

Content advertisement created by Y&R, Russia for Change One Life, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Ambient advertisement created by TDI Group, Russia for The Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by Voskhod, Russia for Cherkashin, within the category: Food.


Ambient advertisement created by Priroda, Russia for Playwright and Directing Center, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.


Providing service for direct, without middleman, habitation rent. Often fly south? Make money out of your home. Now an apartment isn’t an empty place! Ambient advertisement created by Lift, Russia for, within the category: Professional Services.


Direct advertisement created by TDI Group, Russia for Nescafe, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.


Tochka Bank is special. It is an online-bank; it has no offices, no queues and no dress code. It does not tolerate any bureaucracy and it conducts payments 24/7. The most important thing is that they do not work at Tochka! At Tochka they create! Now the Bank is in search for those who feel the same way about work. They don’t need office robots, they need creative professionals with high levels of responsibility, initiative and self-consciousness. The film breaks the mold concerning common concepts of work. We have “not-a-resume”, “not-a-job-interview”, “not-colleagues”, “not-a-stuff-meeting”, because it’s all different at “not-work”! Film advertisement created by Voskhod, Russia for Tochka Bank, within the category: Finance.


Digital advertisement created by Great, Russia for, within the category: Media.


One in ten Russians has experienced torture or threats of violence at the hands of law enforcement. Our goal was to attract attention to the difficult issue of torture and increase donations to the Committee Against Torture. Committee Against Torture is an organization that provides support to victims of torture, from assisting them and their families and conducting independent investigations to representing them at the European Court of Human Rights. Digital advertisement created by Zebra Hero, Russia for Committee Against Torture, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Burger King Russia and digital agency Nectarin have launched an integrated advertising campaign to promote COVID-19 vaccination – Nothingwhopper, a whopper with a taste of nothing. The aim was to come up with a wow campaign that could convey to the public the idea of the importance of vaccination, which is extremely unpopular among Russians. Since the main symptom of the coronavirus is taste loss, Burger King sacrificed the main - taste of the whopper. For one day, the coronavirus "hacked" the Burger King website and stole the taste of all whoppers. To do this, we replaced all the burgers on the menu with empty buns - burgers without filling. Then we changed the logos in all brand SM-communities and through posts and OLV announced a new product: the Nothingwhopper. After all, this is exactly how it tastes with coronavirus. In response to the buzz in the comments and questions on how to get Nothingwhopper, we released a stories-instruction: do not get vaccinated - and it will be yours! All SM posts had a link to the COVID-19 Information Center. We also floated the taste of whopper along the Moscow River... For a week, a non-standard mobile billboard was launched on the ship with the video of the disappearance of the filling from the Burger King whopper. In the Burger King restaurants, we have stolen the taste of whopper right from under the noses of our customers. Instead of filling, people found only a couple of empty buns with a message from the coronavirus and a reminder of vaccinations. In total, we handed out about 7,000 Nothingwhoppers in restaurants. At the checkout, the Levitating Whopper was waiting for visitors - an installation of Nothingwhopper with a bun floating in the air. It not only attracted attention but also through the QR code led to the vaccination map points from Yandex to make an appointment for vaccination. Integrated advertisement created by Nectarin, Russia for Burger King, within the category: Food.


In July 2020, Vladimir Putin changed the Russian constitution to ban same-sex marriage with an amendment that explicitly defines marriage as between a man and woman. 77% of the country’s population supported the change. At the same time, Gay Propaganda law passed in 2013 actively functions in Russia. It notoriously criminalises representations of LGBTQIA+ community and their relationships, supposedly to protect children from being exposed to homosexuality. It has also encouraged a wave of hate crimes including beatings, rape and torture that continue to this day. One year on from the constitutional change, the film ‘We Will Become Better has been released in order to challenge these offensive, narrow portrayals of same-sex relationship with a simple message: ‘Love is everyone’s right’. This is the first Russian LGBTQIA+ film in years that actually portrays a gay relationship and the country’s first anti-homophobic project aimed at decreasing the amount of hatred towards the community. Content advertisement created by Voskhod, Russia for Russian LGBT Network, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by 3Sba, Russia for Credit Bank of Moscow, within the category: Finance.


Film advertisement created by SpecialOne, Russia for SKA, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.


Digital advertisement created by Soda, Russia for Viasat, within the category: Media.


Film advertisement created by 3Sba, Russia for Credit Bank of Moscow, within the category: Finance.


Digital advertisement created by Voskhod, Russia for Nic Nac's, within the category: Food.


The goal of the project: promotion of a new communication platform. In 2016, Martini has introduced a new communication platform PLAY WITH TIME and a new design of the bottle. Moreover, the brand has continued to drive its legendary Martini-tonic cocktail in Eastern Europe (Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Kazakhstan), though the possibilities of alcoholic beverages advertising are largely limited in these countries. To reach out to young urban trendsetters, we used a new super-short format of the Instagram-sitcom. PLAY WITH TIME is a series of ironic sketches about people who don’t waste their time in boredom and fill their life with bright moments. This sitcom urges to appreciate every moment of your life and make it bright and memorable. All the characters seem close to so many viewers: almost everyone could recognize themselves while watching these sketches. Besides, the microformat of this sitcom is very convenient for viewers: one needs just half a minute to watch an episode. Content advertisement created by RCG, Russia for Martini, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.


Optimus Popularis. A keyboard with each key displaying anything you want. Film advertisement created by Art. Lebedev Studio, Russia for Optimus, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Hello! We are Dmitry and Oleg, or Oleg and Dmitry, as you like. We are copywriter and art director. We've met 33 most creative people all over the world: gold and grand prix Cannes Lions winners, members of Cannes jury. And we asked them to write just one letter on a sheet of paper and put their signatures. Now we have the best recomendation ever! Ambient advertisement created by Oleg and Dmitry, Russia for Oleg and Dmitry, within the category: Agency Self-Promo.


Outdoor advertisement created by Red Pepper, Russia for, within the category: Media.

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