Digital advertisement created by Ogilvy, Brazil for IBM, within the category: Electronics, Technology.
Ambient advertisement created by Ogilvy, Brazil for Red Balloon, within the category: Education.
Ambient advertisement created by Ageisobar, Brazil for Space Channel, within the category: Media.
Alerj, Legislative Assembly of Rio de Janeiro, wanted to show smokers how unpleasant their smell is to non-smokers, thus promoting reflection on their part and hopefully leading them to stop smoking. Thus, instead of talking about death, cancer and all the most common methods used to discourage this habit in the past, we went directly for every person’s weakness: self-esteem. Ambient advertisement created by Staff, Brazil for Alerj, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Film advertisement created by Candy Shop, Brazil for Mundo Livre FM, within the category: Media.
‘W.O.’ becomes ‘’ in a campaign by for the Maria da Penha Institute. Film advertisement created by, Brazil for Instituto Maria da Penha, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Ambient advertisement created by OpusMultipla, Brazil for Campo Largo Furniture, within the category: Retail Services.
Direct advertisement created by IMAM, Brazil for Requinte Bakery, within the category: Food.
Film advertisement created by 11:21, Brazil for Grã Filé, within the category: Food.
A traveling exhibition was put together to bring people closer to the elements that are part of child labour exploitation. We provoked a reality check to motivate people to look around more and to reflect upon it. The strategy worked: it drew in schools, parents, classroom professors and civil society. The exhibition has traveled around Brazil, bringing thousands of people to realize the importance of speaking up. Experiential advertisement created by Agência UM, Brazil for Ministério Público do Trabalho, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
One cashier, one hidden cam, one printer. That´s all Burger King needed to prove that Whoppers are made to order. Exactly your way. When a person ordered a sandwhich, a picture was taken, without anyone noticing. The client got your freshly made Whopper with your face on it. Burger King has proved that each sandwich is unique, made to order, especially for each customer. Ambient advertisement created by Ogilvy, Brazil for Burger King, within the category: Food.
In the middle of the technological universe of the 21st century, every moment, every landscape or situation is recorded by the lens of a photographic camera, whether it is professional, amateur or smartphones. This moment is even more important when the access to these resources becomes democratic and easily to all. In this concept, Artplan had turned a book jacket advertising of Metro Newspaper into a Pinhole, a camera without lens. The purpose of the action was to communicate the Metro Photo Challenge and the winners of 2017 Metro Newspaper photography contest in Brazil and worldwide, as well as encouraging participation for 2018 edition. "We started from the concept that in the contest, the world's most democratic photo shoot, even those who do not have a camera, can use the newspaper to create their own and participate", says Zico Farina, Artplan Creative Director. The communication contemplated a book jacket advertising in São Paulo city. In order to disclose the action, two films were produced: the first one invites a professional photographer and a "non-photographer" to create a Pinhole and perform the best clicks with the equipment. The results can be checked in Metro Newspaper’s social networks. The second film brings a tutorial on how to set up your own Pinhole. Metro Newspaper is freely distributed in more than 21 countries, reaching an estimated audience of more than 16 million people. Film advertisement created by Artplan, Brazil for Metro, within the category: Media.
Film advertisement created by McCann, Brazil for Salvation Army, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Film advertisement created by Africa, Brazil for Budweiser, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.
Digital advertisement created by DM9Rio, Brazil for Amaral Carvalho Hospital, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Film advertisement created by Propaganda, Brazil for Cinepolis, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.
Gollog Express is Gol Airlines’ delivery service that finds recipients fast, no matter where they are. To prove this in digital magazines we created an ad that combined geolocation with the Google Street View API. In the ad, the reader saw the street view image of the exact location he or she was at, followed by an animated hand delivering the Gollog package. The ad was featured in Veja, Brazil's most influential weekly digital magazine. Digital advertisement created by BBDO, Brazil for Gollog Express, within the category: Professional Services.
Audio advertisement created by Moma, Brazil for KIA, within the category: Automotive.
Ambient advertisement created by NBS, Brazil for BASF, within the category: House, Garden.