

Experiential advertisement created by Z+, Brazil for AACD, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


New campaign created by Publicis Brasil for Heineken challenges employees from a Brazilian office to change their routines and follow the UEFA championship games at European time zone. Experiential advertisement created by Publicis, Brazil for Heineken, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.


A trophy made with a pre-salt rock. Ambient advertisement created by Momentum, Brazil for Petrobras, within the category: Industrial, Agriculture.


Ambient advertisement created by Ageisobar, Brazil for British Airways, within the category: Transport.


Sao Paulo, November 2011 - A new action created by DDB Brasil for Guarana Antarctica introduces the concept of "Being extreme is being with friends" on the brand's YouTube Channel . The film features a group of friends practicing "Le Petit Parkour", a new version of "Parkour", the French sport that uses elements of the city as obstacles. Railings, walls and trees give way to tires, guides and railroad tracks in this satire of the original sport. The major obstacle, a 3.3-liter bottle of Guarana Antarctica, appears to be too dangerous so athletes replace it with a "Petit" (smaller) version of the product, justifying the name of the game. The soundtrack is an attraction in itself. It combines the most popular phrases, expressions and words in the French language and turn them into a hilarious hip hop song. At the end, the group is chased by a police guard who fails to reach them because he can not face the obstacles on the way. Film advertisement created by DDB, Brazil for Guarana Antarctica, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.


The true story of Thula, a cat whose curiosity opened up the world for Iris Grace (8), an English girl diagnosed with a severe autism spectrum disorder (ASD) at age two. Through the relationship she developed with Thula, Iris gained new found confidence, began communicating and taking part in new activities including revealing an extraordinary talent for painting. Film advertisement created by BBDO, Brazil for Whiskas, within the category: Pets.


Film advertisement created by Ogilvy, Brazil for Miami Ad School, within the category: Education.


Digital advertisement created by DM9Rio, Brazil for Obra do Berço, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by Mark+, Brazil for Biscoitos Zezé, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by Miami Ad School, Brazil for Champion Apparel, within the categories: Fashion, Sports.


The bicycle is a unique mobility solution. More than that: it is the best cost-benefit ratio for many routes. And facing a national truck strike in Brazil as protest for the high gas prices, Caloi, the top Brazilian bicycle company, saw an opportunity for communicate that bikes could be a good and immediate solution in transportation. “Liters”, the ad campaign created by Tribal Worldwide’s São Paulo office, has found not only a way to show how cycling is a viable, sustainable and economical option for transportation, but also a perfect timing and chance to impact a potential target. Focused in out of home media, the communication has transformed prices of some of its best-selling bikes in gallons of gasoline, questioning the use of cars in the crowded city as well as rationally demonstrates the cost-benefit ratio in urban mobility. The index used to convert the bicycle prices in liters of gas was based in real time data connected with Google Waze information. Every time the fuel value varied, the digital outdoors were updated by the “currency”. To increase the impact, the OOH media points was selected strategically near by gas stations, especially those with the largest queues. Comparing the Reais (Brazilian currency) that could be spent with a new bike instead of liters of gasoline, more people became aware that cycling is not only good for health and for the Planet, but also for their pocket. Outdoor advertisement created by Tribal, Brazil for Caloi, within the category: House, Garden.


Film advertisement created by Y&R, Brazil for Vivo, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Advertising Agency: JWT, Sao Paulo, Brazil Film advertisement created by JWT, Brazil for Ford, within the category: Automotive.


Outdoor advertisement created by Danza, Brazil for Coliseu Figth Club, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.


Ambient advertisement created by Ogilvy, Brazil for Red Balloon, within the category: Education.


Film advertisement created by 11:21, Brazil for Grã Filé, within the category: Food.


Film advertisement created by JWT, Brazil for Coca-Cola, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.


The idea use the Google Now to find traces of depression in the people when they talk to the app. Digital advertisement created by Redhook School, Brazil for Google, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Film advertisement created by 11:21, Brazil for Grã Filé, within the category: Food.


An experiment to make music with television. A guitar hooked to the TV in a way that its notes modulate the sound of MTV shows. Check these short films with famous brazilian guitar players: Ambient advertisement created by Loducca, Brazil for MTV, within the category: Media.

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