

A study commissioned by the brand (Hygiene has no gender, Validata, March 2020) proves that in the families of our target audience, household chores are usually not shared quite fairly - on average, 67% of household chores fall on the shoulders of women. Children, copying the behavior of their parents, are likely to build their families on the same principle. ZEWA states that it is important to share responsibilities fairly between all family members - this example increases the chances of children to successfully fulfill themselves in all areas of life. Integrated advertisement created by RODNYA Creative PR Studio, Russia for Zewa, within the category: House, Garden.


In four bars in Moscow and five bars in Sochi, we have launched brand lighthouses - topical on-trade outlets where the BACARDI brand is presented as widely as possible. Experiential advertisement created by Journey, Russia for Bacardi, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.

WVA In this project, nine dogs from the shelter will share their thoughts on why they would become great life partners. Each dog can be invited for an actual walk in Moscow.


What’s the difference between propaganda and news? To answer this question we created two identical AIs. They are like twins, but with no experience, no outside factors influencing their outlook AIs were "brought up" on news programs. One was «watching» the state TV Russia-1, The other – the independent TV Rain. After 6 months, they could answer any questions. But, only using the knowledge and vocabulary of the programs they had watched. Digital advertisement created by Voskhod, Russia for TV Rain, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Ekoniva is the largest dairy producer in Russia. Its milk is used by the favorite nationwide brands. And now Ekoniva is launching its own consumer milk brand. In this spot we’ve featured Ekoniva’s president – but first and foremost farmer – Stefan Duerr. He tells a simple truth: no matter how we make the ad, you’ll recognise and love us by the special taste. Film advertisement created by The Clients, Russia for Ekoniva, within the category: Food.


Cashback service is not so surprising anymore. However, when the cashback by the payment system is summed up with the bank cashback and sales – that is impressive indeed! So is the incredible simplicity of how the money is returned to the card. The new commercial for MIR payment system features both amazing benefits. On the one hand, there is a grandeur speed march of bonuses, coins and bank notes, all of them symbolizing the scale of the offer. On the other one, there is a peaceful atmosphere of a home, far from the fuss and sales gold fever. That is true – why the hurry when bonuses and interest are themselves doing their best to get received on your card. Film advertisement created by Voskhod, Russia for MIR, within the category: Finance.


Every year we run the best digital marketing conference in Russia. Every year we surprise not only with the speakers, but with a promo campaign part of which is a website. This year we've made the first in the country VR website, to amaze, impress and sell the tickets. Digital Marketing Conference is a trendy conference, which demanded a trendy website. Single-screen website is a trend, because longreads are bulky, an old paradigm. There is so much information that it is impossible to spend a lot of time on the website: scrolling is boring! So we've made the first VR-website, which you can examine in all its glory if you have VR-glasses or a cardboard. The main page is both menu and navigation of the whole website.


An advertising campaign was created for the first ever online insurance agency in Russia – Mafin. In video there are no ad cliches, it focuses on being honest: Mafin doesn’t care who their clients are in their everyday lives – heavy metal fans, robbers or kindest grandpas. The most important is who they are when they are driving. Film advertisement created by Possible, Russia for Mafin, within the category: Professional Services.


The task: Introduce Durex gels to Russians. The problem: when analyzing our target audience insights, we discovered that most Russians experience sexual frustration which resolves into people hitting different discussion forums or social media platforms. The reason for such sexual misunderstanding is that topics like sexual preferences or discomfort during sex become conversation stoppers. The solution: to teach people how to talk about sex, we have decided to teach them the basics first. Our «Alphabet of pleasures» is a series of nine 8-second online videos where we integrate words and phrases encouraging people to break down barriers and improve their sex life. How we do it: In every video, each unique script reflects the essence of the word. We created the scenes one after another during one shooting day. Thanks to our elaborate artistic supervision and production design, we filmed final videos without special or visual effects. They seem so natural — just like talking about sex. Film advertisement created by Ailove, Russia for Durex, within the category: Health.


A new sea food brand was created and put on the shelves of supermarkets in Anapa, a coastal city. However, instead of actual food there was a rubbish, caught in the sea off the coast in Anapa. A sea cocktail of tins, Black sea mix of plastic bottles, cigarette stubs as sea bulls and a seafood salad with plastic bags – all this could be found on the shelves in shops during the campaign which ended with a city-wide community work day. The design of the package was created using the most frequent rubbish found in sea – plastic bottles, cups and bags, cigarette stubs and tins. This rubbish was put through a linocut after being colored with typographic colors. Final images were photoshopped and used in the packaging. Integrated advertisement created by Possible, Russia for Bloknot Anapa, within the categories: Media, Public Interest, NGO.


Chill is something you can’t explain, you can only feel it. Anyone has a right to chill, even the most efficient people on the planet (and in space). Today everyone is talking about productivity so we need someone who would say: “Stop working. Start chilling!” and would hand you a bottle of Garage, right from the fridge. Film advertisement created by Possible, Russia for Baltika, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.


