

Refinancing — a banking product designed to reduce the financial burden of users on a loan. Refinancing repays an existing client loan with disadvantageous terms in another bank and provides a new one at a lower interest rate. Film advertisement created by Adsapience, Ukraine for Kredobank, within the category: Finance.


The hero is obsessed with an idea of having big inch TV in his house. Film advertisement created by Cheil, Ukraine for Samsung, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


«Partner» Pawnshop Just come by Challenge Pawn shops constantly face reputation problems. Consumers rarely consider pawnshops when it comes to loans due to pawnshop reputation problems. In Ukraine stepping through the pawnshop door is regarded somewhat a failure and incapability to make ends meet. Solution Instead of combating this image problem directly we decided to create a communication hero. Guinea pig! Furry, funny, cute guinea pig that is both tragic and comic at the same time. The little hero constantly complains about his life in the glass aquarium…but unlike humans his problems can’t be solved with money. Humans can, all they have to do is come by "Partner" pawn shop and apply for a loan. The Guinea pig became an ironic mirror which encourages us humans to step over old stereotypes related to pawn shop business. The images with the furry guinea pig now decorate every “Partner” pawnshop store which creates a warm, friendly impression on the people. PS. You may ask why Guinea pig is wearing a diving mask. Oh well, in Ukraine and some other European cultures guinea pig is called "the sea pig". Film advertisement created by Havas, Ukraine for Partner, within the category: Retail Services.


3.2 billion images are shared every day. Over 95 million photos are uploaded every day in Instagram. Today everyone can make some-sort-of-art in a second. Just snap a picture - filters and AI will do all dirty work for you. Lenovo wants to remind us about joy and fun of drawing not by tricky algorithms, but by own hands in 21 century. With Lenovo YOGA BOOK you can draw on screen, draw on paper, draw everywhere! To present its multifunctional benefits we collaborated with Bird in Flight (BiF), the biggest Ukrainian site about modern photography and visual culture, and professional illustrator. We asked an artist to recreate all photo content from BiFs main page. Then we added Art Switch - trigger that replaces all photos with artists illustrations on BiF's main page. Yep, firstly users reacted "WTF!!!", but changed their mind to "WOW that's cool!" while playing with Art Switch to compare photo & illustrations on site. In addition we created longread with interview and the video story about project with link to product page. Results in 24 hours x2.5 more traffic than average 184K+ total reach without paid media 4 mins — average contact time with branded longread. Digital advertisement created by NGN.AGENCY, Ukraine for Lenovo, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Design advertisement created by Grape Ukraine, Ukraine for Enso, within the category: Professional Services.


We decided to inspire young professionals and show a day in the life of those who provide MHP and the whole world with ideas, energy and innovations. Because that's what modern agro-industry is about! Film advertisement created by Grape, Ukraine for MHP, within the category: Industrial, Agriculture.


