

Series of six unique illustration of musicians with hidden brand's element. Which can collect in different music band for any musical taste of our consumers.


Twice a year, Ukrainians are immersed into smoke. Seasonal practice of burning dry vegetation among older generation results in a real environmental disaster. According to Gradus statistics, 20% of people stopped burning weeds due to the request of their children and grandchildren. To convince chosen audience to influence their parents and grandparents and in order to prevent upcoming events. Agency created a cinematographic trailer of upcoming horrors which await them if their grandparents don’t stop burning dry vegetation All the necessary movie attributes like posters, cast and punchline were created. The horror movie trailer was distributed on the most popular streaming service among target audience – Megogo. Integrated advertisement created by Isobar, Ukraine for Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Our task was to create a logo and brand identity for Candy Cotton - brand of stylish children clothing. We created a cotton sign as the main logo element. It consists of confetti and little star. These smaller parts were used as a base for brand identity pattern. Design advertisement created by Shots, Ukraine for Candy Cotton, within the category: Fashion.


To provoke a sex dialogue, we launched the social movement #noshamefor. The project was accompanied by a flash mob, in which every Ukrainian could participate. A wide audience participated in the flash mob, but Facebook and Instagram blocked the revelations of Ukrainians, believing that this was overly sexual content. Despite media restrictions, the following communication channels were involved: - Sha radio podcast - An article on BIT.UA with frank celebrities’ stories - Posters in sex shops - Sex-positive influencers’ posts The project was supported by three well-known Ukrainians, who in a collaboration with the brand produced a capsule collection of three lingerie seta that were put on sale. The advertising campaign pushed the audience to revelations, the flash mob has developed not only in Ukraine but also beyond its borders. A bold social movement increased brand awareness, and the emancipation of Ukrainians led to increased sales. Integrated advertisement created by NEBO Ideas Agency, Ukraine for baed stories, within the categories: Fashion, Retail Services.


Film advertisement created by Patsany Agency, Ukraine for Music.School, within the categories: Education, Music.


EMwatch is a stress tracker with Al-based mental health advisor designed by Ukrainian tech startup Emotion Labs. It is able to prevent 75% of stress-related diseases thanks to more than three years of research conducted by a team of bioengineers and technological scientists. Following its mission “to reshape completely daily stress management practices”, the company launched a new stress-less productivity tool called “Tame The Time”. The most stressful time for the majority of people is the last hour before a deadline. Especially the final 15 minutes. During this period, it is natural for a person to speed up beyond his abilities. At the same time, the person is overwhelmed because of the feeling that time has also sped up and started pushing them. Digital advertisement created by Saatchi & Saatchi, Ukraine for Emwatch, within the categories: Electronics, Technology, Personal Accessories.


Appliance store Comfy provides super quick delivery at any time. We call this blessing a quickeasy delivery. No one likes long deliveries as well as long ads. To not drive people nuts, we filmed the fastest ads ever - they last for just 1 second. One second is not enough to hate an ad that interferes your video with the kitties, not enough to find skip button, but enough to realize that it was about delivery. The fastest ever delivery ad, that doesn’t anger anyone. Content advertisement created by Banda, Ukraine for Comfy, within the category: Retail Services.


There are too many messages about taste in commercials. Each new slogan becomes more complex and metaphorical: "Explosion of taste", "100% taste", "More than taste", etc. All this has gone too far. Rockets Growth R&D agency chose a different direction to tell about the taste of the new Roshen Wafers. Rather than complicating to the limit, they decided to simplify to the limit. The slogans they have created sound like what people would say in real life: “Oh, ok”, “Nice stuff”, “Tasty…”. So simple and so unusual.


