

In Ukraine every year takes place Ukrainian Marketing Forum, where advertising professionals and clients analyze what is done and where to move next. Every year it has the main theme, this year’s theme is every brand should have its own convictions and every brand should have to prove it, to act, not just mouth empty words. Less words - more works. We clearly demonstrated this principle with the help of two one-hour commercials. If you are, for example, a ketchup brand and you told us that your ketchup is made from selected tomatoes, you have to prove it - to pick these tomatoes carefully. If you are a consumer electronics retailer and you told us that you have the best selection of smartphones, you also have to prove it. Yes, it is boring. Yes, it is routine. Yes, it is not interesting. But it is important. After all, the times when words had a meaning passed. Today only deeds matter. And today, every brand must understand this. So, less words. Film advertisement created by ANGRY, Ukraine for Ukrainian Marketing Forum, within the category: Professional Services.


Film advertisement created by Scholz & Friends, Ukraine for life:), within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Smart Group has ambitions to become the most innovative distributor of electronics in eastern Europe. But partners know nothing about company's R&D activities and innovations, they perceive it as an average small importer. We decided to help the business to step out of the shadow and look as bold as they feel. To illustrate this we used the undiscovered negative space behind the letters of «Smart Group», which helped us to find new sharp and strong geometrical figures. The idea is implemented in brand identity, website design and animations. Design advertisement created by ONCE, Ukraine for Smart Group, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


To research what women really feel about the celebration we launched a facebook flashmob with a "buketchallenge" hashtag. So, we've decided to give our partners the special wallet with symbolic "rights" — this is what we call a driving. Integrated advertisement created by Adsapience, Ukraine for Adsapience, within the category: Agency Self-Promo.


Independent creative agency Bart&Fink created a new spot for Kresko. Did you ever felt that feeling when you cannot stop until it’s over? Yep, that’s what Kresko is all about. Little cereal snacks are soooooo good you will eat them until the pack is empty, despite what’s is happening. And...let’s be true, a lot may happen. Two 30 seconds commercial are funny and cinematic. Atypical heroes, like a country musician from the wild wild west and university professor with Indiana Jones background, witty jokes and great shots that’s what makes these adverts really unignorable. Film advertisement created by Bart&Fink, Ukraine for Kresko, within the category: Confectionery, Snacks.


Elon Musk meets Tesla Model S on Mars.


Film advertisement created by Tabasco Ukraine, Ukraine for Saf-Moment, within the category: Food.


An interactive viral film for Tuborg Ukraine which follows the journey of three guys through Kiev at night, giving the watcher the option to transform everyday objects into freezelight animation sequences. Digital advertisement created by Mather, Ukraine for Tuborg, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.


Since 1991 more than 230,000 Ukrainians have been affected by human trafficking. Mostly these people are the one who have been promised the moon at work both abroad and in Ukraine (high salaries, accommodation, three meals a day, etc.). In order to show that things are not always what they seem at first sight, the creative agency ANGRY and the International Organization for Migration in Ukraine have released an allegorical video with the participation of the Ambassador of Goodwill of the UN agency on migration, Eurovision winner in 2016, famous Ukrainian singer, Jamala. At first glance, sometimes what looks like the best working conditions turns out to be the worst working conditions. At first glance, sometimes what looks like a beautiful dance turns out to be a display of aggression. Dance as an allegory of good and beautiful, dancers as an allegory of human trafficking victims and invisible evil spirits-dementors as an allegory of danger. TV spot and outdoor campaign is released on EU Anti-Trafficking Day on October 18, 2018. Content advertisement created by ANGRY, Ukraine for International Organization for Migration, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by Tabasco Ukraine, Ukraine for Lyuks, within the category: Confectionery, Snacks.


TASK: To make Mastercard a multi-sensory brand by building a new channel of brand communication with the audience through senses that have not previously been used for advertising purposes. Engage the Atlas Weekend audience and reach an additional 1.5 million target audience with minimal media costs. SOLUTION: Let those who are unable to hear the sound—feel the sound. We invited the American music translator, Amber Galloway Gallego. Amber is the author of a unique style of translating music into sign language. At the event, she conducted a series of trainings for a Ukrainian team of sign language translators who also contributed to interpreting performances. At a special sensor field called #MastercardVibes, visitors with hearing impairments were able to feel the music through special built-in areas. Sound was experienced as never before, with some feeling its vibrations through touch. Special SubPac ripple vests made it possible to feel deep bass frequencies throughout the entire body. RESULTS: The total media coverage of the project was 17,455,039, which is 872% more than planned. More than 200 hearing impaired people took advantage of the #MastercardVibes activity. More than 100 songs were translated during the performances. Over 70 media resources lighted up the information for free. Thanks to a master class from Amber Galloway Gallego and her team, a new profession has emerged in Ukraine—sign language interpreters specializing in translating music. Experiential advertisement created by Adsapience, Ukraine for MasterCard, within the categories: Finance, Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by Cheil, Ukraine for Transparency International, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Ambient advertisement created by CB Territory, Ukraine for Arterium, within the category: Pharmaceutical.


