

Merrell sneakers for running in the mud inspire people in Russian villages to create their own running club. Film advertisement created by BBDO, Russia for Merrell, within the category: Retail Services.


This video is aimed at all staff that is not really into tech side of of MTS functioning. Complicated processes are told simply so each and every of 53 000 MTS workers including Masha from HR get a big picture of cellular networking. Digital advertisement created by Fastway, Russia for MTS, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Audio advertisement created by Voskhod, Russia for Torex, within the category: House, Garden.


Ambient advertisement created by Cosmos, Russia for Britannia Pub, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.


To promote exercise and the 2014 Olympics, Olympic Changes installed a very special ticket machine at the Moscow subway station. Instead of accepting money as payment, the high-tech ticket machine only accepted exercise.


Film advertisement created by SpecialOne, Russia for SKA, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.


Ambient advertisement created by Red Pepper, Russia for Youth Bar, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.


Pit-Product has been a part of Finnish Atria Oyj Group. The notion “sisu” (a Finnish unrenderable word standing for laboriousness, consistency and ability to finish what you have started) has become an irreplaceable part of the company’s corporate culture. The main characters of the video – as any true Finn – are not used to expressing emotion at the moments of extreme happiness. All they can do is to strike up their favorite song! We showed the moment of bliss performed by Finnish actors Janne Matilla and Aku Sipola and directed by their compatriot Mikko Lehtinen. The heroes sing the famous folk song Läksin minä kesäyönä käymään that glorifies the beauty of nature and peace of mind. Meat delicacies by “Pit-Product” fit perfectly into Finnish philosophy and make an appetizing complement to the beauty of the moment. Film advertisement created by Voskhod, Russia for Pit-Product, within the category: Food.


After viewing hundreds of advertising works from all over the world it appeares that the favorite musical instrument of all advertisers is a piano. As soon as we heard the sad piano - we knew it would be a sad PSA. Moreover, all these sad melodies are similar to each other, because advertisers use the same musical drains. We decided to make fun of the situation and to make an advertisement for our friends at to420, a creative studio writing wonderful music on request. Digital advertisement created by Hungry Boys, Russia for to420, within the category: Professional Services.


Digital advertisement created by StreetArt, Russia for Stenograffia, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.


What kind of emotions, feelings or memories arise in your mind when you have to make a choice between "smoked or ham?" Let's take a trip into your subconscious! Film advertisement created by Voskhod, Russia for Cherkashin Meat Factory, within the category: Food.


Direct advertisement created by Voskhod, Russia for Voskhod, within the category: Agency Self-Promo.


The spot for Alfa Bank features a pigeon. There’s nothing special about this pigeon; it’s ordinary and grey. Absorbed in the hustle of a big city, it lives a routine life and finally finds courage and inspiration to achieve its dreams. It’s a success story that everybody knows; but it’s told from a new perspective. The ad spot reveals Alfa Bank’s brand positioning: “For the smart and the free”. Even if you’re ordinary and grey, you have the power and courage to move forward, do more and fly higher. Ivan Urgant, the bank’s celebrity ambassador, takes part in the video. Ivan hosts a popular entertainment talk show “Evening Urgant”, a Russian adaptation of American Late Night Show. P.S According to a Russian superstition, you’ll get richer if bird feces drop on you. Film advertisement created by Voskhod, Russia for Alfa Bank, within the category: Finance.


Audio advertisement created by BBDO, Russia for MTS, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


The Guilty Clothes collection was created in order to provoke society. Experiential advertisement created by Marvelous, Russia for The Survivors Trust, within the category: Fashion.


In the center of St. Petersburg, surrounded by historical monuments and tourist attractions, unusual art objects appeared - red puddles with messages in Russian and English about the importance of donating blood regularly. In this way bloody puddles remind saint-petersburgers that in the summer most of a donors leave the city for vacations and hospitals especially need donor blood. Ambient advertisement created by Decembrist, Russia for Fonddonorov, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


If posters could talk, they would say that the street is ruthless to all who find themselves on it. That's what the social campaign for the Nochlezhka charity organization with Boris Grebenshchikov, Noize MC, Grechka and Kirill Ivanov was about. The campaign consisted of two parts: 1. The celebrities spoke to the viewer from real posters on the streets using AR. 2. To increase the coverage of the campaign, we made a video for TV and Youtube, where "the voices of the streets" conveyed a simple message: even those whom the street says "Nobody here cares about you", can get out with our support. Integrated advertisement created by Great, Russia for Nochlezhka, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by Leo Burnett, Russia for FC Lokomotiv, within the category: Sports.


Digital advertisement created by RCG, Russia for Rexona, within the category: Health.


Direct advertisement created by Y&R, Russia for Simple Wine, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.

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