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Verishop is an enhanced e-commerce platform that combines quality curation and discovery with the convenience consumers have come to expect. As part of the launch, NYC-based indie film and content studio Bindery created a brand anthem video that dynamically captures what Verishop is all about.


Film advertisement created by JWT, India for Kingfisher, within the categories: Alcoholic Drinks, Sports.


Film advertisement created by 72andSunny, United States for Samsung, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Ambient advertisement created by Grey, Finland for Vianor, within the category: Automotive.


Film advertisement created by Sleek Machine, United States for Seek Thermal, within the category: Electronics, Technology.


Father’s Share, the new TV advert by Allan Gray, tells a heart-warming universal story, in a truly South African way, of a boy learning the value of long-term investing from his father. Film advertisement created by King James, South Africa for Allan Gray, within the category: Finance.


Film advertisement created by CP+B, United States for Xbox, within the category: Gaming.


This advert for the Guardian's open journalism, screened for the first time on 29 February 2012, imagines how we might cover the story of the three little pigs in print and online. Follow the story from the paper's front page headline, through a social media discussion and finally to an unexpected conclusion. Film advertisement created by BBH, United Kingdom for The Guardian, within the category: Media.


Task: To create a low-budget campaign for the special promotion of taxi PIATNITSA – 20% discount in the rain. Solution: We came up with simple and inexpensive idea to launch a campaign using non-standard media placement and the rain itself. On the windows of cafes and restaurants with the help of special water-repellent coating we put the logo taxi PIATNITSA and information about the promo, which could be seen only in the rain. Results: Budget – close to 0. The number of calls Taxi PIATNITSA in the rain increased by 30%. Digital advertisement created by AIDA, Belarus for Taxi Piatnitsa, within the category: Transport.


Digital advertisement created by Publicis, Brazil for SBT, within the category: Media.


To launch new Nude Risqué collection we created an air acrobatic ballet. The stunt leaves in the ballet dancers skin marks of the nude color combination to show that Brazilian women have the mixture of all nudes. Film advertisement created by Ampfy, Brazil for Risque, within the category: Beauty.


Film advertisement created by R&R Partners, United States for NHL, within the category: Sports.


Digital advertisement created by Wunderman, Argentina for Wunderman Buenos Aires, within the category: Agency Self-Promo.


Why is it necessary to include the word “black” to find black people pictures on search results? This is what the NGO Desabafo Social is questioning in the experiment #SearchForEquality (#BuscaPorIgualdade, in Portuguese) addressed to the largest image banks in the world – Getty Images, Shutterstock, Depositphotos and iStock Photos. The movement #SearchForEquality has engaged millions of people in Brazil in only a week making Google, Shutterstock and Depositphotos to discuss how to change their algorithms globally. Digital advertisement created by WE, Brazil for Desabafo Social, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.


Experiential advertisement created by Thinkmodo, United States for Sony Pictures, within the category: Movies.


Film advertisement created by The Martin Agency, United States for JFK Library, within the category: Recreation, Leisure.


Others videos : Mister Ham
And Zombie Girl

Thousands of items for1 euro. At this price, don't think twice.
On, there is a good deal for everyone, even people with no brains.


Proud to be working together at Air All Blacks. #CrazyAboutRugby


Audio advertisement created by Halo, South Africa for Elliott International, within the category: Professional Services.


Film advertisement created by Plum, United States for Gazelle, within the category: Retail Services.

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