Sink-or-swim marathon. Ambient advertisement created by Arriba!, Ukraine for Cinema Cafe, within the category: House, Garden.


Pure ( - is a mobile app, designed to help anyone find a sexual partner "right here, right now". The app was not designed solely for single people, but rather to a wider audience with a progressive understanding of present-day relationships. Roman Sidorenko, the Untitled venture company, CEO Pure: We believe it's natural for someone to feel a powerful sense of attachment to a long term partner while feeling intense romantic love for somebody else and at the same time, feeling sexually attracted to a diverse range of people. We would like it to be all about exploring different dynamics with different people -- sexual, emotional, psychological and spiritual. A controversial subject, due to moral barriers set by society brought us to an idea of a short film, that we hope will start a conversation about sexual freedom and a true freedom of choice. We featured three modern people living in New York, each of them facing there own problems. A couple living through a slow down in their sexual relationship, trying to figure out how to save their marriage. And a single girl ready to explore her sexuality using modern technology as a tool to overcome social prejudice. Each scene features a voiceover from well known smartphone applications, underlining how much the apps have become part of our everyday lives, thus raising the question of why is sex different and still treated as the last tabu in the modern society. We are certain that gender, sexual activities, or the number of participants in sexual relations should not be externally regulated. Some people are looking for just one partner, while others want to explore and enjoy. It's your choice, and Pure helps you act on it! Digital advertisement created by VGNC, Ukraine for Pure, within the category: Professional Services.


Advertising can be useful. Patsany hunted down Urbasaurus and transformed three locations in three Ukrainian cities into an urban campaign for glo™ (glo™ is intended for adult tobacco or nicotine users). In the spring and summer of 2021, we launched the campaign "City vs. Urbazavry ”, the main goal of which is to improve the improvement of cities in small steps. Together with the public organization City Reforms, we chose 9 abandoned locations in Kyiv, Kharkiv and Odesa and named them Urbasaurus. People on the website, the Instagram page, voted for the Urbasaurus they want to sin. We developed nine 3D models of the Urbasaurus and created AR masks, a project website and an Instagram page run on behalf of the Urbasaurus. The campaign was supported by well-known Ukrainian bloggers and activists. More than 130,000 Ukrainians took part in the campaign. On the example of this urban campaign for glo™, we wanted to show that advertising can be meaningful and socially useful: for the brand, for people, for cities, for Ukraine. Integrated advertisement created by Patsany Agency, Ukraine for Glo, within the category: Tobacco.


Film ad created by BRIX Creative Production, Ukraine, for Lovaré tea brand. BRIX, who provide both creative and production services under one roof, have developed a nonspecific approach for the tea category and an outstanding commercial for the whole Ukrainian market. The film shows a journey full of senses that the rich flavoured teas evoke. So switch the sound on and keep your eyes wide open. Film advertisement created by BRIX Creative Production, Ukraine for LOVARÉ Tea, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.


On September 2, one of the most audacious creatives Anselmo Ramos will give a lecture at SKVOT online school. To promote this event and to motivate young creators to be brave, we have squatted one of the most famous unfinished buildings in Kyiv. Squat – to use an empty building or area of land without the permission of the owner. In Ukrainian transcription – skvot. Outdoor advertisement created by ANGRY, Ukraine for SKVOT, within the category: Education.


BetterMe is the fastest-growing family of Health&Fitness apps in the world, with over 95 million users from 190 countries. In its latest campaign, developed by DRAMA QUEEN, BetterMe turns the well-known cliché of the marriage vow into a manifesto of self-acceptance. Standing for the mindful approach to self-improvement, sports and dieting, BetterMe puts self-acceptance and self-love at the heart of their mission. This campaign underlines the idea that only self-acceptance and self-support lead to an efficient way to wellness. That only a person who learned to love and support himself no matter what can stand the long way to the better version of himself. Digital advertisement created by Drama Queen, Ukraine for BetterMe, within the categories: Health, Sports.


According to the survey of the project “Global Assessment of Values” conducted in 2020, 44.8% of Ukrainians do not want to live next to the representatives of LGBT+. “The challenge is that Ukrainians don't want to hear the stories of LGBT+ people. As soon as the rainbow flag appears, many click a skip button,” says Max Burtsev, the campaign's creative director. “The campaign is based on an insight that at the moment people for the first time meet a gay, lesbian, bisexual or trans person, their level of tolerance automatically increases. Because it becomes clear that real people have nothing in common with the stereotypes in their head.” The six LGBT+ stories were narrated by heterosexual opinion leaders who, at the beginning of the video, commit a coming-out... telling the story of another. The characters in the stories were all real people: a military man, a sports coach, a transgender man, a religious woman, a 68-year-old grandpa, a woman whose mother hired a man for her ‘curative rape’. The most unexpected and important result of the campaign was the act of Roman, a Ukrainian military man from Donbass. After publishing a video telling his story, Roman decided to come out publicly. Digital advertisement created by Arriba!, Ukraine for Kharkiv Pride, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.

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