created by Romance, France for Intermarche, within the category: Retail Services.


Film advertisement created by TBWA, France for Nissan, within the category: Automotive.


Ambient advertisement created by Glory Paris, France for Deuxième Marche, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


The first TV ad made from Instagram photos taken by global influential Instagramers. This campaign draws inspiration from a popular Instagram trend: the #flatlay. Film advertisement created by Kindai, France for Menlook, within the category: Retail Services.


An emblematic museum in Paris, the Musée de l’homme, takes a bold step to denounce racism as the French elections come upon France in May. The museum's first year-long exhibition, named “NOUS ET LES AUTRES: Des préjuges au racisme” (Us and Them: from prejudice to racism), sheds light on the scientific factors behind racist behavior. Using an innovative app called CHROMA that detects and captures the color of people's skin, the museum has designed its exhibition featuring personalized posters of people. Using this application, the museum will then ask all of France and the whole world to become ‘the colors of the exhibition’. Users can also share their own personalized posters on social media to promote the exhibition and take a stand against racism. Integrated advertisement created by Leo Burnett, France for Musée de l’homme, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.


Film advertisement created by BBDO, France for Masterkoo, within the category: Retail Services.


Film advertisement created by Sid Lee, France for SKYN Condoms, within the category: Health.


The campaign is about expanding the meaning of the two iconic words ‘I do.’ in a powerful, authentic and unexpected way. ‘I do.’ embodies today’s new generation, committing not only to timeless wedding vows but also to all the things they believe in, expanding their meaning to stand for personal pledges of all kinds: to love, friendship, family, society, nature and more.


Film advertisement created by Publicis, France for Dacia, within the category: Automotive.


Are executives happy? Even though happiness remains a personal matter, professional life influences necessarily the personal one. In a full employment and « war of talents» context, executives get the possibility to ask themselves the right questions, they get the chance to consider other professional horizons and get the power to choose their employers. That is the message Cadremploi wishes to address to executives through their new signature « Have the ambition to be happy » and its powerful communication campaign executed by Gloryparis that handles with humour resignation and its benefits. Film advertisement created by Gloryparis, France for Cadremploi, within the category: Professional Services.


Film advertisement created by You To You, France for Garnier, within the category: Health.


JCDecaux France transformed 3 bus shelters into showrooms for Kiabi to showcase its new collection with real models. Ambient advertisement created by JCDecaux, France for Kiabi, within the category: Fashion.

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