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People in Russia talk and text on their phones while driving. We’re used to it, nothing strange. Radio stations provoke this behavior. Every station has a call-in show where listeners are calling or texting to win presents or just to say hi to their friends. Smartphone using is the second, after alcohol consumption, human factor causing car accidents. Despite a common opinion, hands-free devices offer no safety benefit when driving. Driving while talking on cell phones – handheld and hands-free – increases risk of crashes fourfold. The number is even bigger for texting and using apps. SM Polis Insurance is fighting against this dangerous habit with live radio broadcast of “car crashes”. 18 radio stations refused to join the action; they only cared about ratings and public image. So we had just one: Novoe Radio. Together with a popular call-in radio show we demonstrated what can happen if you use a phone while driving. When a presenter was getting a call from someone who was driving at the moment, he immediately disconnected the call and put on air the sounds of a car crash. After a moment of scary silence the presenter revealed it was not a real crash and explained the danger of using phones while driving. The first results came just in a couple of days. We were getting less and less calls from the drivers. The story was featured in media. After that the other radio stations changed their mind and joined the action to protect their listeners. People are now stopping to make a call to the show. Audio advertisement created by Voskhod, Russia for SM Polis Insurance, within the category: Finance.


We invite people born in the North and Northeast of Brazil to tell their stories with advertising.


Film advertisement created by DDB, United States for Skittles, within the category: Confectionery, Snacks.


Film advertisement created by JWT, United Kingdom for Berocca, within the category: Pharmaceutical.


Generation A is the follow up novel to Douglas Coupland's 1991 cult hit Generation X. As with the campaign for his 2007 novel The Gum Thief, Random House Canada again came to Crush, Toronto to create a series of films. Last time it was nine films, this time it’s three - “10 Question for Douglas Coupland”, “The Tragic Death of the Channel Three News Team” and “Colour Samples”. Film advertisement created by Crush, Canada for Generation A, within the category: Media.


Film advertisement created by BMF, Australia for ALDI, within the category: Retail Services.


Film advertisement created by Ammirati, United States for Jimmie Johnson's Anything with an Engine, within the category: Media.


Film advertisement created by Y&R, United Kingdom for First Choice, within the category: Transport.


According to the World Health Organization, each minute, 683 people in the world become infected with an STD. Sadly, many of them die. To raise awareness during Valentine's week about this alarming fact, we used the international symbol of mourning of lowering the flag at half staff and created a mobile pole that lowered the flag at half staff automatically every minute. Ambient advertisement created by McCann, Puerto Rico for ASPIRA, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by BBDO, United States for ADC, within the category: Professional Services.


Film advertisement created by Sokolovic Creative, Bosnia and Herzegovina for Coalition of Organisations of Persons with Disability, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Independence is more than a moment in history, it’s a legacy. In 1971, Bangladesh gained its independence – a glorious occasion we celebrate every 26th March. With these national celebrations come joy, hope and sentimentality; yet, we forget that independence is not simply an achievement, it is a complex idea that comes with constant struggle and responsibility, from the individual as well as a culture.Surrounding Independence Day every year, the media has a tendency to be tackily sentimental and traditionally monotonous in their themes and communication. However, with this campaign, we decided to break the mold with a genuinely disruptive and bold take on the meaning of freedom – using the power of slam poetry. A new direction for a telecom giant such as Grameenphone, the spoken word piece is raw, powerful and visceral. With electric visuals, immersive sound design and a complex narrative, the campaign is truly innovative in terms of the usual Independence Day content in Bangladesh. The AV features a young woman waking up and narrating how the basic beauties of life, and independence form a double edged sword. As sweeping, colorful and hard hitting visuals take us on a trip across the nation – we see the everyday hypocrisies, pollution and crimes that we casually excuse as well as the hope, connections and progress coming our way, only to be dismantled by debates and the natural divide that comes as a token conundrum of a world brought close by the digital media, yet torn so much further apart. Taking off the rose coloured glasses of sentimentality, the multifaceted notions of freedom are explored with the power of slam poetry. Amidst a vast sea of sentimental content, this AV is both thought provoking and disruptive, reinstating the values that come with freedom and establishing Grameen Phone as a brand that prioritizes the nation’s ideals. Film advertisement created by Mediumrare, Bangladesh for Grameenphone, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Film advertisement created by Ogilvy, United States for Nascar, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.


Executive Director of Integrated Production: Liza Near Film advertisement created by Mullen, United States for truTV, within the category: Media.


Ambient advertisement created by Luis Saldeño Publicidad, Argentina for Hogar Institute, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.



Film advertisement created by BBH, Singapore for NTUC, within the category: Finance.


Film advertisement created by Riot, United States for Blackhawk, within the category: House, Garden.


The idea was simple; Launch a QR code, one of the most innovative technologies of the XXI century, made by Portuguese cobblestones, one of the most ancient Portuguese traditions. From the fusion between technology and historical traditions a new and innovative way was born to promote Portugal abroad and to provide relevant cultural content for tourists visiting Chiado. Ambient advertisement created by MSTF, Portugal for AV Chiado, within the category: Transport.


Film advertisement created by AKQA, Brazil for Code of Conscience, within the category: Electronics, Technology.

Showing 8 out of 77