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To promote the Taco Sub, Subway Norway launched a set of innovative pre-roll ads for Youtube. The Taco sub is, thanks to the cracking noise from its nacho chips, the first sub ever to make an distinguished sound when you eat it. To better illustrate The Sub with a Sound, McCann Stockholm built a narrative around "Good cracks vs. Bad cracks." Good crack obviously being the nacho chips. The three adverts, specially tailored for Youtube's True View format, all show a Taco Sub and other items getting crushed by the sheer power of the hydraulic press. The result? Not only does Subway tap in to the Youtube phenomena of hydraulic presses; they also show that, when done right, even a film about a sandwich can become truly unskippable. See for yourself. Film advertisement created by McCann, Sweden for Subway, within the category: Food.


Most internet-savvy folks are aware of the Urban Dictionary, with its colorful, street-smart definitions of curious slang terms. Now, Lawn Doctor wants to introduce you to “The Suburban Dictionary.” Out in these suburban streets, our shorthand is all about keeping your lawn “on fleek” (or so to speak). The video series rolls out this month and will run through mid-summer as targeted programmatic digital video. Digital advertisement created by Sleek Machine, United States for Lawn Doctor, within the category: House, Garden.


It's a film for Søren Solkær's upcoming Surface exhibition.


Film advertisement created by 180 Kingsday, Netherlands for Amstel, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.


Film advertisement created by Saatchi & Saatchi, United Kingdom for Robinsons, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.


In today’s world, we share everything on social media, but in Latin America we share everything in a round of Mate.


The view on people with disabilities in Sweden is both traditional and conventional. This has resulted in ignorance, beliefs and prejudice among employers. Very few people with disabilities get a job and those who do often get less qualified jobs. Our campaign is aimed at these conventions in order to challenge employers to look for competence, rather than to avoid a person with a disability. Film advertisement created by Le Bureau, Sweden for The Swedish Public Employment Service, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Ideas Festival is the biggest intellectual festival in Ukraine. The festival has changed a lot, so organisers wanted to refresh and implement new vision and ideas into the festival’s visual identity. When we started looking for a new symbol of ideas, we didn’t want to use cliche associations like lamps or mind bubbles. We’ve conducted a small research and found-out, that people themselves are the best metaphor for ideas. Because people are those who create, share and implement ideas in real life. Profiles of real people have become the main element of branding: they communicate on a live brand pattern, share their experiences with each other. A Greek-style font resembles the Greek roots of the word “idea”, and peoples’ profiles remind us of pictures of ancient Greek thinkers. Design advertisement created by ONCE, Ukraine for Ideas Festival, within the category: Professional Services.


EMwatch is a stress tracker with Al-based mental health advisor designed by Ukrainian tech startup Emotion Labs. It is able to prevent 75% of stress-related diseases thanks to more than three years of research conducted by a team of bioengineers and technological scientists. Following its mission “to reshape completely daily stress management practices”, the company launched a new stress-less productivity tool called “Tame The Time”. The most stressful time for the majority of people is the last hour before a deadline. Especially the final 15 minutes. During this period, it is natural for a person to speed up beyond his abilities. At the same time, the person is overwhelmed because of the feeling that time has also sped up and started pushing them. Digital advertisement created by Saatchi & Saatchi, Ukraine for Emwatch, within the categories: Electronics, Technology, Personal Accessories.


Film advertisement created by Patsany Agency, Ukraine for Music.School, within the categories: Education, Music.


Since he was young, Swedish Freeskier Jesper Tjäder has been fascinated by Japanese game shows, but it wasn't until more recently he started getting recurring dreams about skiing in one. And as we all know Jesper, one thing is for certain: If he can dream it, he can do it. Welcome to Jesper Tjäder's Dream Show! Film advertisement created by Process, Sweden for Red Bull, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.


Film advertisement created by, Denmark for Rose Chicken, within the category: Food.


The RAF has launched a new recruitment campaign – the first to be 100% CGI-generated – targeting the next generation of Engineers, created by Engine Creative. The campaign, called ‘The Ultimate Level’, comprises an online film which will feature on the RAF Recruitment website and social feeds. The film focuses on the biggest pull for Engineers: the potential to take their problem-solving skills to the next level by working on the most advanced aircraft in the country. Film advertisement created by Engine Creative, United Kingdom for RAF, within the categories: Electronics, Technology, Military.


Film advertisement created by 72andSunny, Netherlands for Google, within the category: Electronics, Technology.



Ambient advertisement created by Miami Ad School, Germany for Spotify, within the category: Media.


Ambient advertisement created by SLG, United Kingdom for Open Rights Group, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Help Parkinson’s patients with their fine motor skills and let them handwrite your text messages on a card. Do the Write thing for Parkinson and for everyone you love. Ambient advertisement created by BBDO, Belgium for Vlaamse Parkinson Liga, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


A student idea to promote Google Translate. Digital advertisement created by Forsbergs School of Design and Advertisment, Sweden for Google, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


In United Voices, Natalie Ringsmuth, founder of #unitecloud, shares her vision for uniting a town that is divided by ethnicity, religion, and immigration. In St. Cloud Minnesota, Natalie works with individual immigrants in her community to find common ground through sharing stories that unite rather than divide. Film advertisement created by TBD, United States for Welcoming America, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


See men in power offered to undergo gynecological exams in an interactive film experience by artist and filmmaker Anna Odell. But to see this, you have to get up into the chair yourself. Welcome to The Gynecological Cinema Chair at Göteborg Film Festival, Film advertisement created by Stendahls, Sweden for Göteborg Film Festival, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.

Showing 72 out of 107