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Digital advertisement created by RAM, Turkey for KIA, within the category: Automotive.
Klarafy 'translates' your personal musical tastes into classical music. It helps you to get to know classical music in an entirely new way. It’s not academic or chronological, but as personalised as you can imagine: it is based on your current musical tastes. Digital advertisement created by Famous, Belgium for Klara, within the category: Media.
IKEA is where life happens, whatever happens – and is not afraid to show it like it is. Living in two homes with divorced parents is a reality for many children in Sweden. Thanks to affordable products the parents in this film manages to ease the situation for the child. And IKEA perhaps also eases some bad conscience among single parents and helps acknowledge the children. Film advertisement created by Åkestam Holst, Sweden for IKEA, within the category: House, Garden.
Film advertisement created by la comunidad, Argentina for ESPN, within the category: Media.
PagesJaunes turned to Sid Lee Paris to help them take a stand against the Do It Yourself movement and, with a dash of humor, remind us that nobody does it like a professional. To prove their assertion, the the agency created 3 videos of a whole new genre: Tutorials about how to not do it yourself. PagesJaunes asked 3 of the most followed French tutorial YouTubers to try something new - create their own satirical tutorials wherein they sit idly by while a PagesJaunes professional gives a demonstration of their know-how - the way it should be done if you want the best results. Digital advertisement created by Sid Lee, France for Yellow Pages, within the category: Media.
To attract tourists planing a visit to Stockholm to also experience the Swedish countryside we created – a not at all official guide to key exit points in the city. Digital advertisement created by You Are Here, Sweden for Stockholm Country Break, within the category: Hospitality, Tourism.
Between fake news and malfunctioning AI devices, we hear more things said with authority that don’t sound quite right. So we created a character and a spoof that we can extend almost indefinitely across situations and media platforms. Film advertisement created by Greatest Common Factory, United States for SafeAuto, within the category: Finance.
Director Kun Chang and the SPB team have transformed Toronto Raptors' Kyle Lowry into an animated character in this bold 2D Illustrative campaign showcased online, in-store and at the Air Canada Center. Film advertisement created by Anomaly, Canada for Sport Chek, within the category: Retail Services.
He's commanding, she's bossy. He's bold and passionate, she's emotional. He's a perfectionist, she's high maintenance. It's about time we change the stereotyped language in the workplace. It's about time we change the stereotyped language in the workplace. Digital advertisement created by S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications, United States for Google, within the category: Electronics, Technology.
Most internet-savvy folks are aware of the Urban Dictionary, with its colorful, street-smart definitions of curious slang terms. Now, Lawn Doctor wants to introduce you to “The Suburban Dictionary.” Out in these suburban streets, our shorthand is all about keeping your lawn “on fleek” (or so to speak). The video series rolls out this month and will run through mid-summer as targeted programmatic digital video. Digital advertisement created by Sleek Machine, United States for Lawn Doctor, within the category: House, Garden.
Project Trumpmore is aiming to demonstrate climate change in a monumental way. A Finnish NGO wants to commission a 115-foot tall ice sculpture of Donald Trump’s face in the arctic region to demonstrate that climate change is happening. The project was launched in April and has since managed to gather enormous international media attention and spark conversion about the topic. Only a small part of the population is active in the public discussion on environmental issues. The goal was to change that. With Project Trumpmore we wanted to generate discussions about global warming. Film advertisement created by SEK, Finland for Melting Ice Association, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Billboards Beyond Borders broke new ground by using a loophole in Google Maps to create a new type of impactful advertising, by replacing existing messages on big billboards in countries where freedom of speech is under threat, with messages from journalist that had been censored or silenced. By rethinking digital advertising and repurposing Google Maps, we made a global statement on a zero media budget, and opened up new possibilities for marketing in a world where the line between physical and digital is increasingly blurred. Our billboards gave people all over the world the possibility to walk around in a world more free than the one we live in. Digital advertisement created by Åkestam Holst, Sweden for Reporters Without Borders, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
O’boy is a chocolate powder brand that is very popular in Sweden. When the production halted because of a technical fault at the O’boy factory we saw an opportunity for the ready-made Norwegian chocolate milk brand Litago; We decided to send emergency chocolate milk aid to Sweden. Since the swedes was i an outrage because of the O’boy shortage they received the help with open arms. And we established ourselves as a playful brand that knows how to take advantage of the the friendly but competitive relation between Norway and Sweden. Experiential advertisement created by Something Good, Norway for Litago, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.
Film advertisement created by DDB, Netherlands for KLM, within the category: Transport.
Film advertisement created by Grabarz & Partner, Germany for Porsche, within the category: Automotive.
In a campaign to reinforce the Asian Flavors of NISSIN FOODS BRASIL, the company presents its newest executive – straight from Japan. Gotsui Wasabi, is a superstar monster who, after having his TV show canceled, took a trip around the world looking for a new job. Knowing how successful NISSIN has been over the last 50 years in our country and taking advantage of his “voracious experience” with Asian cuisine, Gotsui took a chance and knocked on the company’s door. The risk paid off and, after passing through various positions, the ex-TV show monster was named NISSIN’s Vice President of Sales for Asian Flavors. Film advertisement created by Dentsu, Brazil for Nissin Lámen, within the category: Food.
Appliance store Comfy provides super quick delivery at any time. We call this blessing a quickeasy delivery. No one likes long deliveries as well as long ads. To not drive people nuts, we filmed the fastest ads ever - they last for just 1 second. One second is not enough to hate an ad that interferes your video with the kitties, not enough to find skip button, but enough to realize that it was about delivery. The fastest ever delivery ad, that doesn’t anger anyone. Content advertisement created by Banda, Ukraine for Comfy, within the category: Retail Services.
A message of hope and teamwork against climate change for all of us. Especially for the members of de United Nations Climate Change Conference COP 25 Film advertisement created by Marzo, Spain for Marzo, within the categories: Agency Self-Promo, Public Interest, NGO.
How to explain digital transformation with plastic balls. Charles and Ray Eames’ design philosophy was all about embracing playfulness. Whether they were designing furniture, toys, or iconic exhibits such as 1961’s Mathematica – a partnership with IBM. Inspired by the Eameses early work with IBM, the experiential agency GPJ partnered with production company 1stAveMachine to create a 10-foot tall, interactive, fully-analog machine. The installation uses playful metaphors to show how IBM’s products and solutions can help businesses overcome their struggles with digital transformation. The behavior of the plastic balls as they travel through the tracks and mechanisms of the machine helps to visualize the key steps to a more modern organization. In essence, proving the power of design to make the complex, simple. Currently touring the US and appearing at large industry events such as CES, this self-perpetuating machine is also accompanied by voice-over narration that syncs with each of the 8 “teachable moments," reinforcing IBM’s point of view. Film advertisement created by GPJ, United States for IBM, within the category: Electronics, Technology.
B2B sales and marketing techniques have gotten, frankly, a little stalker-ish over the past few years... Film advertisement created by Umault, United States for Umault, within the category: Agency Self-Promo.