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Film advertisement created by JWT, Australia for NSW Government, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Digital advertisement created by McCann, Poland for CI Games, within the category: Gaming.


The campaign consists of three 30 second spots, which lead up to a four minute online film. The film can be seen here: Film advertisement created by Leo Burnett, Switzerland for Federal Office of Public Health Switzerland, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Video introduces Krispy Kreme’s newest sweet round thing, called the “Nutty Cocoa Ring, topped with Nutella®.” Film advertisement created by Baldwin&, United States for Krispy Kreme, within the category: Food.


Digital advertisement created by John St, Canada for WWF, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Ambient advertisement created by DDB, Singapore for DBS Bank, within the category: Finance.


Tweet the Blues was a Twitter based campaign created to introduce the Mp3 generation to the blues and increase awareness about the 2012 Burnaby Blues and Roots Festival. Digital advertisement created by Spring, Canada for 2012 Burnaby Blues and Roots Festival, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.


Film advertisement created by Wax, Canada for Feeding My Family, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


According to recent studies (Cambridge, at European Union level) The Czech Republic has been recorded as one of the most racist and nationalistic countries in Europe. Living here, we can say that the people are mostly accepting and nice. Unfortunately, people aren’t quite as nice online. The internet has become a breeding ground for awful, hateful messages, made worse by anonymity. Usually made toward those who are most vulnerable - the refugees. So, Nadace Varietas - the Czech NGO for an open society and supporting the integration of foreigners - decided to do something to challenge and change mentalities. “Hate Unplugged” – a project that evaluates all the negative energy wasted online (by writing hateful posts) and transforming it into positive by donating free electricity and data to the people in need (the exact people that were targeted by that hate online). 
Using a mixture of social listening and complex sentiment analysis tools, we monitored the internet for months, recording the most hateful comments and negative energy, and calculating how much energy was wasted in the process. Applying a simple algorithm (how much a human being consumes as energy in a hateful manifestation + the energy consumed by the device he used, multiplied by the number of hateful post we found every day = 259 300 watts per year! We used the equivalent of this “wasted” negative energy to donate it to the people in need – the Nakivale Refugee Settlement in Uganda, where we've build Hello Hubs (hubs that’ll give free electricity and data) with the help of the Hello World organisation. Digital advertisement created by McCann, Czechia for Hello Hub, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by Traction, France for Citroën, within the category: Automotive.


Film advertisement created by Barton F. Graf, United States for Supercell, within the category: Gaming.


Film advertisement created by DDB, Australia for McDonald's, within the category: Food.


Ambient advertisement created by Ogilvy, France for IBM, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


IKEA is in pursuit of an audacious ambition: to help 1 billion people live better lives within the limits of the planet by 2030. In an effort to help reach its goal, IKEA has also committed to using only renewable and recycled materials in its products by 2030, sourcing only recycled or renewable wood by 2020 and producing as much renewable energy as it consumes by 2020. Film advertisement created by Anomaly, Netherlands for IKEA, within the category: Retail Services.


Komen Eten is the Flemish version of Come Dine With Me, a format that is broadcast throughout the world. Everyone knows that at the end of the evening contestants give points in the back of the car that drives them home. We used this situation to create a surprising online commercial for the BIVV, the Belgian Institute for Road Safety. We launched the movie with the title “The first zero in Komen Eten” and had it posted on the YouTube channel of Vier, the network that broadcasts the programme. This way the surprise was complete for unsuspecting viewers. Now discover it for yourself. All the national media, online and offline, picked up the movie immediately. Facebook and Twitter joined in. Even the federal police tweeted the video. After two days it was still the top video on Twitter and YouTube. Digital advertisement created by BBDO, Belgium for Belgian Institute for Road Safety, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by Glory Paris, France for PeopleCare, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Direct advertisement created by Seligemig, Denmark for Game Of Thrones, within the category: Media.


In celebration of MGM Resorts International’s album UNIVERSAL LOVE, our collection of reimagined wedding songs for the LGBTQ community, Kesha has unveiled the music video for her song “I Need a Woman to Love Me” which appears on the album. The special music video directed by Lagan Sebert, sees Kesha on a journey to Vegas to officiate a same sex wedding. The wedding took place at Bellagio in Las Vegas on March 26th, the anniversary of the first same sex marriage license issued in the US. The couple in the video, Dani and Lindsay, were selected after they shared a heartfelt video showcasing their excitement to be married in Vegas. This wedding marks the third time Kesha has officiated a same-sex wedding. UNIVERSAL LOVE, celebrates the enduring and overwhelming power of love and music to unite and includes six boundary-changing songs from Bob Dylan (“He’s Funny That Way”), St. Vincent (“And Then She Kissed Me”), Benjamin Gibbard of Death Cab for Cutie (“And I Love Him”), Kele Okereke of Bloc Party (“My Guy”), Valerie June (“Mad About The Girl”), and Kesha. The compilation album, produced by MGM Resorts in conjunction with global advertising agency McCann, is a natural extension of MGM’s two decades of advocacy work with the LGBTQ community and the company’s desire to advance initiatives that unite humanity. More than a decade before same-sex marriage was legalized, same-sex commitment ceremonies were performed at chapels at MGM Resorts’ properties. Film advertisement created by McCann, United States for MGM Resorts, within the categories: Hospitality, Tourism, Music.

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