The angels in yellow: they’re 114 years old, have earned a huge amount of trust from their customers, and have almost 20 million members in their organization. But – how is it possible to stay relevant amongst members of a target audience that don’t and, in the future, won’t own their own car? Working alongside RCKT, this summer ADAC launched “Don’t Call Mom”, its first purely digital campaign aimed specifically at a younger demographic, which produced around 20 million interactions online. Youtube, Instagram, a specially created WhatsApp line and strong influencers were all part of the integrated campaign concept. The purely digital campaign depended on close insights into a clear target audience, the unmistakable creative touch of RCKT, and sophisticated performance marketing. The specially developed WhatsApp line lay at the heart of the entire project, accompanied by three adverts filmed by the Danish director Peter Harton, various online-ads, integrated influencer marketing, a homepage, and numerous offline strategies. In line with the catchphrase: “Don’t Call Mom – Call ADAC”, for the duration of the entire campaign, customers really were welcome to ask ANYTHING they liked. Whether it was a question about the right tyres for winter, tips for a first date, or the best pasta recipe – we were there to help. Digital advertisement created by RCKT, Germany for ADAC, within the category: Professional Services.
With the best acoustics and world class artists, you can experience music as never before in the Dortmund Concert Hall. However, it is not easy for the Concert Hall because the majority of the population is not particularly interested in this kind of music. The aim was therefore to develop a campaign for the 2010/2011 season which would encourage more people to visit the Concert Hall. We enabled people to experience music as never before: with their sense of taste. Scientists have proven that classical music makes cows produce more milk, which is why we let cows listen to the music of selected artists from the new season. The milk produced was sold in shops as 'Dortmund Concert Milk' and offered in nine varieties. Each bottle contained further information about the DCH season. Film Production: Markenfilm GmbH & Co. Ambient advertisement created by Jung von Matt, Germany for Konzerthaus Dortmund, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.
Side assist is a technology from Volkswagen that helps the driver recognize dangers in their blind spot. In essence, it lets you see things before they get dangerous. Film advertisement created by DDB, Germany for Volkswagen, within the category: Automotive.
On New Year’s Eve, millions of people across the continent celebrated the arrival of 2014 with dinners, parties and of course fireworks. In this “Screen Age”, a staggering estimated 1.1 billion photos and videos were shared on social media platforms in the last 24 hours. In the past people used to share texts on special occasions, now they send each other Vines, Instagrams and short videos. To strengthen the Life Is For Sharing positioning, Deutsche Telekom launched the next chapter with a 90’’ film taken from crowd-sourced videos uploaded on Vine & Instagram. Little film snippets show how people across Europe welcomed 2014, and were edited through the night. The result is a feel-good 90 second film sourced from a variety of hashtags, which included #share2014. The soundtrack “Million Dollar Bills” comes courtesy of worldwide music sensation Lorde. Digital advertisement created by DDB, Germany for Deutsche Telekom, within the category: Electronics, Technology.
Film advertisement created by Kemper Kommunikation, Germany for Porsche, within the category: Automotive.
Digital advertisement created by Jung von Matt, Germany for Laut Gegen Nazis, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Hans goes on an epic journey to find out that life is about the choices we make each and every day. Film advertisement created by Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, Germany for Stella Artois, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.
Digital advertisement created by Grey, Germany for Reporters Without Borders, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Digital advertisement created by Grey, Germany for Deichmann, within the category: Retail Services.
Film advertisement created by Grabarz & Partner, Germany for Porsche, within the category: Automotive.
In the Internet age, where information is free and accessible to everyone, citizens and foreigners who are living in China are still under strict media censorship. They are able to access censored information through VPNs. However, the most commonly used VPN ‘Freegate’ is also censored.This campaign is a Monotype solution to provide easy access to the Freegate VPN. Integrated advertisement created by Miami Ad School, Germany for Monotype, within the categories: Media, Professional Services, Public Interest, NGO.
Film advertisement created by Serviceplan, Germany for The One Club, within the category: Professional Services.
Film advertisement created by Leagas Delaney, Germany for The Hamburg theatre, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.
Task : In 2018, fur is still a thing. And since it has a revival on the runway, the fight against the cruel fur trade is more urgent than ever. How can we finally kill supply and demand? Insight : GIFs and the demand for fur are at an all time high since the nineties. And the cycle does not seem to stop. Idea : An endless GIF shows in an never-ending loop that killing animals for fur is wrong. It fits perfectly to all social media and boils our message down to the core: no sound, no stop. And with just a simple tap, users share the post and play the looped GIF in reverse, breaking the negative cycle. Digital advertisement created by Miami Ad School, Germany for Fur for Animals, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Film advertisement created by lawinenstift, Germany for Möbel Kraft, within the category: House, Garden.
DUO by AmazonFresh introduces a unique ecommerce experience - especially for foodies - that also showcases the wide range of products available on the platform. Foodies would be able to select whether they would like to shop by recipe or ingredient and the platform would use its smart algorithm to complete the shopping list. Digital advertisement created by Miami Ad School, Germany for Amazon, within the category: Retail Services.
To introduce the new tv services by mobilcom-debitel, we invented a very useless fake product to make the tv industry talk about mobilcom-debitels tv services. Digital advertisement created by Defacto BE/ONE, Germany for Mobilcom debitel, within the category: Electronics, Technology.
Film advertisement created by Serviceplan, Germany for Maximal G, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.
Film advertisement created by Jung von Matt, Germany for NBC, within the category: Media.
The fakes are embodied in our films of disguised dogs. The fact that the "product" is a fake, it disappointed the expectations of users, for example, represents a health hazard or is simply less powerful than the original. Film advertisement created by Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, Germany for APM, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.