

Film advertisement created by 3Sba, Russia for Credit Bank of Moscow, within the category: Finance.


Ambient advertisement created by Cosmos, Russia for Talisman Language School, within the category: Education.


Our task was to create a banner delivering a message "Persen helps fighting with stress." TA was women, 25-40, living an active life and experiencing stress. We came up with the following idea and solution. What is special about people in stress? It's their irritability. A person in stress can be irritated by mere nothing. And what can irritate those people in the Internet? Tons of things. Our banners, for example. But if irritation is unavoidable – why not capitalize on it? So we made an interactive banner that irritates you even more than usual. In this banner we asked women questions about things that irritate them. A lot of questions. A whole lot of annoying questions. Sooner or later a viewer would lose her temper – and in this moment we would propose her a medicine for irritability and stress. And those who stayed totally calm while answering our questions we asked again and again until they gave up. Because even the best stress handlers need preventive measures. Digital advertisement created by OutofTheBox, Russia for Persen, within the category: Pharmaceutical.


Ambient advertisement created by Voskhod, Russia for, within the category: Media.


URL: A digital project focused on the problems of polar bear preservation has been launched by BBDO Moscow. aims to increase public awareness of the issue and involve many users. Problem: With their natural habitat – ice – rapidly melting away, the 25,000 population of polar bears in the Arctic region is facing extinction. Estimates indicates that only ⅓ may survive by 2050, and the ice level last year has reached its minimum, showing a gap of the size of Turkey compared to the minimum level in 2007. The endangered future of the bears is made even worse by factors like climate change, fish migration, as well as poaching and pollution in the Arctic region. Idea: To help the WWF raise money for the project and draw public and media attention to the problem, BBDO Moscow created a special website and encouraged users to share it in social media. Solution: The website shows the virtual ice habitat of the polar bears surrounded by sea. Each click on the blue sea area turns water into a floe of ice, which gets their name, and give the bears more space to live in. The website mechanics are based on the Pay-With-A-Tweet concept: each click generates a sharing link for social media accounts: Facebook, Twitter, It is a simple viral growth formula: the more people visit the website and share it with their friends, the more donations are received by the WWF. By “buying” a bear to live on the ice, users support the preservation program and environmental projects and increase the survival chances of polar bears. Celebrities, bloggers, companies, radio stations and even football clubs are also encouraged to participate in order to spread the word and attract attention to the situation in the Arctic region. Results: The website gained a great momentum, and without a single penny spent for media support the total audience of the project just in social networks amounts to over 6 million people by now. Russian outdoor media showed their support by providing free advertising spaces, while major online media and the Russian LiveJournal community promoted it on their websites completely free of charge! The giant ice floe also obtained its very own ‘walk of fame’, as Russian celebrities joined in to help save the polar bears. As a result, without having spent a single penny on media support, the campaign’s PR value in free media coverage reached the equivalent of around $1,000,000. Digital advertisement created by BBDO, Russia for WWF, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


When we read to our children together we experience something interesting, important, and unforgettable. Unfortunately, thousands of orphans across Russia don't have this luxury; they don’t always have someone near who can read them and give care and attention they need so much. With Change One Life Charitable Foundation, we created 'Read to Me', the channel on Youtube and OK where we upload orphans’ videos with their requests to read to them and where celebrities read them in return. Through these channels we will also gather funds for the foundation with the help of pre-rolls monetization, this technology was used for the first time in Russia for a charitable campaign. Now everyone can help orphans by joining the Read to Me project, watching the readings, and not skipping ads while watching, a part of money paid by advertisers is transferred to the Foundation account. Film advertisement created by Y&R, Russia for Change One Life, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by Voskhod, Russia for Motive, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Film advertisement created by Red Keds, Russia for Central Bank of Russia, within the category: Finance.


Film advertisement created by Red Pepper, Russia for Aquapark, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.


Film advertisement created by Leo Burnett, Russia for Sberbank, within the category: Finance.


Film advertisement created by Voskhod, Russia for Cherkashin Meat Factory, within the category: Food.


Outdoor advertisement created by Voskhod, Russia for Ural Music Night, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.


10 machines in 10 Russian cities will allow anyone to keep warm by doing some simple physical exercises and pass on the heat created to other cities – to complete strangers. Ambient advertisement created by MOST Creative Club, Russia for Russian Olympic Committee, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by Voskhod, Russia for Kaspersky Internet Security, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Everything, all the time, in 360° distracts driver's attention while driving. Subaru Outback’ safety systems are watching the road, whatever distracts the driver. We give the viewers an opportunity of virtual experience to feel how that systems work in 360 degrees video. Digital advertisement created by mfive, Russia for Subaru, within the category: Automotive.


Ambient advertisement created by Voskhod, Russia for UNO, within the category: Food.


Film advertisement created by Lowe, Russia for Lukoil, within the category: Industrial, Agriculture.


A professional comedian made the fish move and speak with the help of remote control and entertained people in a shopping mall. More than 40,000 people have met the fish face-to-face, and hundreds of thousands people have seen the performance on various Russian media channels, social networks and youtube. Search for «Meridian» has grown by 176%,, sales increased by 28%. Now the Comedian fish is on tour all over Russia. Ambient advertisement created by Voskhod, Russia for Meridian, within the category: Food.


Film advertisement created by Voskhod, Russia for Kaspersky Internet Security, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Viasat Nature HD - the favorite broadcasts about the nature and animals in HD resolution. To emphasize the realistic quality of the channels's picture, we will entice the real birds to the image of a billboard. Film advertisement created by Soda, Russia for Viasat Nature, within the category: Media.

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