

With the launch of part two of the creepy clown running through the sewers approaching, BURGER KING® is again tapping into the hype using augmented reality technology to place an ad in its rival’s cinema magazine with a run of 800,000 copies. The ad invites you to escape the clown and seek refuge in a BURGER KING® restaurant where you will be rewarded with a flame-grilled WHOPPER® for only 1 cent.


Made in Fukushima is a book made out of rice straw from the decontaminated fields in Fukushima. It helps people understand that the decontamination method works and that the rice from Fukushima is safe, by turning the rice into the medium and the data into understanding. To tell the story, the book uses a wide range of resources: photography, interviews, reports, background information, data and its visualization. Design advertisement created by Serviceplan, Germany for Meter Group, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Only those who know their rights can exercise them: On the occasion of the 30th International Day of Children's Rights on 20 November, the Hamburg Child Protection Association (Kinderschutzbund Hamburg) not only opened the "Square of Children's Rights" in Hamburg, but also the first virtual museum for children's rights. Senators Dr. Melanie Leonhard and Dr. Carsten Brosda, and the president of the Child Protection Society Germany Heinz Hilgers were present to inaugurate. The aim of ’The Secret Sculpture’ is to visualise the UNCRC, and raise awareness of the work of the Child Protection League. There are 54 articles in the United Nations convention on the rights of the child, and St. Elmo’s invited 42 artists to create a virtual artwork for a plinth in the Platz der Kinderrechte. Each virtual sculpture is visible via a new Kinderschutzbund Hamburg app using augmented reality when you hold your phone up to the plinth. Integrated advertisement created by Saint Elmo's, Germany for Hamburg Child Protection Association, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Digital advertisement created by Interone, Germany for Horror Channel, within the category: Media.


The #artSmellery at the renowned Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam exhibits six paintings from world famous artists, such as Mondrian, Lichtenstein and Van Gogh, that have been transformed into scent-based masterpieces. As part of a campaign promoting the new sensoFresh odor removal program on Siemens washing machines, the #artSmellery exhibition demonstrates the influence smells can have over the way in which we perceive things. The fascinating thing about the exhibition is that visitors can’t see anything on the canvases – they have to smell them to experience the art. The odors awaken emotions and trigger memories that lend a whole new feeling for the picture and prove just how powerful odors can be. The exhibition was created by Heimat Hamburg and realized in close collaboration with the smell artist Jorg Hempenius and the museum. Experiential advertisement created by Heimat, Germany for Siemens, within the category: House, Garden.


Direct advertisement created by Serviceplan, Germany for Penny, within the category: Retail Services.


80 years after homosexual men were branded with pink triangles on their striped prison clothing and tortured in concentration camps, the mark of sexual persecution in Nazi Germany has been reclaimed as a symbol against homophobia, and anchors an international campaign - 'The Pink Triangle Issue' - highlighting contemporary violations of human rights for LGBTQI+ people across the globe. The motive of the Pink Triangle Issue is to ignite a conversation around the persecution of LGBTQI+ communities, who are increasingly facing persecution, imprisonment, torture or even death in more than 70 countries around the world including Chechnya, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Jamaica, Malaysia, Sudan and Uganda. People are invited to make their mark against homophobia by signing up to the Vangardist petition, and making a donation to Rainbow Railroad, who save lives by bringing people out of dangerous situations in countries where the LGBTQI+ community face persecution, torture and even death because of their sexuality. Vangardist will deliver the number of subscribers of the petition to the United Nations to implore them to add the rights of LGBTQi+ people to the United Nations “Universal Declaration of Human Rights". Integrated advertisement created by Serviceplan, Germany for Vangardist, within the category: Media.


Outdoor advertisement created by Jung von Matt, Germany for Bild, within the category: Media.


Digital advertisement created by Hello White Parrot, Germany for Playboy, within the category: Media.


Christmas SpecSpot for Heineken. Film advertisement created by HFF, Germany for Heineken, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.


Direct advertisement created by thjnk, Germany for Amnesty International, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by Leagas Delaney, Germany for, within the category: Professional Services.


Domestic violence affects 1 in 4 women in Germany, and millions of others around the world. But because people don’t pay much attention to statistics we used one of Berlin’s icons to raise awareness for this problem: the photo booth. Experiential advertisement created by DDB, Germany for Terre Des Femmes, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Advertising agency Innocean Berlin, Media.Monks, Massive Music & Hagens PR as well as several global contributors have come together to create “The Bookcase for Tolerance” an educational tool to help combat antisemitism, prejudice, inequality and discrimination. The project contains a docuseries, an app and a website containing personal stories of young people who face intolerance in their daily lives and change the perception towards those who are considered "different". And by doing so, the idea is to create a more tolerant world. A world without discrimination. #donthateeducate Integrated advertisement created by INNOCEAN Worldwide Europe, Germany for ANNE FRANK HOUSE, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


A DEA Squad is about to bust a hemp factory. Once inside they find out the bitter truth of their failed mission...but somehow they are still rewarded.


With the launch of its first women’s collection in April 2018 fashion brand PAISLEY is entering a new era. But it also wants to start a new era for women on a much bigger scale. The unadjusted Gender Pay Gap in Germany is 21%* (Federal Office Of Statistics, 2017). To change that, german creative hotshot MAYD, PAISLEYs Lead-Agency, started the next big campaign: FEM Currency. FEM is a new currency for women only, which is worth 21% more than any given currency. That means women who pay with FEM get 21% more. To start, Fem is available at the Paisley store where you can exchange your euros for FEM. Like any currency, FEM has its own notes. They are specially designed with several security features to avoid misuse. Each FEM note highlights a historic female figure like Marie Curie, Ada Lovelace, Amelia Earhart, Jane Austin, Rosa Luxemburg and Florence Nightingale, all who helped shape our society and pave the way for all women today. PAISLEY’S mission is to get as many partners on board to keep this project going until the gender pay gap is no longer a topic that needs addressing. And the interest is already overwhelming with the first stores already requesting to join the initiative. Direct advertisement created by MAYD, Germany for Fem Currency, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Film advertisement created by Serviceplan, Germany for Rodenstock, within the category: Retail Services.


Film advertisement created by antoni, Germany for Mercedes-Benz, within the category: Automotive.


For the PRE-SAFE® precrash system from Mercedes-Benz, we made chaotic traffic intersections safer. Everybody was able to look around the corners into the streets as if the walls were transparent, and could therefore detect potential hazards in time to avoid them. To achieve this, we used a camera to film what was going on around the corner. The images were projected onto an 18/1-format billboard on a building corner so all motorists and cyclists could see them. Ambient advertisement created by Jung von Matt, Germany for Mercedes, within the category: Automotive.


Film advertisement created by antoni, Germany for Mercedes, within the category: Automotive.

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