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Film advertisement created by DDB, Canada for Crime Stoppers, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by Cutwater, United States for Russell Stover, within the category: Confectionery, Snacks.


Digital advertisement created by Saatchi & Saatchi, Sweden for Popaganda Music Festival, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.


Digital advertisement created by Buzzman, France for Burger King, within the category: Food.


Film advertisement created by Ogilvy, India for Hamam, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Digital advertisement created by TWO.AM, South Africa for Star Wars, within the category: Gaming.


Digital advertisement created by Centrade Cheil, Romania for Samsung, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Digital advertisement created by Y&R, Israel for Yellow Pages, within the category: Professional Services.


Ambient advertisement created by BBDO, United States for Off the Street Club, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Avec Les Petits Plaisirs Soja de St Hubert, bien sûr que oui !
Depuis toujours, St Hubert s’engage à proposer des produits qui allient plaisir et nutrition, et ce n’est pas aujourd’hui que les choses vont changer.
Grâce à une gamme de délicieux desserts alliant les bienfaits du soja à la gourmandise du chocolat noir extra ou de vrais morceaux de fruits, St Hubert compte bien surprendre vos papilles.
Une surprise aussi bien gustative que publicitaire grâce à la nouvelle campagne décalée imaginée par l’agence CLM BBDO.
En effet, pourquoi faudrait-il être obligatoirement sérieux quand il s’agit de soja ?
A ça, le réalisateur Julian Pugsley répond par deux comédies dans lesquelles tout le monde, humains et animaux, se retrouve surpris par autant de gourmandise dans un dessert au soja.
La campagne est diffusée en France du 19 octobre au 19 novembre.

Les Petits Plaisirs Soja® St Hubert, avouez que c’est bon !


Digital advertisement created by Casanova Pendrill, United States for Oasis Art Center, within the category: Education.


Film advertisement created by la comunidad, Argentina for Alma Mora, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.


‘Monologueando’ is a social campaign in which we built bridges between the online and offline worlds. This was done within the strategic framework that we have defined since our inception as Fandomaking: in which we design frameworks for action with the goal that fans of a brand help us create the project itself. A philosophy and a way of work that we sum up with one phrase: “We don’t want to sell the bike to anyone, what we seek is their help to build it.” Based on the naming of the brand itself, this project began with a simple question: would it be possible to write a book between many people? For example, with 150 different authors? In order to answer it, we started a campaign on Twitter (the perfect platform for monologues) in which, through hashtag #monologueando, fans of the brand have share with us their particular view of the world: their ideas, their thoughts, their creativity and everything that makes them different from everyone else. Among the thousands of proposals received, 150 were selected to be typeset in colourful quotes. A use of colour and art direction that has become one of the brand’s hallmarks. With these 150 quotes, we designed a book, published in June 2016, and created an online platform for its viewing, through which users can also download a digital edition of the book using the ‘Pay with a tweet ‘ method. Converting tweets from fans to pages of a physical book was nothing more than a logical consequence of a much simpler approach: listen carefully to what the fans of the brand want to tell us. This is an idea that we decided to take a step further, designing the labels of a special edition of Monólogo with three of the selected tweets, bringing the voice of the fans to the bottles themselves. Digital advertisement created by THIS is UMAMI, Spain for Monólogo, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.


Outdoor advertisement created by DOM360, United States for Toyota, within the category: Automotive.


Walmart’s free 2-day shipping (with no membership) means college students can afford to have more fun. Naturally, hilarity ensues. Film advertisement created by Saatchi & Saatchi, United States for Walmart, within the category: Retail Services.


Content advertisement created by Chemistry, United States for Four Loko, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.


For Audio Pro’s 40 year in the business they wanted to do a film to celebrates that. So director Mats Udd and production company Slutet är Nära came up with a film that wouldn't show any product, or new features. Just a pure and simple film about sounds. Small and large sounds. Sounds that make you laugh, or cry, sounds that you may have forgotten, or sounds that were a big part of your childhood. Sounds that make you come back to special events or make you remember friends from the past. Speaker Brands usually pay homage to new technology and new products, but the more rarely they praise the sound itself. We wanted to change that. So before the 40th anniversary we wanted to make a film without a product that is only interested in one thing: The sound. A film that honoring the sounds.


The campaign met the most popular peruvian rock bands to reinterpret one of their hits according for people with autism. Digital advertisement created by BBDO, Peru for Soy Autista y Qué, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


“Frosted Love” is a story about finding love at the Holidays. When a new neighbor moves in next door a flirtatious back and forth begins, but it’s done exclusively by writing on the frosted windows of each other’s homes. As we move deeper into December the temperature outside drops, things heat up between our burgeoning couple. The courtship increases until finally they meet face to face. It’s only then that we reveal the big twist. You’ll have to watch to reveal it.

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