Earth Hour is a global event, attracting millions of people around the globe to ecological problems. But in Russia people don't’ get engaged in action that much. Because average Russian spends 6 hours 29 minutes online every day*. Endless emails & notifications grab away our attention from things that really important - ecological problems. How can we disconnect peoplzse from the web and reconnect them with nature? Introducing Detox Website by WWF. First ever branded web site that works ONLY offline. This year we made official Earth Hour page in Russia visible only when you disconnect the internet. See hidden content, that explains simple steps each can do in 60 minutes to change the situation. Detox website is possible with a special smart script, that shows content when the device is offline - same as with Google Chrome disconnect page. Digital advertisement created by 24ttl, Russia for WWF, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


During the year everyone has a list of things they grew sick and tired of. So before starting the new year we wanted to help you get rid of them. Even if just for a laugh. That’s why we created The Gruntminator - the machine in form of the huge pig that destroys anything negative that you would not want take with you to the new 2019! We launched a page on our website with an editor, in which you could upload a photo of the annoying object. And then receive your own custom video with Gruntminator destroying your object in the only way he knows. After that, the video could be shared with friends on social networks. Digital advertisement created by Artcom, Russia for Artcom, within the category: Agency Self-Promo.


Banks are all about money. Banking service is all about huge amount of papers and time. Every banking problem can be solved according to an established pattern. This system has been working for ages and, as it is hard to change, is considered right. From that point of view, Tochka Bank is the wrong bank. Everything Tochka does wrong is governed by one essential principle – love towards its clients. Understanding of the entrepreneur’s needs and the courage to break the mold has always made Tochka the outsider and the example for other banks at the same time. New Tochka Bank’s advertising campaign is about those who choose love over everything else. It is love towards your business and entrepreneurs, towards anything around you. Love is the driving force that helps change the world to the better. Film advertisement created by Voskhod, Russia for Tochka Bank, within the category: Finance.


By 2024, 94% of accountants and auditors will no longer have a job. However, those working in the arts and design are at less risk from automation. Inspired by Isaac Asimov’s, ‘First Law of Robotics,’ which states: a robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm, we have created a bot to help humans with their professional survival. The bot scans and prints messages using port 9100, which printers all over the world are connected to. The message urges users to retrain with a Skillbox UX design course, created by Michael Janda, author of “Burn Your Portfolio.” The target audience are financial professionals and other roles that involve a lot of paperwork and rely on printers. Digital advertisement created by Possible, Russia for Skillbox, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Outdoor advertisement created by Decembrist, Russia for Okko, within the category: Media.


There is no censorship and no problems in Russia. At least, that’s what they say officially in mass media. There is no other opinion in Russia, since TV Rain – the country’s only independent TV-channel – was taken off air by all satellite and cable providers because of an order from ‘above’. TV Rain, however, hasn’t stopped covering the real state of affairs in Russia. Now one can get an access to truth only through paid subscriptions. In 2015 Vladimir Putin publicly declared to ease the censorship burden. He did it again in 2016 and 2017 during his annual press conferences. But the miracle did not happen. A week before the regular press conference we launched ‘Putin turns on the Rain’.Everyone could get access to TV Rains’s broadcast for 24 hours access for free if they demonstrated the president’s portrait to the web camera. Experiential advertisement created by Voskhod, Russia for TV Rain, within the category: Media.


Nature's Table is a new brand of natural food for cats and dogs. The quality of ingredients for Nature’s Table is so high that it meets the standards of food safety for people, and this quality ensures excellent taste that does not need to be masked by artificial flavors. But in reality, people wouldn’t want to share a bowl of food with their dog or cat. And we decided to go the other way - to offer the owners a way to treat their pets and share the dinner with them without harm to health. So we opened “Plate and Bowl” Café by Nature’s Table: not just a pet-friendly cafe, but a human-friendly cafe for dogs on the territory of a farm market. Film advertisement created by Rodnya, Russia for Nature's Table, within the category: Pets.


Ambient advertisement created by Decembrist, Russia for Food for Life, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


In 1957 KFC launched chicken basket. It has changed a lot since then, so to celebrate the anniversary of this legend the brand produced a limited amount of steel baskets in original design. They were sold in restaurants in addition to the standard chicken, but people were not getting it: why do you need your own basket to go to KFC? The point that it gives you a 30% discount on chicken for the rest of the year didn't seem to help... Idea. For those, who love KFC chicken so bad they can eat a whole basket alone, we turned the communication upside down. We were not selling chicken; we were selling the way of consumption. A souvenir. It’s more than just an empty chicken basket that you can bring to KFC to get a discount on chicken wings. Digital advertisement created by Rodnya, Russia for KFC, within the category: Food.

Showing 13 out of 15