18–29-year-old Ukrainians do not vote. According to the research of the sociological group "Rating", only 36% of the age group took part in the last parliamentary elections in 2014. NGO Global Office together with ANGRY agency decided to call this youth for the snap parliamentary elections on July 21 in their own language. Action: The Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, is famous for its rave culture. The parties that take place here are among the biggest in Europe, such as CXEMA, Strichka, Brave! Factory. So, for this audience, we have created a bold social video in which the young people showed not the way the elders want to see it, but what it really is. We asked a famous Kievan DJ Dmitry Avksentiev to create a track. Results: The video was created specifically for Facebook, the most popular social network In Ukraine, and YouTube. For the first 5 days on Facebook, the video was watched by 500,000 people, on YouTube - more than 260,000 times. With more than 1,000,000 coverage in Ukrainian and Russian media. Film advertisement created by ANGRY, Ukraine for Global Office, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Jelly sweets are nothing but fooling around, what else? Film advertisement created by Bart&Fink, Ukraine for Yummi Gummi, within the category: Confectionery, Snacks.


OLX is one of the biggest online marketplaces in Ukraine, and OLX Delivery is a service that guarantees safety of any deal on OLX. We had to explain why OLX Delivery is the best way to make a secure purchase. The matter is that OLX is a place of lucky findings and magic moments of getting some rare stuff you’ve been dreaming about, and worrying about safety of your buys only spoils all the online shopping magic. But actually it’s not that sad: to make things happen, you just have to make sure that on the other side of the screen is a serious person. And to make it – just use the OLX Delivery service. Here we needed to tell that among all the strange, crazy and difficult ways to prove the seriousness of your intention, there is one simple but effective way – just use OLX Delivery service. OLX Delivery. Prove that you’re serious. Film advertisement created by Banda, Ukraine for OLX Delivery, within the category: Professional Services.


Ukrainians, both adults and children, are terribly tolerant about the violation of their rights. Our task was to show teens that they have rights and these rights must be upheld. We had to explain them how to do it without making them bored. We decided to put a teen in a position of an expert who helps other kids out when their rights are violated. We created #smthwentwrong, a chatbot quest in messengers where players got messages from the characters in need. The teens advised them what to do best and instantly they could figure out where their advice got the characters. Regardless of the players' choices, they were taught what’s the right thing to do in such situations. Also, the teens could write to us in the messengers if their rights were violated in order to have the real lawyer’s advice. They wrote indeed, and even shared their personal problems! Integrated advertisement created by UAMASTER, Ukraine for Pact & Change Communication, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Ideas Festival is the biggest intellectual festival in Ukraine. The festival has changed a lot, so organisers wanted to refresh and implement new vision and ideas into the festival’s visual identity. When we started looking for a new symbol of ideas, we didn’t want to use cliche associations like lamps or mind bubbles. We’ve conducted a small research and found-out, that people themselves are the best metaphor for ideas. Because people are those who create, share and implement ideas in real life. Profiles of real people have become the main element of branding: they communicate on a live brand pattern, share their experiences with each other. A Greek-style font resembles the Greek roots of the word “idea”, and peoples’ profiles remind us of pictures of ancient Greek thinkers. Design advertisement created by ONCE, Ukraine for Ideas Festival, within the category: Professional Services.


Like people, cats want food variety. But most cat food is made of chicken meat. So the poor animals have to eat chicken in the morning, afternoon, evening, every day, actually all the time. Creative Agency GRAPE and Optimеal decided to make a "meat revolution" in the animal feed market, telling people that the pets would thank them if they serve meaty Optimеal instead of chicken as the "main dish." Integrated advertisement created by Grape, Ukraine for Optimeal, within the category: Pets.


goodwine is a local Kyiv wine and grocery store. In 2018 they completely reimagined their loyalty programme making it as personalized as possible. All customers received exclusive offers based on their preferences. So basically every single user was given an own unique loyalty programme. The brief was to create an identity that will go beyond boring and corporate norm of all shops’ loyalty programmes. goodwine is very human. The brand has always supported the uniqueness of every employee and customer. To support the customization of the loyalty programme and the diversity of thousands of goodwine’s people we came up with the idea to create thousands of different identities. We created naive visual style. Then we programmed an algorithm that randomly shuffles elements and creates thousands of designs. We used them to make an exclusive branding for every customer personal card. Now there are no two identical cards because there are no two identical customers. goodwine employees became the part of identity. The posters were placed in the exact store departments next to workplaces of exact people. The heroes of posters ‘explained’ how the loyalty programme worked in their department. We also saved the exclusive speech patterns of employees in copywriting. So that you feel that a real person is talking to you. Usually people don’t like anything new. But this time 85% of old clients switched to the new programme. And 28 459 goodwine’s visitors became new loyal customers. Design advertisement created by Banda, Ukraine for Goodwine, within the category: Retail Services.