The most ambitious international campaign of Ukraine Ukraine now – is a grand-scale international marketing campaign of the Ukrainian government starting in 2018. Its aim is to form the Ukrainian global brand, raise foreign investment in country and improve its touristic potential. 27 experts from the Commission on the popularization of Ukraine in the world participated in the preparation for the campaign. With their help, the maximum amount of data and materials were gathered to create a brand that will demonstrate the attractiveness of Ukraine for tourism, cultural interaction and business. Why does country need a brand? Today, if a country does not have a brand, people form an opinion about it based on what they have heard or read occasionally. And this is bad for Ukraine. Because we can not influence such random information. Worse still, it's often negative. With the support of the British government, a study was conducted on how Ukraine is perceived abroad. It turned out that the three most popular associations with Ukraine are "corruption", "revolution" and "war". People who have never been to Ukraine see Ukrainians as closed, aggressive and intolerant. This image is shaped largely from what they see and hear in the news. With such a reputation it is difficult to attract investment and tourists to the country. But those who have been with us at least once, change their minds and celebrate the hospitality of Ukrainians, wonderful landscapes, culture and architecture. To change the perceptions of Ukrainians and convince more people to come to us, Ukraine needs a brand. Such a brand will demonstrate us as an open modern country, where everything is most interesting right now. Ukraine is now-nation "Now" is the most important word for Ukraine today. It is the basis of the new campaign and branding idea. Right now Ukraine is changing and gradually becoming what we want to see it. Modern Ukrainians are about "now." They do not wait, do not hesitate. They act now and create new companies, new progressive businesses, new cafes, restaurants, festivals, new factories, new creative schools and innovative technology parks. We want to attract the attention of the same modern people from all over the world, tourists and investors. For them this moment of change is important. And according to the research, this magic word "NOW" attracts them very much. Ukraine now The aim of the new branding is to tell about "now". It is dynamic, open and positive. Minimalism makes it easy to use. The logo was made like this because we wanted to "highlight" by means of a yellow marker the main word of the message – “NOW”. And the blue element of logo resembles the alerts we see in social networks. This is a symbol of something new, something that attracts attention. And Ukraine is really worth attention now. As a result, the brand was made bright and modern. It expresses young good energy, energy of action. Branding is situational. The final element of each layout is pictogram. Each time it adapts to the context and complements of the layout plot. Own typeface The Ermilov font was specially created for Ukraine Now brand. This is a modern massive geometric grotesque with a special bevel in the corners of the letter. The author of typeface was inspired by the work of Ukrainian constructivist artist Vasyl Yermilov. #Ukraine_now This is an app that provides live broadcasting from different parts of Ukraine right now. See real Ukraine, but not Ukraine from news. The brand of the country you want to explore The brand is optimistic, bright and sincere. This is the brand of the country you would like to get acquainted with. It helps us to demonstrate Ukraine as we love it to the whole world. Film advertisement created by Banda, Ukraine for Ukraine, within the category: Hospitality, Tourism.

WVA is a service for searching and publishing high-quality indie music, which was designed for a demanding listener. The uniqueness of the service is the opportunity for modern non-profit musicians to stand out in the flow of commercial music without financial production. This is underground content for modern people.


Your knowledge has gone past its expiration date. The world is changing so quickly that it takes a lifetime to learn your craft. The marketing we studied a decade ago is already dead. In order to demonstrate this, we took Philip Kotler’s cult marketing book and millions of spores of mold, placed them together in a citylight panel and… let time show off its strength. Outdoor advertisement created by BBDO, Ukraine for Ukrainian Marketing Forum, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


To abate the overwhelming volume of the illegal logging in Ukraine, WWF Ukraine implements the educational program “Forest Watch”, training volunteers to identify and counteract illegal logging. The creative idea of the communication, aimed at raising the public awareness and promotion of the “Forest Watch”, was based on forests being customary called “the lungs of Ukraine”. The way how seamless the sound of the labored breathing, when short for the oxygen, turns into a tree being sawed down reflects how quickly and subtly situation can turn tragic for the Ukrainian forests and environment as a whole, if left unchecked. Audio advertisement created by Provid, Ukraine for WWF, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


No one wants awfully boring safety films. For this reason together with Ukraine animation artist Yuriy Motrych we crafted safety film in the style of Suprematism. What you are about to see is inspired with artworks of famous Ukrainian painter Kazimir Malevich who’s also regarded a founder of Suprematism. We released the safety video on February 23, 2018 which would have been Kazimir Malevich 140th birthday. Content advertisement created by Havas, Ukraine for Ukraine International Airlines, within the category: Transport.


The film was created for a brand new model from KIA - Stonic. Since Stonic is a new subcompact city crossover, the creators decided to show the car through the prism of the city. Here is our real city car manifest.


