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Israelis love hummus. Yet, no-one can ever agree on which hummus is the best. But there is one thing that everyone agrees on - packaged hummus is nowhere as good as authentic restaurant hummus. And so, we decided to change that perception with “Hummus Achla” - Israel’s No.2 packaged hummus brand - with the ultimate taste test. The idea: Open a hummus restaurant in the heart of Tel Aviv, which serves packaged hummus without the clients knowing it. We opened “Avi’s Hummus”- an authentic-looking hummus restaurant and to get people talking we invited diners to “pay by taste”. Pay any amount they think the hummus is worth. That alone got the restaurant packed with diners. And the compliments also started flooding in. Everyone was talking about this “pay by taste” hummus place, including the food critics. The amounts of money that people paid after their meal surprised even us. After two weeks we exposed our stunt to the people at the restaurant and then launched a campaign on TV, print, internet, and on social media revealing the secret behind the restaurant to the entire nation. Ambient advertisement created by Saatchi & Saatchi, Israel for Hummus Achla, within the category: Food.
Agency Account Man: Gau Narayanan, Paddy Heaney, Georgia Totvanian, Tamara Klemich, Jen Knox Production Company: Fat Lemon Director: Chris Faith Digital advertisement created by BBDO, United Kingdom for Uncle Ben's, within the category: Food.
Ambient advertisement created by Duval Guillaume, Belgium for Plan Belgium, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Integrated digital campaign launching “Wyborowa od Mistrza” – a premium craft sub brand of Wyborowa - Poland’s favorite vodka. Digital advertisement created by McCann, Poland for Pernod Ricard, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.
Digital advertisement created by Schbang, India for Finolex Pipes, within the categories: Health, Pharmaceutical.
A social film to celebrate teachers and the work they do for our children. Film advertisement created by Magnum Opus Partners, Australia for Kilvington Grammar School, within the category: Education.
The film starts with an idyllic realm of babbling brooks and relaxing background music. What we see next are 3 pandas performing tai chi on stepping stones, the scene getting more and more soothing. What follows is a cut to more real and familiar surroundings where we see a baby having had Sudcorem applied and looking visibly soothed. The voiceover by Kathy Burke reads ‘ahh that was soothing wasn’t it’. Cut to end frame with a range of pack shots balanced in perfect harmony as though they’re pebbles. Film advertisement created by McCann, United Kingdom for Sudocrem, within the category: Health.
A campaign dedicated to the little and lovely mountain villages in the Canton of Graubünden, Switzerland. Digital advertisement created by Jung von Matt, Switzerland for Graubünden Tourism, within the category: Transport.
Athena, number one seller of men underwear in retail stores across France is launching its brand new line while anouncing its partnership with the French Athletics team. The brand strategy brought by EURO RSCG 360 brings a new playful spirit to the brand. Gone is the idealized image of the muscle man, welcome fun and humor for a campaign as colorful as the new boxers. 4 athletes strip down in the first step of the integrated campaign in a series of outdoor ads and a making of that reveals the naked truth about advertising. Digital advertisement created by Euro RSCG, France for Athena, within the category: Fashion.
The film is a cinematic journey that shows the philosophy of a man who lives his life collecting experiences instead of money. Set to David Axelrod’s “The Edge,” a track made famous by Dr. Dre, Nate Dog and Snoop Dogg when they sampled it on their hit “The Next Episode,” we see the film’s hero leading the viewer through hyper-real scenes that tell the story of time well spent travelling the world, in good conversation, falling in love and learning new things. Film advertisement created by BBDO, United Kingdom for Martini, within the category: Alcoholic Drinks.
In history textbooks, there are not many women's names. We heard about the actions of Skoropadsky, Kotsyubinsky, Bandera, but we have not heard anything about their wives who had a direct impact on their husbands, and as a result on the politics of Ukraine. Such depreciation of women’s role has led to the fact that 70% of men in Ukraine are convinced that the woman's place is in the kitchen. Decision To draw attention to the problem, we chose well-known "male" surnames (Bandera, Skoropadsky, Kotsyubinsky) and told the story of women who stood behind them. Our idea was a unique packaging design for a limited batch of condensed milk. One hundred sets were sent to the leading Ukrainian media, bloggers and opinion leaders. Results The bold choice of surnames attracted the attention of 189 Ukrainian and 73 Russian media. The number of fans of the “Ichnyansky dairy and cannery” page on Facebook has increased by 1200%. The project with a budget of $ 14.69 covered 26,820,589 users. Design advertisement created by Tabasco, Ukraine for Ichnya, within the category: Food.