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Each year, over 100,000 children in Asia are born with cleft conditions, birth defects that turn the simple act of eating into a challenging task. In order to raise awareness of the situation, Smile Asia wanted people to empathize with the struggle these children go through every day. The Cleft Collection, a unique set of cutlery, was deliberately designed to change the way people eat so they can experience how difficult every meal is for children with cleft lip and palate. With the help of the Ritz-Carlton, the silverware was first unveiled at a dinner event. Unknowing guests were made to eat a four-course dinner with the collection, experiencing a small taste of the frustration children with the condition have to deal with at every meal. Experiential advertisement created by McCann, Singapore for Smile Asia, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Film advertisement created by Aimaq von Lobenstein, Germany for Head, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.
Film advertisement created by 004, Portugal for Microsoft, within the category: Electronics, Technology.
Digital advertisement created by John St, Canada for WWF, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Digital advertisement created by Publicis, Romania for ACR, within the category: Automotive.
Maes is Belgium’s second most popular beer but also Belgium’s 3rd most common surname. So since there is no joy in being second Maes beer gave a free barrel of Maes to all the people with the name Maes. They just had to sign up on Facebook, choose a pub and share the date – and their beer – with all of their friends. The campaign was created by TBWA and broke quite some records. The Facebook fanpage made it into the 6% most active pages worldwide, 1 out 20 Belgians visited the website and the amount of fans tripled in 1 day. Ambient advertisement created by TBWA, Belgium for Maes, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.
"When Donald Trump was running for president, the New York Times published a list of every place he insulted on the campaign trail. When he got elected, I decided to embrace the new political landscape and insult him 282 times right back, one for every item on that list.
Film advertisement created by Wax, Canada for Feeding My Family, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Film advertisement created by Reach Agency, United States for Panda Express, within the category: Food.
Sharpies are permanent markers used to jot down and record permanent thoughts. In order to connect to a millennial demographic, Sharpie wanted to hone in on the topics that millennials of today were dealing with, and demonstrate how the timeless marker could make an impact. Film advertisement created by Miami Ad School, United States for Sharpie, within the category: Office Equipment.
Film advertisement created by TBWA, United States for Michelin, within the category: Automotive.
Film advertisement created by Fallon, United Kingdom for Sony, within the category: Electronics, Technology.
The 50 Years of AMG chatbot was an innovative Facebook messenger bot that unlocks the 50 year AMG journey through a dynamic narrative. It was the first ever messenger chatbot in the automobile industry to create a personalized video for the user with their name in it! Besides this, users could experience AMG via engine sounds and walk through the rich 50 year history of AMG. Users can interact with the messenger chatbot here - or can search for "50 Years of AMG Chatbot" in messenger to experience this and create their own personalized video! [Optimized for Messenger, will not work on Messenger Lite.] This was built by alivenow, an independent technology centric digital agency with partners in 15 countries and working with over 200 brands globally. Digital advertisement created by AliveNow, India for Mercedes, within the category: Automotive.
Komen Eten is the Flemish version of Come Dine With Me, a format that is broadcast throughout the world. Everyone knows that at the end of the evening contestants give points in the back of the car that drives them home. We used this situation to create a surprising online commercial for the BIVV, the Belgian Institute for Road Safety. We launched the movie with the title “The first zero in Komen Eten” and had it posted on the YouTube channel of Vier, the network that broadcasts the programme. This way the surprise was complete for unsuspecting viewers. Now discover it for yourself. All the national media, online and offline, picked up the movie immediately. Facebook and Twitter joined in. Even the federal police tweeted the video. After two days it was still the top video on Twitter and YouTube. Digital advertisement created by BBDO, Belgium for Belgian Institute for Road Safety, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Digital advertisement created by DDB, Netherlands for KLM, within the category: Transport.
Film advertisement created by Made, Mexico for FIAT, within the category: Automotive.
Pass the Plate website: Digital advertisement created by Leo Burnett, United States for Greater Chicago Food Depository, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Campaign site: Currently ranked second worldwide, Novak Djokovic is also considered to be one of the sportís great entertainers. With Novak in mind, Aimaq & Stolle have developed an extraordinary experiment involving racquets and balls ñ one that offers a completely new take on what people are used to seeing when it comes to tennis. Not only does the film bring extra emotion to the HEAD brand and its slogan ìThe Power Of Youî, it also has succeeded in becoming a topic of conversation within an extremely short frame of time, both on video portals such as YouTube and tennis blogs the world overdeoportalen wie YouTube und Tennis Blogs im Worldwide Web. Production Company: Digital advertisement created by Aimaq & Stolle, Germany for Head, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.
Film advertisement created by GSD&M, United States for Lee Jeans, within the category: Fashion.
Film advertisement created by David&Goliath, United States for Esperanza Immigrant Rights Project, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.