Dirt is our everyday enemy. Cooking? Dirt! Walking? Dirt! Watching TV show? DIRT! So if you want to keep your house clean, you definitely need a little helper. And we have one! No matter what you did yesterday, Deebot, will do the wet job for you. Watch our videos and bring comfort to your life. Digital advertisement created by Hoshva, Ukraine for Deebot, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Dirt is our everyday enemy. Cooking? Dirt! Walking? Dirt! Watching TV show? DIRT! So if you want to keep your house clean, you definitely need a little helper. And we have one! No matter what you did yesterday, Deebot, will do the wet job for you. Watch our videos and bring comfort to your life. Digital advertisement created by Hoshva, Ukraine for Deebot, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Dirt is our everyday enemy. Cooking? Dirt! Walking? Dirt! Watching TV show? DIRT! So if you want to keep your house clean, you definitely need a little helper. And we have one! No matter what you did yesterday, Deebot, will do the wet job for you. Watch our videos and bring comfort to your life. Digital advertisement created by Hoshva, Ukraine for Deebot, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Unusual abilities coded in Ukrainian folklore and nurturing our culture are supplemented in modern life with the help of amazing capabilities of Samsung Galaxy Note 8. Film advertisement created by Cheil, Ukraine for Samsung, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Cleaning is a battle. And there is something that can make this job much more easier. The most powerful tool that our female hero has in her arsenal is the vacuum cleaner Samsung Anti-Tangle. Who will win the final battle? Film advertisement created by Cheil, Ukraine for Samsung, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Another autumn advertising campaign for our friends, Yelli brand of "Yarmarka" company. This time we were solving two problems at once: showing the easy cooked Yelli soups and developing the idea for a series of pre-rolls which would allow the brand to create endless new plots without additional costs. And we came up with the idea and structure of the videos built on Internet memes - an endless resource of user content and vivid plots. We complemented them with the slogan delivering the main message of the campaign. The result of the campaign: the percentage of pre-rolls views was 67% and the cost of broadcasting dropped more than twice – from 1.39 to 0.60 RUB. Film advertisement created by Arriba!, Ukraine for Yelli, within the category: Food.


Exotic cooking with Yelli became easier. It almost registered in the home kitchen. And now you don’t have to go to a restaurant to have an American chowder or Indian masurdal. But it was difficult for customer to put up with this fact because of the barrier: exotic means hard to cook. That’s what we were working on in the video., We found out a funny insight: when you’re cooking something complicated you’re standing at the stove for a long time, you’re cleaning, cutting, crushing, pouring in, grinding, brewing– you’re sweating as you’re working out. That’s why we decided to show that cooking an exotic soup with Yelli would be such a simple exercise. At the same time we associated with a healthy lifestyle where our product was a full first course. And a friendly crazy chef in the lead role not only became a source of joy for the agency but also increased the viewing time of the pre-roll. Film advertisement created by Arriba!, Ukraine for Yelli, within the category: Food.


Famous Ukrainian writer and musicians have created a lullaby to support mobile application that helps Charitable Fund “Come Back Alive” raise funds for the Ukrainian Army. Why did they do that? Three years ago, the war started in the Eastern Ukraine and no one was prepared: neither the country, nor the army. Civilians began to actively help providing for all the needs of the army to protect the country. But over the three years of war Ukrainians got tired of it and became bulletproof to regular appeals for donations for the army. The volume of the donations has sufficiently dropped. Traditional media could hardly change the situation. The most active charitable fund in Ukraine “Come Back Alive” created Wake App in Peace – an alarm to pay for peaceful sleep. Every pull of the snooze button transfers money for the army needs. While people continue to sleep, the army guards their peaceful sleep. That’s why musicians recorded the lullaby - to urge people to use the snooze button more often. As a result, the song has become a hit on radio and online – it was played 3,000,000+ times. The campaign reached 21,000,000+ media impressions and helped to slow down decrease in donations on 30%. Digital advertisement created by Agama Communications, Ukraine for WakeApp, within the category: Electronics, Technology.

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