Three stories about how a glass of fresh milk, which in the list of simple life joy can be put together in a row with the smell of freshly squeezed herbs, the noise of the sea and a children's smile, at least for a few moments, but makes us kinder. Better both to himself and to others. Film advertisement created by ANGRY, Ukraine for Dobrynia, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.


“Boo!” edition is four different ice cream packs you can play with. Just move the inside part of the pack up or down and the monster will change its face. Of course, every monster has its name and temper. Integrated advertisement created by ANGRY, Ukraine for Hercules, within the category: Food.


There are a lot of children who are begging in Ukraine. At least 174 of them did it against their will. They were manipulated by traffickers who hide in the shadows. Together with the UN Migration Agency, we invited people to light it up. We created an interactive installation. And exhibited it for three days during the Kyiv Lights Festival. A big black cube with one little peephole. If you look inside you will see just a begging girl. But if you take a photo using the camera flash, the picture will change. With a low production budget and a zero budget for the promo we had 5,647 flashes for three days. These people not just saw the installation. These people took photos. Photos they save on their phones and cameras. Photos they will show to someone else. After Kyiv Light Festival the installation moved to AkT, contemporary art gallery. Now, this installation is permanently exhibited in Odessa. Experiential advertisement created by ANGRY, Ukraine for UN Organization for Migration, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


When Champions League Final came to Kyiv, we’ve lost our best feature - hospitality. There were only money and profit in minds. Owners of the apartments canceled reservations to resell it more expensive later. B&B prices increased in 50-60 times. The biggest European media wrote about Ukrainian’s greediness. The Liverpool FC officials appealed to UEFA to ask help in dealing with crazy prices for housing in Kyiv. It was a national shame! To earn back our reputation of hospitable nation, gastro-bar “Rebra & Kotlety” decided to lose money. We transformed gastro-bar into a free hostel for European fans and listed it on Airbnb. Day later fans have booked all beds in our Hostel-Bar. On May 26, they arrived in Kyiv. “Rebra & Kotlety” became the headliner of national TV and online media. We received over 100 million impressions. Local bar became the pride of the whole country. Hospitality pushed the greediness away from media titles. Sometimes you should lose in some money to get more valuable thing. “Rebra & Kotlety” became the headliner of national TV and online media. We received over 100 million impressions. Local bar became the pride of the whole country. Hospitality pushed greediness away from media titles. Sometimes you should lose in some money to get more valuable thing. Integrated advertisement created by Saatchi&Saatchi, Ukraine for Rebra&Kotlety, within the category: Hospitality, Tourism.


Challenge Lenovo launched its VR-headset Explorer. Its promo in Ukraine was complicated due to literary 0 of local content and lack of global applications, mostly presented by casual shooters. Insight Ukrainians travel to Europe in seek for amazing places. But sometimes beauty is just in front of your nose. For those, who still think of Kyiv as a city of churches we bought its modernity vibes just to their point of view. Literally. Idea Kyiv from dusk till dawn — first infotainment VR-app about ukrainian capital. In the project we have showed the other side of Kyiv — its modern culture. Execution We selected 6 trendy locations and developed a VR-tour “Kyiv from dawn till dusk” around them. It every location user gets an interactive game. In these physical locations we placed posters with chatbot codes, that starts a dialogue about the project and gives some product info about Lenovo Explorer. The project was also promoted in social media and landing page. All the communication led to the application download for full-VR experience. Integrated advertisement created by NGN.AGENCY, Ukraine for Lenovo, within the category: Electronics, Technology.

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